Only a life lived for others is worth it

  • 1、快乐之道不仅在于做自己喜欢的事,还在于做自己该做的事。
  • 2、三思而后行。
  • 3、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。
  • 4、好冬必有好夏。
  • 5、友谊靠双方。
  • 古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,必有坚忍不拔之志。
  • 6、古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,必有坚忍不拔之志。
  • 7、Dripping of grace, when animals are reported.
  • 8、烧伤过的孩子怕见火。

  • 9、今日愚人节,特颁愚人令。学猫三声叫,让我笑一笑,朝天吼三吼,吓走大狼狗。此令既已下,望尔速执行。四一愚人节,愚人不从命。
  • 10、你的温柔象天使在撒娇,你的美丽如惊艳的孔雀,你的体贴恰似心口上的风湿膏,你的眼睛好比可爱的大熊猫!
  • 11、Today's April fool's day, we went to fools。 Learn the cat three call, let me laugh, shout three shout into air, frighten big German shepherd。 Under this order is, at speed。 Designation for April fool's day, fool don't do it。
  • 12、江山易改,本性难移。
  • 13、Urgent notice: tonight to tomorrow morning have a small earthquake, for your safety, please wrapped in a quilt tonight, head a toilet, plant straw under the bed to sleep in his nostrils。
  • 14、好冬必有好夏。
  • 15、不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。
  • 16、你的温柔象天使在撒娇,你的美丽如惊艳的孔雀,你的体贴恰似心口上的风湿膏,你的眼睛好比可爱的大熊猫!
  • 17、All the wise for himself, a fool all for others.
  • 18、Sunrise wakes up the earth, and the reading awakening the mind.

  • 19、A lazy youth, a lousy age
  • Only to look at your ignorance, to expand their knowledge.
  • 20、Only to look at your ignorance, to expand their knowledge.
  • 21、For everything, only love is the best teacher, it is far better than the sense of responsibility.
  • 22、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。
  • 23、你的温柔象天使在撒娇,你的美丽如惊艳的孔雀,你的体贴恰似心口上的风湿膏,你的眼睛好比可爱的大熊猫!
  • 24、To save time is to lengthen life.
  • 25、A constant guest is never welcome
  • 26、听说最近你上电视了,不错哦!你可真上镜啊,那活蹦乱跳的样子,那自信满满的气势,那俏皮可爱的言行我早就知道,你演孙悟空准行!
  • 27、做忠实可靠的。
  • 28、节约时间就是延长生命。

  • 29、Your tenderness like angels in the play the woman, your beauty such as jing is colourful peacock, your thoughtfulness is rheumatism paste on the heart, your eyes like a lovely panda!
  • 30、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 31、住的很蜗居,活的很窝囊,生的很窝火,长得似窝瓜,吃的是窝头,愚人节到了,祝你和你的同事一窝子都开心快乐。
  • 32、以勇敢的胸膛面对逆境。
  • 33、Face all unusual distress, can only save the brave and strong.
  • A contented mind is a perpetual feast
  • 34、A contented mind is a perpetual feast
  • 35、A constant guest is never welcome
  • 36、江山易改,本性难移。
  • 37、如果你是小狗狗,我愿变成骨头给你啃;如果你孤单,我会用心来陪你;可这次我没带啥,只有香蕉一串,挂得高高的,我相信,你一定会叠上盒子把它摘取!
  • 38、好书如挚友,情谊永不渝。

  • 39、只有正视自己的无知,才能扩大自己的知识。
  • 40、Urgent notice: tonight to tomorrow morning have a small earthquake, for your safety, please wrapped in a quilt tonight, head a toilet, plant straw under the bed to sleep in his nostrils。
  • 41、The path to happiness is not just doing what I love, also is to do what you should do.
  • 42、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。
  • 43、如果你是小狗狗,我愿变成骨头给你啃;如果你孤单,我会用心来陪你;可这次我没带啥,只有香蕉一串,挂得高高的,我相信,你一定会叠上盒子把它摘取!
  • 44、Bold, bold and determination can is worth sophisticated weapons.
  • 45、A contented mind is a perpetual feast
  • 46、A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield
  • 47、少时懒惰,老来虱咬。
  • 勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。


  • 49、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 50、知足长乐。
  • 51、快乐之道不仅在于做自己喜欢的事,还在于做自己该做的事。
  • 52、All the wise for himself, a fool all for others.
  • 53、对一切来说,只有热爱才是最好的老师,它远远胜过责任感。
  • 54、The path to happiness is not just doing what I love, also is to do what you should do.
  • 55、Eat no fish
  • 56、美名易失,不易得。
  • 57、少时懒惰,老来虱咬。
  • 58、The three little pigs in the fight, the boss to scold: hello boring, will only send information! Second scold: you are more boring, everyday hair yellow joke! But the most boring is old, only to see not hair。
