
  • 1、只有经历人生的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。
  • 2、You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.
  • 3、当我已经不能离开你的时候,你已经离开我。
  • 4、The past is a memory, now is a struggle, is the target in the future.
  • 5、Every life is beautiful, even a small flower also won't refuse.
  • Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality.

    6、Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality.

  • 7、Weeds more local crops, less talk more than wisdom.
  • 8、Love of flowers ethereal, as usual, dusty the vicissitudes of time.
  • 9、Shiva kind daughter-in-law good daughter in-law as mother and daughter, green tea DanFan delicate cate.
  • 10、Never open unbeaten flower, the good faith the Chinese virtue never faded.
  • 11、The sun light up the road of life, and the moon light to the soul.
  • 12、Not every dream will be realized, not everyone is always the same.
  • 13、Only a thankful heart, to experience the taste of happiness.
  • 14、定期去检查身体吧,别等最后别人送你去。
  • 15、云物不殊乡国异,教儿且覆掌中杯。杜甫《小至》
  • 16、不是每个梦都会实现,不是每个人都永远不变。

  • 17、花香飘渺,一如往昔的爱恋,尘封时间的沧桑。
  • 18、得相能开国,生儿不象贤。刘禹锡《蜀先主庙》
  • 19、Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
  • Nothing is tired, love for nothing, to be loved is really comfortable and happy.
  • 20、Nothing is tired, love for nothing, to be loved is really comfortable and happy.
  • 21、读书不觉已春深,一寸光阴一寸金。王贞白《白鹿洞二首·其一》
  • 22、想见读书头已白,隔溪猿哭瘴溪藤。黄庭坚《寄黄几复》
  • 23、一旦一个人停止寻求知识和信息,就会变得无知。
  • 24、Day didn't spirit for me, so my mind, my bones and muscles.
  • 25、Attitude is everything. Detail decides success or failure, life habits achievements.
  • 26、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

  • 27、Not every dream will be realized, not everyone is always the same.
  • 28、一身报国有万死,双鬓向人无再青。陆游《夜泊水村》
  • 29、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。
  • 30、帮助别人不希望得到回报的人,心里不感到失落。
  • 31、小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。李煜《虞美人·春花秋月何时了》
  • 32、天时怼兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原野。屈原《国殇》
  • 33、Although these three words seemingly ordinary, but to do must be in.
  • 只要你今天比昨天进步,那么你就是第一。
  • 34、只要你今天比昨天进步,那么你就是第一。
  • 35、把你爱我当成一种习惯,把我爱你当成一种习惯的习惯。
  • 36、Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.

  • 37、The value of a life, the key still depends on living people.
  • 38、Not every dream will be realized, not everyone is always the same.
  • 39、Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality.
  • 40、不准你胡思乱想,我心就这麽大,装的全是你。
  • 41、Xiao is not kind to parents for fools, unfilial children is for fools.
  • 42、Every day begins with a smile, and wanted to hold out until the day of the past.
  • 43、微笑是一缕春风,那么它会吹散郁积在心头的阴霾;如果说微笑是一抹阳光,那么它能温暖受伤苦闷的心。
  • 44、归志宁无五亩园,读书本意在元元。陆游《读书》
  • 45、一个人不懂怎么拥有,两个人不懂怎么珍惜。
  • 46、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

  • 47、不准你胡思乱想,我心就这麽大,装的全是你。
  • 西施若解倾吴国,越国亡来又是谁。罗隐《西施》
  • 48、西施若解倾吴国,越国亡来又是谁。罗隐《西施》
  • 49、Shiva kind daughter-in-law good daughter in-law as mother and daughter, green tea DanFan delicate cate.
  • 50、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。
  • 51、To defeat their own is far more than beat than others.
  • 52、Built in the pain in my life, all life penetration clothing pain.
  • 53、Have you found? Many people we can't disturb.
  • 54、Love if you want it good, don't think too much the result of it.
  • 55、自尊是一个人的脊梁,自尊是一种无畏的气概。
  • 56、Love is not a magnificent and victorious oath, but flatly light company.
