
  • 1、Mother, I love you from the deep soul, I would like to give your life to you, how much you accept, it was so, and now it will never change. Happy mother's Day!
  • 2、鲜花绽放我的牵挂,清泉流淌我的思念;阳光播撒您的慈祥,轻风吹来您的善良;母亲节我给您请个:妈妈吉祥!
  • 3、创造了妈妈,星期天是母亲节感谢阿姨在N年前生下你,让我在今天能有你这个好朋友,祝阿姨身体健康,母亲节快乐!
  • 4、慈母手中线,关爱一大片,亲情浓浓现,相伴一生在心田,游子身上衣,挂念两相系,真爱聚一起,相约一世爱传递,母亲节,祝你节日快乐。
  • 5、你可曾照过镜子,你是否相信,你的美貌举世无双,令人倾倒,但我爱你的心灵,胜于你的容貌。母亲节快乐!
  • 母爱,让我们在生活中品味酸甜苦辣,让我们在沙尘暴中认清方向,母爱就是人世间一道亮丽的风景线。如果人世间没有母爱,就好比植物缺少了阳光,鱼儿缺少了河流;一个人如果缺少了母爱,就会在人生旅途中迷失方向,徜徉徘徊,有时甚至会误入歧途。
  • 6、母爱,让我们在生活中品味酸甜苦辣,让我们在沙尘暴中认清方向,母爱就是人世间一道亮丽的风景线。如果人世间没有母爱,就好比植物缺少了阳光,鱼儿缺少了河流;一个人如果缺少了母爱,就会在人生旅途中迷失方向,徜徉徘徊,有时甚至会误入歧途。
  • 7、You sow the sun for me, and you will stop the rain for me. On the way of growing up, people are concerned about how high I fly. Only you care about me and not tired. Mother's day, I wish mom a happy holiday!

  • 8、世上最伟大的爱是母爱,从古代到近代再到现在,所有的情和爱,无私的付出和善良的期待。今天我要祝福天下母亲节日愉快!
  • 9、对于我们来说,最大的幸福莫过于有理解自已的父母,我得到了这种幸福,并从未失去过,所以在您的生日,我要对您说声:谢谢!
  • 10、母亲,是您,在我熟睡中替我掖好踢开的被褥;是您,在我犯错误时挡在面前替我向父亲求情;是您,为无论何时回家的我准备可口的饭菜。现如今,您已年迈,我亦长大,我只想好好呵护您,为您掖被,愿您健康长寿。
  • 11、虽然我们过着最平淡的生活,母爱却渗透在生活的一点一滴里。在母亲的节日里,祝福天下所有的母亲都幸福快乐!永远年轻!
  • 12、When mother's day comes, I will do for my mother a bouquet of white carnations, and I see the petals of red blood, is that I miss the mother's tears.
  • 13、母亲节到了,儿子诚恳祝愿母亲身体健康少得病;心情愉快不上火;生活幸福无忧烦,送您一束康乃馨,愿您天天顺心,月月舒心,年年开心!
  • 14、Always hope that happiness surrounds you; always expects happiness to embrace you; always expect health to be with you; always hope to do more for you. Bless you and my most loved one.
  • 15、您为我播种阳光,您为我阻挡风雨。成长路上,别人都关心我飞得高不高,只有您关心我累不累。母亲节,祝妈妈节日快乐!
  • 16、父母像船,把我们带到理想的彼岸;父母像灯,把我们引像灿烂的未来;父母像钟,陪我们一天天长大;感谢父亲的坚强,母亲的细心,让我们茁壮成长!
  • 17、妈妈!你是我一辈子的骄傲!直到当了母亲才深刻的体会到母亲一切切的不容易。我深深的愿您一切安康!内心的话都在不言中!

  • 18、您为我播种阳光,您为我阻挡风雨。成长路上,别人都关心我飞得高不高,只有您关心我累不累。母亲节,祝妈妈节日快乐!
  • Mother, you are the big river, take my boat to the other side. Mother you are an umbrella and protect me when I am in trouble. My mother, you are a book, has taught me the truth of being a man.
  • 19、Mother, you are the big river, take my boat to the other side. Mother you are an umbrella and protect me when I am in trouble. My mother, you are a book, has taught me the truth of being a man.
  • 20、Mother, you are the big river, take my boat to the other side. Mother you are an umbrella and protect me when I am in trouble. My mother, you are a book, has taught me the truth of being a man.
  • 21、许一个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连,送一份美妙的感觉祝你万事圆圆,发一条短短的信息祝你心顺甜甜。
  • 22、拥有感恩的心,你会更加热爱这个世界,更加热爱生活。拥有感恩的心,你会懂得,惟有懂得报恩的人生,才是有价值有意义的人生。
  • 23、许一个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连,送一份美妙的感觉祝你万事圆圆,发一条短短的信息祝你心顺甜甜。
  • 24、Mother, I love you from the deep soul, I would like to give your life to you, how much you accept, it was so, and now it will never change. Happy mother's Day!
  • 25、妈妈,您为了我黑发变白,费尽心血。今天是您的节日,谢谢您!您辛苦了!我会尽我所能报答您我最亲的妈妈!祝您母亲节快乐!
  • 26、每当母亲节来临时,我都会为我的母亲献上一束白色的康乃馨,而我仿佛看到了那花瓣上殷红的血,那是我思念母亲的泪。
  • 27、It is difficult to raise children. When I am a mother, I understand your love for me. In this special day, I want to tell you that I love you!

