2023-03-18 20:29:27
- 1、高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。
- 2、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。
- 3、The harder pressed, the stronger, do not fall Albatron ambition.
- 4、A winner is powerful, and a strong man wins.
- 5、生活充满了选择,而生活的态度就是一切。
- 7、如果缺少破土面出并与风雪拚搏的气,种子的前途并不比落叶美妙一分。
- 8、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。
- 9、只要比竞争对手活得长,你就赢了。
- 10、With time, life sails against the current.
- 11、Laugh, I naturally!
- 12、To be beautiful is the advantage, and it is the ability to live beautifully.
- 13、在灾难面前不屈服,而应更加勇敢地去正视它。
- 14、Life is like a wind and rain, like a small dust.
- 15、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。
- 17、渐渐疲惫的羽翼,为你披上了勇气。
- 18、男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。
- 19、让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。
- 20、The ideal of life is to live an ideal life.
- 21、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。
- 22、励志是给人快乐,激励是给人痛苦。
- 23、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。
- 24、Life is like a wind and rain, like a small dust.
- 25、高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。
- 27、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。
- 28、Forget the pain, remember the cause of failure.
- 29、耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。
- 30、相互了解是朋友,相互理解是知己。
- 31、人生在勤,不索何获。
- 32、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。
- 33、The ideal of life is to live an ideal life.
- 34、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。
- 35、Laugh, I naturally!
36、Death is not willing to lose heart, the poor also can I!
- 37、大胆自已地表现自已,别人无理由轻视你。
- 38、If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.
- 39、People who dare to struggle are not afraid of difficulties in their hearts.
- 40、性格决定命运,选择改变人生。
- 41、The untouched happiness, and the effort is also futile.
- 42、People who dare to struggle are not afraid of difficulties in their hearts.
- 43、Self who can not afford to help, strong strike down.
- 44、停止奋斗,生命也就停止了。
- 45、人各有志,自己的路自己走。
- 47、成功之秘诀,在始终不变其目的。
- 48、崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。
- 49、The person who avoids the reality will be more undesirable in the future.
- 50、The secret of success is always the same.
- 51、学会宽容,要有一颗宽容的爱心!
- 52、To give up is not the absolute of life.
- 53、成功来自使我们成功的信念。
- 54、觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。
- 55、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。
56、My tears become rain, and I can't give up wet you.
- 57、成功无须解释,失败却有许多托辞。
- 58、仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。