
  • 1、当你认为被抛弃的时候,受损失的其实是对方:因为他失去了一个真正喜欢他的人,而你只不过少了一个不喜欢你的人罢了。
  • 2、Happiness is bread in the hands of the hungry, the tent on the vagrants, and the pursuit and yearning for a better life in the hearts of the unfortunate.
  • 3、Every person and every love is unique. Memories can sometimes be juxtaposed, not necessarily, but of importance.
  • 4、喜得龙子好征兆,福气灌满头到脚:龙腾虎跃快长高,龙行天下命途好,龙凤呈祥合家笑,龙马精神人气高!
  • 5、我现在所拥有的一切,都是我自己得来的,也许你相亲过很多次,可是你有真心付出过吗?你有努力过吗?你一定以为物质就可以换来爱情是吧!你不如去买彩票好了。也许隔天中了奖,就可以得到你想要的一切了。
  • 我想有一天,你在做饭我在捣乱。
  • 6、我想有一天,你在做饭我在捣乱。
  • 7、每天都在想着你对我好的瞬间。
  • 8、Happiness has nothing to do with wind and rain, not spring and autumn. Happiness is a feeling and a mood. Happiness comes from the recognition of one's own heart. The most important thing is happiness when one is not satisfied.
  • 9、A woman's life is like a flower that dies in the palm of her hand.

  • 10、It's hard to be a truly happy person for a long time, but it's easy to be a happy person. We don't want to be happy every day. It's good to be happy and often patronize ourselves.
  • 11、Happiness is when you are hungry, someone cooks for you, someone brings you water when you are thirsty, someone can rest when you are tired, someone accompanies you when you are sleepy.
  • 12、黄达(黄渤饰)是一个相貌平平,总被人欺负的包工头,热心满满,一事无成。多年来一直渴望娶妻生子,但相亲99次仍未成功。
  • 13、To work for the happiness of mankind, this is how magnificent the cause, this purpose is how great!
  • 14、幸福就是,可以欣赏周围所有的美好并将痕迹留在心里。
  • 15、It's hard to be a truly happy person for a long time, but it's easy to be a happy person. We don't want to be happy every day. It's good to be happy and often patronize ourselves.
  • 16、有些事也许已经是过去,可是,有些话,有些短信,总是让人忍不住收藏,因为那是在收藏一种幸福,一种曾经拥有过,享受过的幸福。喜欢那种被岁月沉淀后的沉静和忧郁。
  • 17、我想有一天,你在做饭我在捣乱。
  • 18、每天都可以仰望蔚蓝的天空,呼吸新鲜的空气,享受温柔的月光,这一切,不是应得的,你该学会感恩。
  • 日里想你,夜里念你,梦里有你,眼里是你,心里爱你!一切,只因我爱你!


  • 20、幸福是饥饿者手中的面包,是流浪人身上的那顶帐篷,是不幸者心中对美好生活的追求和向往。
  • 21、做个贼,早晨偷走你的棉被,夜晚偷走你的热吻。
  • 22、我看他笑,我也就跟着笑!
  • 23、十月艰辛一朝分娩,随着宝宝呱呱降生,我们初为人之父母,惊喜之余疯狂之后,迫不及待喜讯分享,特设酒宴办满月酒,邀请亲朋好友就席,望宝宝的天真可爱,给大家带来幸运吉祥。
  • 24、宝宝百日贺礼呈上,一顶可爱帽,一双快乐鞋,一件健康褂,一件平安裤,一套温暖服装,祈愿宝宝可爱漂亮,快乐成长,平安健康!
  • 25、When you melt into the Milky Way, you will light up the sky peacefully with the bright moon; when you go into the wilderness, you will smile and dye the green earth with the fresh wind. Only in this way can we treat life well and never lose our time.
  • 26、欣闻二位最近喜得娇儿(贵子),令人感觉无比快慰!送上迟到的祝贺。祝福你俩和你们幸运的小宝贝!
  • 27、每天都在想着你对我好的瞬间。
  • 28、Happiness comes from a quiet heart.
  • 29、他听完了开端,看见了中场,记住了结局,爱上了片段,然而作者是命运,没有给姐姐当主角的空挡。

