2023-04-27 16:04:53
- 1、小时候画在手上的表没有动,却带走了我们最好的时光。
- 2、This kind of breakup makes me feel tired and tired.
- 3、I want to spend the rest of my life to continue to our happy, write with tears in her eyes.
- 4、月亮代表我的心!
- 5、相思本是无凭语,莫向花牋费泪行。
- 6、Between love and hate, only you and I wander.
- 7、渺渺时空,茫茫人海,与君相遇,莫失莫忘。
- 8、最伤心的事不过是高估了自己在你心里的份量,而是当你离开,我才醒悟过来,原来我只是陪衬的一位,是谁都可以代替的一位。
- 9、I don't want anything without you.
10、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
- 11、世界上最远的距离,是爱到痴迷,却不能说我爱你。
- 12、月亮代表我的心!
- 13、我爱你,但,那只是曾经。
- 14、Once again, you when this is a game, but also full of blood resurrection?
- 15、一个人的坚强,一个人眼泪,一个人的无奈。
- 16、无情不似多情苦,一寸还成千万缕。
- 17、I want to hold your hand and go after us.
- 18、心痛委屈,可是无所谓了,看淡了,我原来只是个笑话,仅此而已。
- 19、Sometimes, think everything is just my wishful thinking, Unrequited love.
- 21、注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间。
- 22、嗟余只影系人间,如何同生不同死?
- 23、小时候画在手上的表没有动,却带走了我们最好的时光。
- 24、I am looking for the missing glass-shoes who has picked it up.
- 25、我的爱人, 你就像一朵鲜花, 那么甜蜜、纯洁而秀雅。
- 26、人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月!
- 27、Sometimes, think everything is just my wishful thinking, Unrequited love.
- 28、想见你,在吞云吐月的疾风后,在日复一日的寻常里。
- 29、清风湿润,茶烟轻扬。重温旧梦,故人已去。
30、Footprints on the beach, proof that we have leaned over.
- 31、少了联系就变淡的感情,我不稀罕。
- 32、Don't say sorry, it turned out that you didn't want me.
- 33、Our goal: money, to make thick.
- 34、那些连再见都没有说就离开的人,大概以后再也不会相见,毕竟赞够了失望的人是不会回头的。
- 35、窗外雨丝不断,我的眼里满是失落和悲伤,此刻,我只能一个人体会那份无人可懂的夜雨情怀,一个人的夜,只听到雨滴回落的声响,你知道吗,自你离开后,我的世界就如静止一般,唯有思念,在雨声中一次次滑落。
- 36、I love you as resolute as you do not love me.
- 37、I love you, but it was only once.
- 38、Time is getting late.
- 39、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。
40、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
- 41、我从来不自欺欺人。我只看真实。
- 42、相思本是无凭语,莫向花牋费泪行。
- 43、You live at the end of the Yangtze River.
- 44、开辟鸿蒙,谁为情种?都只为风月情浓。
- 45、是不是心冷了,一切都无所谓了。
- 46、Every day is good to you.
- 47、这一世,我陪你桃花十里,鲜衣怒马,夕阳西下赏云烟霞。
- 48、不要说对不起,原来你要的不是我。
- 49、有时候,觉得一切都只是我的一厢情愿,自作多情。
50、Listen to a piece of music and miss a time.
- 51、小时候画在手上的表没有动,却带走了我们最好的时光。
- 52、想你的时候,会翻以前的聊天记录,也会看和你的那些旧照片,我知道人不能总矫情,但我从没想过,我们的关系会变成像现在这样,好像很熟悉,但却很久不联系。
- 53、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.
- 54、一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知。