You don't talk to your brother, brother, I have just donated a few days

  • 1、不论你在什麽时候开始,重要的是开始之後就不要停止。
  • 2、If you want to become a strong dry, must not bypass in the way of thorns also cannot avoid rain wash.
  • 3、为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。
  • 4、Where the black will always see the light.
  • 5、不要因为怕被玫瑰的刺伤到你,就不敢去摘玫瑰。
  • 绝不要再谈论一个好人应该是怎样的一种人了,就去做这样的一个人吧!
  • 6、绝不要再谈论一个好人应该是怎样的一种人了,就去做这样的一个人吧!
  • 7、If one day, you no longer remember, I no longer remember, time will replace we remember.

  • 8、People oriented, do facts based.
  • 9、With the ideal of paper, with diligence as pen, writing a magnificent youth.
  • 10、Give up this give up is helpless, give up shouldn't give up is incompetent, don't give up this give up is ignorance, not giving up shouldn't give up is persistent!
  • 11、Only experienced a hellish torture, have conquered the power of heaven, only through the blood fingers, to pop up to the swan song of the world.
  • 12、绝不要再谈论一个好人应该是怎样的一种人了,就去做这样的一个人吧!
  • 13、如果不出去看看,你会以为脚下的这片土地就是世界。
  • 14、Friends all over the world, everything is all right, information sources, the wider, the more chance to reap the benefits.
  • 15、No matter when you start, the important thing is don't stop after starting.
  • 16、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下无易事,只怕粗心人。
  • 17、Striver happiness start from the pain, the pain of profligate begins with "happiness".

  • 18、Everyone is a cup of cloudy water, start and will continue to someone to help you to clarify. When you become clear, don't forget those who drank the sediment.
  • 19、有朋友的人像平原一要宽广,没有朋友的人却像窄狭的手掌。
  • 只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。
  • 20、只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。
  • 21、人生的路,说长也很长,说短也很短。偶遇不幸或挫败只能证明某一时候某一方面的不足或做得不够。
  • 22、相互了解是朋友,相互理解是知己。
  • 23、人一生其实都处于理解与被理解之中,在工作、生活中,如果都能做到相互理解、支持、帮助,还会有什么问题不能克服、解决吗?
  • 24、The harvest is the cause of the rain gauge; gather every drop of sweat on the struggle.
  • 25、Dream, is the conviction that his own belief, desire to complete the ideal insist on and never give up, is that everyone who owns her one of the greatest wealth.
  • 26、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。
  • 27、如果有那么一天,你不再记得,我也不再记得,时光一定会代替我们记得。

  • 28、冷漠的人,谢谢你们曾经看轻我,让我不低,更精采的活。
  • 29、Only experienced a hellish torture, have conquered the power of heaven, only through the blood fingers, to pop up to the swan song of the world.
  • 30、The spider won't fly, but it can give network knot in the air. Miracle is persistent.
  • 31、Dream, is the conviction that his own belief, desire to complete the ideal insist on and never give up, is that everyone who owns her one of the greatest wealth.
  • 32、所有的失敗,與失去自己的失敗比起來,更是微不足道。
  • 33、As long as it can harvest sweet, the brambles also there will be a busy bee.
  • It's our duty to try and do it, and the results are usually God's..
  • 34、It's our duty to try and do it, and the results are usually God's..
  • 35、只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。
  • 36、所谓女人,就是最让男人烦恼的动物;所谓男人,就是最喜欢自寻烦恼的动物。
  • 37、There is no fear is to fight the capital nothing is the reason for spelling.

  • 38、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下无易事,只怕粗心人。
  • 39、不要问别人为你做了什么,而要问你为别人做了什么。
  • 40、不是成功离我们太远,而是我们坚持的太少。
  • 41、只要迈出第一步,离成功就近了一大半。
  • 42、惊叹号是勇士滴在攀登路上的血,也是懦夫失望时流淌的泪。
  • 43、Hard to cross the river of life, I don't trust "squirrel", also don't trust "cattle", I was vain attempt.
  • 44、坚志而勇为,谓之刚。刚,生人之德也。
  • 45、All selfish life, are irrational, animal life.
  • 46、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下无易事,只怕粗心人。
  • 47、只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量,只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝唱。

    The law of success is extremely simple, but simple does not mean easy.
  • 48、The law of success is extremely simple, but simple does not mean easy.
  • 49、Everyone is a cup of cloudy water, start and will continue to someone to help you to clarify. When you become clear, don't forget those who drank the sediment.
  • 50、The song you sing, my sorrow and.
  • 51、Where the black will always see the light.
  • 52、比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。
  • 53、坚志而勇为,谓之刚。刚,生人之德也。
  • 54、有朋友的人像平原一要宽广,没有朋友的人却像窄狭的手掌。
  • 55、坚志而勇为,谓之刚。刚,生人之德也。