
  • 1、你的笑,划过我的心间,是我一生的眷恋。一世,只为遇见你,月盈,只等你归来。星转斗移,几度春秋,望穿秋水,你何时现身?
  • 2、抱着你是一种快乐,吻着你是一种陶醉,爱着你是一种刻骨铭心,所以我会用我的一生来换取这份感觉!
  • 3、你像一股温暖的春风,激起了我心海里爱的波澜;你像一片轻柔的云彩,缚获住我多情的视线。
  • 4、对你的思念太重,压断了电话线,烧坏了手机卡,掏尽了钱包袋,吃光了安眠药,唉!可我还是想见你。
  • 5、日子在不同的空间流逝,想念在不同的时间来临,不管世事如何的变迁,你永远是我的最爱。
  • My eyes are gazing affectionately at your eyes, as blue as the sea, so pure that they cannot rub themselves into a small fine sand.
  • 6、My eyes are gazing affectionately at your eyes, as blue as the sea, so pure that they cannot rub themselves into a small fine sand.
  • 7、喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看著你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。
  • 8、爱一个人很苦,我却不停付出;爱一个人很累,我却沉迷相思;爱一个人很傻,我却执迷不悟。
  • 9、我是粽叶你是米,一层一层裹住你;你是牙齿我是米,香香甜甜粘住你;粽子里有多少米,代表我有多想你;记住一定想着我,不然粽子噎住你!

  • 10、Love you for ten thousand years, is my pursuit; love you for one thousand years, is my desire; and kiss you once, is the happiest time of my life; promise me, marry me!
  • 11、I love you selfish, but I will not close to you, can not snuggle up to you. Because you are the God in my heart, you are my soul! I want to protect you!
  • 12、The craziest thing in my life is falling in love with you, the biggest hope is to have you accompany me crazy for a lifetime.
  • 13、My eyes are gazing affectionately at your eyes, as blue as the sea, so pure that they cannot rub themselves into a small fine sand.
  • 14、离开了你,我只有死亡!
  • 15、To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, and you sign a love contract! Otherwise, nobody wants me! I'm ready to halve my right and multiply my obligations.
  • 16、You have dreams during the day, and you have dreams at night. You should take good care of yourself, don't have a runny nose; if you sneeze occasionally, it means I miss you!
  • 17、永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。
  • 18、不知道还要心碎多少次,你才能戒掉自己的天真。
  • 19、爱你一万年,是我的追求;恋你一千年,是我的渴望;而吻你一次,则是我一生中最快乐的时光;答应我,嫁给我吧!

  • 20、遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。
  • The craziest thing in my life is falling in love with you, the biggest hope is to have you accompany me crazy for a lifetime.
  • 21、The craziest thing in my life is falling in love with you, the biggest hope is to have you accompany me crazy for a lifetime.
  • 22、不要相信玫瑰,这东西又贵又容易凋谢,要信就信我高出摄氏度的一滴眼泪吧:我爱你!只要天天给我一杯白开水,我就可以日日为你流。
  • 23、You are the only one in my world.
  • 24、You have dreams during the day, and you have dreams at night. You should take good care of yourself, don't have a runny nose; if you sneeze occasionally, it means I miss you!
  • 25、白天有你就有梦,夜晚有梦就有你。你要好好照顾你自己,不要感冒流鼻涕;要是偶尔打喷嚏,那就代表我想你!
  • 26、如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中我将毫不保留。
  • 27、思念是清淡的诗,不是因为孤独才想你而是因为想你才孤独,真诚的心灵胜过钻石的光芒,你我的情谊天长地久。
  • 28、遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。
  • 29、抱着你是一种快乐,吻着你是一种陶醉,爱着你是一种刻骨铭心,所以我会用我的一生来换取这份感觉!

  • 30、Love a person is very bitter, but I did not stop to pay; love a person is very tired, I was addicted to Acacia; love a person very silly, I was stubborn.
  • 31、我希望你能给我一个机会,照顾你。爱护你。平平淡淡和你一起慢慢变老!
  • 32、Cupid told me that love is fate, love is moving, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifetime commitment!
  • 33、I always feel that you are always weak, and I want to say that it is always difficult to open your eyes, and the moment I see your eyes, I feel your gentleness.
  • 34、让我亲手给你沏杯茶,加进一块冰糖,再注入一腔热情,把我的爱恋,一点点地溶进茶中。
  • 35、{你之所愿.我愿赴汤蹈火以求之.你所不愿.我愿赴汤蹈火以阻之.}
  • [也许你本来就是个很温暖很温暖的人并不是因为我是谁.]
  • 36、[也许你本来就是个很温暖很温暖的人并不是因为我是谁.]
  • 37、好好照顾自己我不想等到下辈子再来爱你!
  • 38、爱一个人是没有理由的!爱情要二个人共同维护浇灌的!我们用我们的真心和努力来共同浇灌我们的爱情之树吧!
  • 39、对你的思念太重,压断了电话线,烧坏了手机卡,掏尽了钱包袋,吃光了安眠药,唉!可我还是想见你。

  • 40、[庆幸让我遇见你让我懂得珍惜]
  • 41、如果爱过的和离开的都曾是最美好的,那些未到来和没有相遇的就会是最适合你的。
  • 42、如果你是山,我愿是小河,我绕你;如果你是茶叶我愿是开水,我泡你;如果你是云,我愿是风,我追你。
  • 43、微信扫描或直接搜索关注“个性”微信公众号,方便随时查看更多个性内容!
  • 44、我希望你能给我一个机会,照顾你。爱护你。平平淡淡和你一起慢慢变老!
  • 45、让我亲手给你沏杯茶,加进一块冰糖,再注入一腔热情,把我的爱恋,一点点地溶进茶中。
  • 46、我希望你能给我一个机会,照顾你。爱护你。平平淡淡和你一起慢慢变老!
  • 47、I yearn for love, a person's smile printed in the eyes of two people, a tear from two to appreciate. If the predestined relationship of this life, I would like to use a switch, a sincere.
  • 48、我不知道自己到底在执着什么,但我知道我一直都在为难自己​​​​
  • 49、白天有你就有梦,夜晚有梦就有你。你要好好照顾你自己,不要感冒流鼻涕;要是偶尔打喷嚏,那就代表我想你!

  • 50、对你的思念太重,压断了手机链,烧坏了电话线,掏尽了存钱罐,忽视了艳阳天。吃光了安眠药片,厌倦了一日三餐,为什么我这么惨?唉!就想见你一面!
  • Stay in your heart, as you are in my heart of the past and now, we have been two can not alienate each other's life.
  • 51、Stay in your heart, as you are in my heart of the past and now, we have been two can not alienate each other's life.
  • 52、我的世界只有你懂。
  • 53、你的执着在他眼里可能是纠缠.
  • 54、You have dreams during the day, and you have dreams at night. You should take good care of yourself, don't have a runny nose; if you sneeze occasionally, it means I miss you!
  • 55、我时常笑自己无知竟把你当心事
  • 56、对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧!不然没人要我了!我已准备好将权利减半义务倍增了。
  • 57、To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, and you sign a love contract! Otherwise, nobody wants me! I'm ready to halve my right and multiply my obligations.
  • 58、Never fade is the silent care for you, never stop is endless yearning for you, never change is deep love for you.
  • 59、爱你一万年,是我的追求;恋你一千年,是我的渴望;而吻你一次,则是我一生中最快乐的时光;答应我,嫁给我吧!