  • 28、拥有感恩的心,你会更加热爱这个世界,更加热爱生活。拥有感恩的心,你会懂得,惟有懂得报恩的人生,才是有价值有意义的人生。
  • 29、Without water, seeds can't germinate. Without flowers, flowers can't be opened. Without mother, I can't grow.
  • 30、Happiness is health. If my blessing can bring you a healthy source, I wish to pray for you day and night. Mother, mother's day child, I wish you more.
  • 31、妈妈,您为了我黑发变白,费尽心血。今天是您的节日,谢谢您!您辛苦了!我会尽我所能报答您我最亲的妈妈!祝您母亲节快乐!
  • 诉不尽的爱都付笑谈中,讲不完的情都付睡梦中,享不够的福都在我心中,摆不出的话都在短信中,对您的爱深埋心底,好想说声:我爱您。母亲节,愿亲爱的妈妈平安健康,天天开心。
  • 32、诉不尽的爱都付笑谈中,讲不完的情都付睡梦中,享不够的福都在我心中,摆不出的话都在短信中,对您的爱深埋心底,好想说声:我爱您。母亲节,愿亲爱的妈妈平安健康,天天开心。
  • 33、养儿方知育儿难,当我作了母亲才明白了您对我点点滴滴的爱,在这个特别的日子里,我要告诉您我爱您!
  • 34、母爱是天下最温柔的爱,胜过三月春晖;母爱是世间最博大的爱,超过无边巨海;母爱是人间最无私的爱,岂是春蚕可比?母亲节至,愿天下母亲平安、幸福。
  • 35、一直以来,你为咱父子俩操碎了心,而有时我们还不怎么领情。如今想想,真是:老婆伟大,咱们该死。老婆大人,孩子他妈万岁。
  • 36、风是爱的召唤,雨是情的交融,最爱你的人最牵挂你的人永远是你母亲!转给六位好友,你的母亲会很平安!别偷懒,为妈妈值得!母亲节快乐。
  • 37、走过千山,趟过万水,想念母亲最纯粹,看过潮起,观过月落,挂念母亲最执着,尝尽冷暖,品遍酸甜,祝福母亲最永远,祝朋友,母亲节快乐。

  • 38、妈妈:您的宽容,让我学会了饶恕;您的善良,让我懂得了怜悯;您的自尊,让我明白了忍耐;您的坚强;让我知道了面对。妈妈,我爱您!
  • 39、母亲您永远是我心灵的港湾,祝亲爱的妈妈健康快乐!这世上永远那么温柔的,只有您。感谢您,妈妈!
  • 40、Miss, full of affectionate sky! Pray, in this beautiful season! Happiness, mother's selfless love! Wish: dear mother's life, health, health, happy mother's Day!
  • 41、You sow the sun for me, and you will stop the rain for me. On the way of growing up, people are concerned about how high I fly. Only you care about me and not tired. Mother's day, I wish mom a happy holiday!
  • 42、May my blessing be like a flower, always blooming in this warm harvest season, and always embellish the joy and joy for you. Mom, happy mother's Day!
  • 43、Without water, seeds can't germinate. Without flowers, flowers can't be opened. Without mother, I can't grow.
  • 44、你善意的叮嘱,我不懂珍惜,一旦你不在我身边,我才晓得你对我的可贵。妈妈,希望你平安快乐每一天。
  • 你善意的叮嘱,我不懂珍惜,一旦你不在我身边,我才晓得你对我的可贵。妈妈,希望你平安快乐每一天。
  • 45、你善意的叮嘱,我不懂珍惜,一旦你不在我身边,我才晓得你对我的可贵。妈妈,希望你平安快乐每一天。
  • 46、风是爱的召唤,雨是情的交融,最爱你的人最牵挂你的人永远是你母亲!转给六位好友,你的母亲会很平安!别偷懒,为妈妈值得!母亲节快乐。
  • 47、For us, the greatest happiness is that we have the understanding of our parents. I have been happy and never lost. So on your birthday, I want to say "thank you" to you.

  • 48、Happiness is health. If my blessing can bring you a healthy source, I wish to pray for you day and night. Mother, mother's day child, I wish you more.
  • 49、虽然我们过着最平淡的生活,母爱却渗透在生活的一点一滴里。在母亲的节日里,祝福天下所有的母亲都幸福快乐!永远年轻!
  • 50、You kindly told me that I do not know how to cherish, and once you are not around me, I know you are valuable to me. Mom, I hope you are safe and happy every day.
  • 51、没有水份,种子就不能发芽;没有太阳,花儿就不能开放;没有母亲,我就不能成长;愿妈妈健康长寿,生活开心幸福!