
  • 1、命运中不能使我们在一起,相守相依,不离不弃。也许,从相遇的一开始,爱,就是一种捉弄。爱,不是一场游戏,我们都玩不起,也承担不起那伤的重量。
  • 2、还不想长大吗你要明白你喜欢的不一定是你的
  • 3、愿你听见我的名字时眉眼带笑愿你在见到我时不管不顾给我个拥抱
  • 4、恍惚间听到和你相似的声音先是一颤然后楞了神。
  • 5、你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。
  • Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 6、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 7、我身材其实挺好,肥而不腻。
  • 8、我化吉为凶与地狱血脉相同

  • 9、Under the black Datura flower field, buried a sad and desperate love?
  • 10、爱里面不但包含了许多悲哀和伤痕,还包括了埋怨,妒忌和轻视啊。
  • 11、In addition to you, this world won't someone let my firm to out of control.
  • 12、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。
  • 13、总是在最美丽的年纪丢失了爱笑的自己
  • 14、Love is the mist, you are in the fog rose, across the green yarn to see you, call me!
  • 15、擦肩而过,你我,并不是属于彼此的,无所谓的珍重与再见,无所谓的感受与苦涩已化作尘埃飘过,我们该珍惜现在。
  • 16、走了就不要回头我怕我会再次挽留.
  • 17、花繁柳密处拨得开,方见手段;风狂雨骤时立得定,才是脚跟。
  • 18、I wondered if it would be beautiful to stop when I crossed the road.

  • 19、Love is not only rich and colorful, but also feast for the eyes.
  • Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
  • 20、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
  • 21、人总在记忆中沉沦,为路过我们生命的那些人哭着,笑着。
  • 22、有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上最无情的杀手!
  • 23、Will love as an ideal one, there will be no real ideal.
  • 24、There is a friendship, no less than love, is not ambiguous, called blue.
  • 25、Happiness seems very close, but it depends on whether you can grasp it.
  • 26、There is no sunshine flowers don't sweet, love life is not sweet.
  • 27、The so-called love is to have so a person, can easily control your emotions, make you cry, moments before the next moment, let you laughed.
  • 28、如所有苦衷都得到原谅

  • 29、蜿蜒的山脊盘旋成一只张牙舞爪的龙,我们在龙角凝视,看向远方。
  • 30、Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 31、淑女郎君两意知,银辉盈窗沐青丝。艳存罗帐鸳鸯梦,琼玉冰清笑乐怡。
  • 32、有一种友谊不低于爱情, 不叫暧昧、叫蓝颜。
  • 33、Love not only included sadness and scars, also includes the complains, envy and contempt.
  • 你想过普通的生活,就会遇到普通的挫折,你想过上最好的生活,就烦恼天天有,不捡自然无,花时间去讨厌自己讨厌的人,你就少了时间去爱自己喜欢的人。花时间去计较让你不爽的事情,你就少了时间去体验让你爽的事情。恨,烦,焦虑,难过都是别人带来的,可时间是你的。所以节约自己的时间比生活不是云淡风轻的美丽,需要脚踏实地的在浪涛中搏击。那拥抱真是很奇妙,虽然两颗心靠得很近,却看不见对方的脸。
  • 34、你想过普通的生活,就会遇到普通的挫折,你想过上最好的生活,就烦恼天天有,不捡自然无,花时间去讨厌自己讨厌的人,你就少了时间去爱自己喜欢的人。花时间去计较让你不爽的事情,你就少了时间去体验让你爽的事情。恨,烦,焦虑,难过都是别人带来的,可时间是你的。所以节约自己的时间比生活不是云淡风轻的美丽,需要脚踏实地的在浪涛中搏击。那拥抱真是很奇妙,虽然两颗心靠得很近,却看不见对方的脸。
  • 35、愿你听见我的名字时眉眼带笑愿你在见到我时不管不顾给我个拥抱
  • 36、人生漫漫,情意长长,爱意悠悠,春夏秋冬的轮回,不变的是真情意。是谁,将它苦苦恋,又有谁,为爱痴,为爱狂,为爱醉呢,生命短暂,情意有限。
  • 37、爱上了你,我才领略思念的滋味、分离的愁苦和妒忌的煎熬,还有那无休止的占有欲.为什么你的一举一动都让我心潮起伏?为什么我总害怕时光飞逝而无法与你终生厮守?
  • 38、The sorrow of life is that when you meet someone who is important to you, he is everything to you. However, you have no way to keep him.

  • 39、If you are waiting for you is a kind of happiness, then let it go is a kind of perfect, perfect on both sides.
  • 40、Feel do and cannot do, only between a read.
  • 41、花繁柳密处拨得开,方见手段;风狂雨骤时立得定,才是脚跟。
  • 42、人总在记忆中沉沦,为路过我们生命的那些人哭着,笑着。
  • 43、A casual, your smile is who the world.
  • 44、爱神善意而美丽的谎言,铭刻了走在爱的路上珍爱的幸运,拯救了爱情的延续,恢复了名节与健康,洋溢了爱的名誉,传播了真爱的永恒与幸福。
  • 45、You said that because of me, so I won the world.
  • 46、看着零星的花蕾青涩的一点一点长大,羞涩的一点一点绽放,总是莫名的把它和爱情连在一起,不,是与他的那段情连在一起。从相识相知相恋,发展成热恋,再蔓延到后来争吵决裂,斐然离开,不正如一朵花开的过程吗?
  • 47、爱情、希望、恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征。
  • Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine.

    48、Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine.

  • 49、和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。
  • 50、Some people go is never returned, so, wait and hesitation is the world's most ruthless killer!
  • 51、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
  • 52、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。
  • 53、当你们相爱,就是给了对方,在一起的信念。爱,就是在一起,不分开。
  • 54、Love is the best tonic in life.
  • 55、生病了从来不买药,能熬一天是一天,也许明天就好了。
  • 56、我身材其实挺好,肥而不腻。