
  • 1、不是我不给你机会,而是我给了你机会,你却让我没有了机会。
  • 2、Moon shine on kyushu, mooncakes CARES。 Have a taste of the normally open XiaoKou to bite, a bit of luck to have a look at happy hand in hand。 Smell, happiness to grow old with you。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 3、有的人爱说目标很难达到,那是由于他们的意志薄弱所致。
  • 4、月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光默默的为你祝福。祝中秋节快乐!
  • 5、"Don't be the last." Even slower, almost, longitudinal will lag behind, longitudinal will fail, but must be dominating can achieve his goal.

    Something is out of our control, so we have to control ourselves.
  • 6、Something is out of our control, so we have to control ourselves.
  • 7、步履是治愈恐惊的良药,而踌躇、耽搁将不停恐惊。
  • 8、为了眼前的满足而放弃长远的目标,这就是拖沓。
  • 9、幼儿时期可以没什么宏伟目标,成人时代则不可无此。
  • 10、In the distant targets at the same time, don't think slightingly of the nearby.
  • 11、愿得一人心,白首不相离;桐花万里路,连朝语不息。
  • 12、悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的问候,中秋快乐!
  • 13、The most important thing in life is to set up a big goal, and determined to achieve it.
  • 14、月光无形,给人间的是一片浪漫;菊开无声,给大地的是缤纷色彩;我的祝福无言,给你的是情意一片:中秋快乐永远快乐!
  • 15、Many people, because of loneliness and wrong loves a person, but more people, because wrong loves a person, and lonely life.

  • 16、Moonlight invisible to the human is a romantic; Chrysanthemum is silent, the earth is profusion colour; Blessing words, I give you is love a: a happy Mid-Autumn festival happiness forever!
  • 17、莪相信、他会正在第一工夫给莪两心的浅笑、而莪、则能感应久背的心动。
  • 18、亲爱的,如果有天我们变陌生了,那么我就重新认识你。
  • 月光无形,给人间的是一片浪漫;菊开无声,给大地的是缤纷色彩;我的祝福无言,给你的是情意一片:中秋快乐永远快乐!
  • 19、月光无形,给人间的是一片浪漫;菊开无声,给大地的是缤纷色彩;我的祝福无言,给你的是情意一片:中秋快乐永远快乐!
  • 20、很多人,因为寂寞而错爱了一人,但更多的人,因为错爱一人,而寂寞一生。
  • 21、The moon cool breeze send acacia! Let the moon has filled in my blessing to you; Let miss into a breeze, soft kissed your face!
  • 22、The month circle every year likeness, your my from year。 That all the pure, all over the place mercury, would be us with each other to remember fondly。
  • 23、Each step toward a finally to achieve the goal, it is not enough, it should be under each is a goal, each step has its own value.
  • 24、亲爱的,如果有天我们变陌生了,那么我就重新认识你。
  • 25、Invisible to others target and hit people, is a genius.

  • 26、人幸福的终极目标是找一个对的男人,而不是去改造一个男人。
  • 27、所有在自然法则指寻下的调查,最终都把目标放在满足肚子的需要上。
  • 28、Mid-Autumn moon is round though my hometown far away, family members dream soul led around, love love, friend friendship, wish the scene, the bottom of my heart warm and infinite! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 29、Is not I will not give you the opportunity, but I gave you a chance, but you let me have no chance.
  • 30、After a goal to achieve, immediately set another goal, this is a successful life.
  • 31、提前预祝我们这些表面风光内心彷徨;容颜未老,心已沧桑;成就难有,郁闷经常;比蚂蚁忙;比岳飞更忠良的兄弟姐妹们,中秋节快乐!
  • 我的爱情没有那么复杂,两颗心,一个家,爱我,对我好,其他的都不多求。
  • 32、我的爱情没有那么复杂,两颗心,一个家,爱我,对我好,其他的都不多求。
  • 33、When you have a great aim, and you will work as an enjoyment.
  • 34、The most important thing in life is to set up a big goal, and determined to achieve it.
  • 35、My love is not so complicated, two hearts, a home, love me, good to me, the other are few.

  • 36、Different Mid-Autumn blessing, happy hiding among them, don't go head-to-head with others, send my regards to quietly: reunion spectrum sweet dreams, a toast to celebrate the family strong wish Mid-Autumn good mood!
  • 37、The most important thing in life is to set up a big goal, and determined to achieve it.
  • 38、A man without ideal and goal, tend to be conservative in the thoughts; In action, often want to maintain the status quo.
  • 39、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you and me, so I could walk forever in my garden.
  • 40、一个目标达到之后,马上立下另一个目标,这是成功的人生模式。
  • 41、当你有一个伟大的目标的时候,你就会把劳动当作享受。
  • 42、Even if the world barren, there is always a person would be you of believers.
  • 43、Even if the world barren, there is always a person would be you of believers.
  • 44、月光无形,给人间的是一片浪漫;菊开无声,给大地的是缤纷色彩;我的祝福无言,给你的是情意一片:中秋快乐永远快乐!
  • Progress, means that the target continuously forward, stage constantly updated, its vision is always changing.

    45、Progress, means that the target continuously forward, stage constantly updated, its vision is always changing.

  • 46、愿得一人心,白首不相离;桐花万里路,连朝语不息。
  • 47、Steps is a cure for the fear of surprised and hesitated, delays could constantly surprised.
  • 48、总有月光,柔柔地穿过窗棂;总有月光,碎碎的漏过树叶;总有月光,绵绵地引起相思;总有月光,写在中秋的晚上;总有月光,让我想你远方的你。
  • 49、总有月光,柔柔地穿过窗棂;总有月光,碎碎的漏过树叶;总有月光,绵绵地引起相思;总有月光,写在中秋的晚上;总有月光,让我想你远方的你。
  • 50、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you and me, so I could walk forever in my garden.
  • 51、很多人,因为寂寞而错爱了一人,但更多的人,因为错爱一人,而寂寞一生。