  • 30、临死前,居然有人带着爱来找自己。这个世界还有人爱着你,你就不应该死。
  • 31、《101次求婚》剧情简介
  • 幸福你有了,快乐你有了,好运你有了,成功你有了,顺心你有了,如今孩子你也有了,真是好事连连呀,在这里只有祝福你喜得贵子,愿孩子平安健康。
  • 32、幸福你有了,快乐你有了,好运你有了,成功你有了,顺心你有了,如今孩子你也有了,真是好事连连呀,在这里只有祝福你喜得贵子,愿孩子平安健康。
  • 33、爱不需要言语,即使在远方,也能感受到。
  • 34、宁可失败在你喜欢的事情上,也不要成功在你所憎恶的事情上。
  • 35、Happiness comes from a quiet heart.
  • 36、是我太傻太天真,所谓的誓言你都做不到,我为何还要傻傻的保留着。
  • 37、龙年喜得宝,欢乐上眉稍:小小龙颜闹,霉运都吓跑;小小龙体安,万事都美妙;小小龙嘴笑,全家都热闹,龙宝生来有吉兆,合家欢乐添美好,祝你全家幸福美满,岁岁平安!
  • 38、《101次求婚》剧情简介
  • 39、有些事也许已经是过去,可是,有些话,有些短信,总是让人忍不住收藏,因为那是在收藏一种幸福,一种曾经拥有过,享受过的幸福。喜欢那种被岁月沉淀后的沉静和忧郁。

  • 40、同志:人类繁衍的脚步,离不开你翻山越峰的信心,曲径通幽的探索,坚强挺拔的毅力,终获爱情结晶,全人类对你为种族繁衍作出的个人贡献表示废寝忘食的恭贺,同时也祝愿您的新宝宝快乐成长,幸福万年!
  • 41、喜鹊喳喳叫,小孩哇哇叫,快乐的心情喜眉梢。一家喜气声,觥筹交错声,凑出一家的其乐融融。炮竹声声响,锣鼓咚咚响,震出一家的新希望。祝你孩子身体棒,聪明伶俐有理想。祝你喜得贵子,家庭兴旺。
  • 42、When you melt into the Milky Way, you will light up the sky peacefully with the bright moon; when you go into the wilderness, you will smile and dye the green earth with the fresh wind. Only in this way can we treat life well and never lose our time.
  • 43、To work for the happiness of mankind, this is how magnificent the cause, this purpose is how great!
  • 44、在选择职业时,我们应该遵循的主要方针是人类的幸福和我们自身的完美。
  • Happiness depends on fantasy, but happiness depends on reality.
  • 45、Happiness depends on fantasy, but happiness depends on reality.
  • 46、人活在世上,最大的快乐就是能让自己爱的人幸福,幸福的标准是你能满足她的不时之需。
  • 47、我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。
  • 48、For most people, how happy they are, how happy they are.
  • 49、简单,而又温馨的生活才叫做幸福。

  • 50、Happiness is the dark green of the distant mountains of the hometown. In the green mountains; in the prime minister's eyes; thousands of years later; your sunny face, ah, will always be my deep concern.
  • 51、伤感的爱情,属于我还是,属于回忆,我的爱回到了原本花开的季节,不在像畴前那样!我跟你离开了海角海角,在那边我们一路许下了一个但愿!
  • 52、Because the beauty of missing itself brings the gentle elegance of the author. Thus, a quiet and delicate woman leaped before the screen.
  • 53、恭贺你,家添新丁,人丁兴旺。恭喜你,喜得活宝,合家吉祥。祝福你喜上眉梢,喜笑开颜,嘻嘻哈哈,嘻嘻呵呵,老顽童牵手小顽童,幸福快乐,其乐融融!
  • 54、什么时候才能睡醒一翻身就能扑进你怀里阿。