I hope you know, someone always care of you and caring you all the time。 An yuan snack of lights, it is your smiling love eyes, it compose in sparking starshanging on the curtain of my heart。

  • 1、Go to the office every morning, I feel like I'm going to church, to paint murals!
  • 2、人有二亩田,白天的一亩田是填饱肚子,晚上的一亩田是耕种自己的未来。
  • 3、Do you want to go hiking at Xiang Shan ? 我们一起去爬香山怎么样?
  • 4、Health from sports, to his athletic life, you want to be all things sports。健康来自运动,生命来自己运动,一切想要的东西都要运动。
  • 5、Life lies in movement。 生命在于运动

  • 6、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。
  • 7、Do you want to go hiking at Xiang Shan ? 我们一起去爬香山怎么样?
  • 8、Although the sun is warm, can illuminate a long time, will also be vilification.
  • 9、You so thorough analysis problem, the teacher I wish every class can hear you speak.
  • 10、Can't do the most happy, but must do the most authentic self.
  • 11、Health from sports, to his athletic life, you want to be all things sports。健康来自运动,生命来自己运动,一切想要的东西都要运动。
  • 12、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.
  • 13、Efforts to develop sports, to our national mental health training to become a happy person。努力发展体育事业,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。
  • 14、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.
  • 15、Living life, how is the most important is not how, but what do you think about your situation.

  • 16、世上最累人的事,莫过於虚伪的过日子。
  • 17、Form the determinants of genius should be diligent.
  • 18、Don't say who is your favorite, life is also very long, can't predict tomorrow.
  • The reasonable man ADAPTS himself to the world; A manic people want to make the world to himself.
  • 19、The reasonable man ADAPTS himself to the world; A manic people want to make the world to himself.
  • 20、As long as you believe in yourself, you will know how to live.
  • 21、You so thorough analysis problem, the teacher I wish every class can hear you speak.
  • 22、Who can I go or stay, set the universe in my heart, just want to rely on his hands, and ideal waved.
  • 23、我总怕有一天。就算感情没有变。我和你是在遇上别人以后遇见。
  • 24、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。
  • 25、请别带着我一点一点的回温和他曾经的片段,我会无奈。

  • 26、Walking promote my mind。 My body must be in constant motion, their brains will be put into operation。散步促进我的思想。我的身体必须不断运动,脑筋才会开动起来。
  • 27、不要因为自己还年轻,用健康去换去金钱,等到老了,才明白金钱却换不来健康。
  • 28、只要你相信自己,你就会懂得如何生活。
  • 29、我总怕有一天。就算感情没有变。我和你是在遇上别人以后遇见。
  • 30、Please don't take me back to moderate little by little he had, I helpless.
  • 31、Life is like an article, only after carefully modified many times, to constantly improve.
  • 谁能定我去或留,定我心中的宇宙,只想靠两手,和理想挥手。
  • 32、谁能定我去或留,定我心中的宇宙,只想靠两手,和理想挥手。
  • 33、阳光虽然暖和,可照射的时间长了,也会遭到谩骂。
  • 34、Work hard, in the work reflects ego value.
  • 35、努力工作,在工作中体现自我的价值。

  • 36、No umbrella children must try to run.
  • 37、智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。
  • 38、I'm always afraid of one day. Even if the relationship does not change. You and I are meeting after meeting.
  • 39、Wall rely on strong foundation, strong body by exercise。墙靠基础坚,身强靠锻炼。
  • 40、my grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day。 我爷爷每天都拿着保健球锻炼。
  • 41、Life is a no return one-way road, god will not give you a return ticket.
  • 42、阳光虽然暖和,可照射的时间长了,也会遭到谩骂。
  • 43、谁能定我去或留,定我心中的宇宙,只想靠两手,和理想挥手。
  • 44、Although the sun is warm, can illuminate a long time, will also be vilification.
  • Don't because they are young, with healthy to change to the money, wait for old age, it became clear that money can't but health.

    45、Don't because they are young, with healthy to change to the money, wait for old age, it became clear that money can't but health.

  • 46、我总怕有一天。就算感情没有变。我和你是在遇上别人以后遇见。
  • 47、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。
  • 48、The reasonable man ADAPTS himself to the world; A manic people want to make the world to himself.
  • 49、They can be closer to nature。 他们可以更加地亲近大自然。
  • 50、Life is like a parabola, since each handing down, when the heart of mixed emotions.
  • 51、The essence of life lies in motion, tranquil tranquil is death。人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。