2023-02-04 14:13:42
- 1、Life is a fugitive, cannot lay down and die.
- 2、也许错过一瞬,就是错过一世。
- 3、Applause for each stage to sing.
- 4、社会在发展中前进,人类在学习中成长!
- 5、只有时间,才可以证明爱情的价值。
- 6、Various hidden dangers. People don't concern, concern!
- 7、女人相信镜子,男人相信女人的眼睛。
- 9、出不入兮往不反,平原忽兮路超远。屈原《国殇》
- 10、投资幸福感,不再为巨额的烦恼买单。
- 11、与其说人类的幸福来自偶尔发生的鸿运,不如说来自每天都有的小实惠。富兰克林
- 12、Boys don't show cloud, empty negative natural body eight feet.
- 13、读书不觉已春深,一寸光阴一寸金。王贞白《白鹿洞二首·其一》
- 14、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。迪斯雷里
- 15、霾两轮兮絷四马,援玉枹兮击鸣鼓。屈原《国殇》
- 16、人的价值就像果子一样有它的季节。
- 17、三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。颜真卿《劝学诗》
18、Endurance first, brain for after.
- 19、The value of people like fruit has its season.
- 20、用功不求太猛,但求有恒。曾国藩
- 21、青春的梦想,是未来的真实的投影。
- 22、尽力做好一件事,实乃人生之首务。
- 23、The way of your dreams, whether lost smile!
- 24、山围故国周遭在,潮打空城寂寞回。刘禹锡《金陵五题·石头城》
- 25、最贫的是无才,最贱的是无志。约翰生
- 26、光明给我们经验,读书给我们知识。
- 27、生如夏花,在感恩的细雨中更显艳丽。
28、Put yourself in the crowd to evaluate, is objective.
- 29、但梦想、一枝潇洒,黄昏斜照水。周邦彦《花犯·小石梅花》
- 30、Against the light never just in the past, rather than the future.
- 31、治学有三大原则:广见闻,多阅读,勤实验。戴布劳格利
- 32、Try my best to do one thing, is the life of service.
- 33、自信和希望是青年的特权。
- 34、最是仓皇辞庙日,教坊犹奏别离歌,垂泪对宫娥。李煜《破阵子·四十年来家国》
- 35、Open your heart, know already no longer is hard to find.
- 36、Only to find a successful direction, not to find excuses for failure.
- 37、精彩完美的人生,是怀着感激的人生。
- 39、Thicker than blood, friendship light like water, love is sweet as honey.
- 40、好动与不满足是进步的第一必需品。爱迪生
- 41、珍惜现在所拥有的幸福,活在当下最好。
- 42、不要“逼客人看你的家庭相册。
- 43、It is better to do than to do celebrities, own the original.
- 44、Material poverty is not a fault, spiritual poverty is the regret.
- 45、一念愚即般若绝,一念智即般若生。
- 46、Perfect life, is the life with gratitude.
- 47、Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from the experience.
48、The value of people like fruit has its season.
- 49、Say it out is not bitter, said not to complain.
- 50、爱情的意义在于帮助对方提高,同时也提高自己。车尔尼雪夫斯基
- 51、登临送目,正故国晚秋,天气初肃。王安石《桂枝香·登临送目》
- 52、Accustomed to lonely, just because haven't wait for the right person.
- 53、Thicker than blood, friendship light like water, love is sweet as honey.
- 54、Ning to people, not on others, is not false to people.
- 55、逆境可以使人变得聪明,尽管不能使人变得富有。托夫勒