
  • 1、Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.
  • 2、爱你的感觉,最美好。
  • 3、Your world is very big, and my world, only you.
  • 4、这一辈子,我需要的不多,一碗饭一杯茶而已,但是我希望饭是你做的,茶是你泡的。
  • 5、我希望有这么一个人陪我一直到老,白首不分离。

    Do not say, you regret deciding what, take a person's hand to let go, it should be tolerant to each other to bear it!
  • 6、Do not say, you regret deciding what, take a person's hand to let go, it should be tolerant to each other to bear it!
  • 7、擦去脸上的泪水,却带不走心中痛楚的感觉。
  • 8、对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。
  • 9、The greatest happiness in my life is to be able to fall asleep gently every night and wake you every morning.
  • 10、雪落无痕,雁过留声。
  • 11、幸福,只不过是想让快乐有一个存在下去的理由。
  • 12、Your world is very big, and my world, only you.
  • 13、左手龙年美,右手蛇年欢,衣袂挂吉祥,脸庞荡笑颜,眼角露喜庆,嘴角翘平安,舞步踏发财,歌声绕真爱。祝你蛇年大吉大利,万事顺利。
  • 14、我的影子叠在你身上,你的眼里折射出温暖我的光。
  • 15、不要说,你后悔决定了什么,牵起一个人的手放开了,那就要用彼此宽容来承担吧!

  • 16、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人,过一辈子。
  • 17、如果可以的话,接下来的路一起走,你的幸福,我买单。
  • Without you, the color is a single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!
  • 18、Without you, the color is a single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!
  • 19、Always in imperceptible in, the tears betrayed everything I want.
  • 20、马年将至,愿你快乐像发文件一样多,烦恼像抓落实一样少,友谊像颁奖典礼一样长,好运像会议一样每天有,祝福像检查一样说到就到!
  • 21、怪我藏不住喜欢,黑眼圈都在对你表白。
  • 22、三十团圆饭,初一迎新年。初二回娘家,初三在家闲。初四喜事多,初五财神来。初六写总结,春节假期完。长假放七天,喜庆大团圆。假期过得还开心吧?
  • 23、If you can, the next way together, your happiness, I pay the bill.
  • 24、我中有你,你中有我。
  • 25、In this life, I need not much, a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope that the rice is you made, the tea is you.

  • 26、When I say what I say, I now know that it's the most painful, dear, I think I can't leave you all my life.
  • 27、有你牵着我的手,我就可以勇敢往前走。
  • 28、春节送你福星点点:存折多个小数点,买房少个百分点,幸福指数几千点,执股涨个上万点,吉祥祝福千万点,好运收获亿万点,春节祝全家幸福健康。
  • 29、沉默是害怕的借口,傻笑是委屈的理由。
  • The furthest distance in the world is not the space between life and death, not Tiangeyifang, but I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you.
  • 30、The furthest distance in the world is not the space between life and death, not Tiangeyifang, but I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you.
  • 31、山河能遮挡视线,却隔不开深深思念;经纬能拉开距离,却挡不住真挚情感;岁月能流逝华年,却扯不断友情的线。迎新年,朋友在我心间,捎去祝福片片!
  • 32、沉默是害怕的借口,傻笑是委屈的理由。
  • 33、Life is not a game, so we do not have the right to give it up only by our own will.
  • 34、新春佳节之际祝您:东行吉祥,南走顺利,西出平安,北走无虑,中有健康;左逢源,右发达,前有福星,后有菩萨;内积千金,外行好运!祝新年快乐!
  • 35、明夕何夕,君已陌路。

  • 36、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人,过一辈子。
  • 37、亲爱的,这一刻我不能在你身边陪伴,但我用我最深的思念,让云儿捎上我的祝福点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有幸福快乐和我终身甜蜜的相伴!
  • 38、男人哭了,是因为他真的爱了!女人哭了,是因为她真的放弃了!
  • 39、燃放一束烟花,绽开灿烂的光芒;张贴一幅春联,抒写新春的希望;准备一桌年饭,凝聚亲情的力量;发送一条短信,诚挚的祝福激荡。新年吉祥!
  • 40、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。
  • 41、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
  • 我希望有这么一个人陪我一直到老,白首不分离。
  • 42、我希望有这么一个人陪我一直到老,白首不分离。
  • 43、对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。
  • 44、Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.
  • 45、情如老酒封存愈久愈香醇,一句短短祝福就能开启坛盖品尝浓醇酒香;友情就如一轮红日默默付出而无求,一声轻轻问候就是一束温暖阳光。祝春节快乐!

  • 46、鱼对水说:你看不见我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说:我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。
  • 47、When I say what I say, I now know that it's the most painful, dear, I think I can't leave you all my life.
  • 48、看到你的手我就能安心,陪你天涯海角。
  • 49、世界上最遥远的距离,不是生于死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。
  • 50、The wind gently blow the night fog away color make pictures only helpless.