2023-03-10 04:51:43
- 1、Beautiful lies hurt you more often than violence, physical injury can recover, the in the mind of the wound is no cure.
- 2、Paper plane fly far away from my mood.
- 3、We do not lack opportunity, but in front of the opportunity to zero courage again.
- 4、时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。
- 5、天边的第一抹彩霞奉太阳之命前来开始日出,渐渐地,天边出现了一个小球,像一个糖心蛋的蛋黄一般红,天边也因此被染成了红色,就像着火了一般。
- 7、悲伤已经够难受了,更何况是隐藏悲伤。
- 8、Rather than humble flatter a relationship, not immune as aloof.
- 9、Love is not a charitable cause, so it can't be generous.
- 10、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.
- 11、You want to enjoy happiness, also have the courage to bear the sadness behind.
- 12、A sad thing in life is when you meet a very important person to you, he is all of you. However, you have no way to keep him.
- 13、There is no sunshine flowers don't sweet, love life is not sweet.
- 14、Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.
- 15、渐渐地天有些橙色的光,光色很弱,周围什么也看不见,好像那橙色的光只为照亮我一个人而存在。不知什么时候,天边也已成了金黄色,顿时,我看见了一切……温和的淡黄色的草地,小花也颜色各异,星星点点,装饰着淡黄色的草地。看!天空出现了鱼肚般泛白的太阳,虽然还没有出现一半,可看起来那么纯洁光明,让人进入无限的遐想当中。
- 17、这辈子的微笑,只为你绽放,像那晴天的小彩虹。
- 18、爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。
- 19、一个人最好记性不要太好,因为回忆越多,幸福感越少。
- 20、太阳出来的一刹那间,我看到无数相机拍下了这美丽而又激动人心的时刻。朦胧的雾已散去,新的一天又来到了,只见太阳在灰色的云海中慢慢升起,在云海的上方铺盖着一层太阳释放出来的橙色光芒,灰色的天空被照亮了大片。太阳一点一点向上升,越升越高。放眼望去,太阳是多么的耀眼多么的明亮。周围的天空也亮了起来,太阳完全出来了。
- 21、I always want you, without you I can not eat, sleep well, where are you!
- 22、再怎么飞扬跋扈的人,在软肋面前脆如薄冰,不堪一击。
- 23、我对你的期待千度,从日出到日落,一年又一年凋零的荣耀,却从未在你的灯光下暗淡。
- 24、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。
- 25、Love too deep to love a person often end up with is not the eternal love is only a short and painful love.
- 27、两只小鸟比翼双飞,日出而作日落而息。相濡以沫书写传奇,定格瞬间留住惊喜。
- 28、我在场地转悠,看到他们画的有红色的心,湛蓝色的云彩,橘黄色的日出,翠绿的绿叶和紫罗兰色的花朵。
- 29、When you fall in love, is to give each other, together. Love, is together, not separate.
- 30、一刹那间,这深红的东西,忽然发出了夺目的光亮,射得人眼睛发痛,同时附近的云也着了光彩。
- 31、黑色曼陀罗花田下,掩埋下一段凄惨绝望的爱恋?
- 32、我只希望有那么一天,不管怎样;我们能重新在一起;相依相伴,直到永远!
- 33、你从沉睡中醒来吧,你看一眼就能战胜伤害你的一切。
- 34、因为想要把你忘记真的好难,好舍不得。我是铁了心的爱你。
- 35、It's funny to suddenly find something to say at some time.
- 37、观看到美妙绝伦的山间日出。甚是心动!
- 38、好久好久没有看过日出了,好像从未被太阳晒过的感觉,好累!希望透过阳光能看到未来。
- 39、Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.
- 40、日出生情,日落成伤,失去了你,日出又日落,还有何意义,空荡的灵魂没了归处,世界剩了单一的颜色,心底进出着一种心情。
- 41、我只希望有那么一天,不管怎样;我们能重新在一起;相依相伴,直到永远!
- 42、When we met, but the indifference in sentimental farewell.
- 43、I won't humble to ask a woman give me back my left my man.
- 44、You said that because of me, so I won the world.
- 45、Rather than humble flatter a relationship, not immune as aloof.
- 47、我不会卑微到求一个女人把离开我的男人还给我。
- 48、Once owned, do not forget. Can not get, but also to cherish. Belong to you, don't give up. Has been lost, for the memories.
- 49、树叶日出而开日落而合,柳絮般的碎花在支离破碎的阳光里跳着舞。
- 50、I don't know what to say, I just suddenly miss her very much at the moment.
- 51、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。
- 52、The heart is the most important place, still leave you.
- 53、When you fall in love, is to give each other, together. Love, is together, not separate.