
  • 1、Frozen and sun-dried body strong, cover up face yellowing.
  • 2、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

  • 3、红颜多薄命,福在丑人边。
  • 4、Frozen and sun-dried body strong, cover up face yellowing.
  • 5、Virtue and skill are the most beautiful industries for future generations.
  • It's a three-pronged way, it's hot and overheated.
  • 6、It's a three-pronged way, it's hot and overheated.
  • 7、What all don't leave, because it is difficult to go back to the way.
  • 8、Once the memory, blank so thoroughly.
  • 9、男人没本事别怪女人现实,女人没本事别怪男人花心。
  • 10、一个人如果不能学会遗忘,那将是很痛苦的事,别再自寻烦恼,快把痛苦的事给忘了吧。
  • 11、Remember do not represent is eternal, forget also is not equal to didn't happen.
  • 12、曾牵过的手,承诺以后,在记忆中永垂不朽。谭维维《如果我没有爱过》

  • 13、这样才好,曾少你的,你已在别处都得到。江美琪《那年的情书》
  • 14、一时强弱在于力,万古胜负在于理。
  • 15、我是勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活,不敢说出口,那么寂寞。照亮了沉默,爱原来寂寞。张惠妹《勇敢》
  • 16、Don't put the love when the game, because I can't afford to play.
  • 17、Curse in the mouth, love in the heart.
  • 18、我决定要不断的给予爱,恨是不能承受的负担。
  • I often think of some people. No miss so sticky, no desire so hot, is thin.
  • 19、I often think of some people. No miss so sticky, no desire so hot, is thin.
  • 20、Here are the process and outcome, again to entwine, connect oneself feel greedy.
  • 21、喝再多的水也弥补不了你让我流走的泪水。
  • 22、Eight immortals cross the sea and each shows his magic power.

  • 23、转身了才明白,该把幸福找回来。孙燕姿《我的爱》
  • 24、Mother is worried.
  • 25、没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。
  • 26、Drinking too much water can't make up for the tears you let me go.
  • 27、也许总是要等到失去了之后才能被感动,才能发现自己原来也拥有那么多。徐若瑄《幸福的轮廓》
  • 28、女人的心慈手软,与男人的口是心非,成正比。
  • 29、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。
  • 30、Most unhappy people tend to underestimate what they have, and overestimate what others have.
  • 31、Love is a fabric that nature woven and fantasy embroidered.
  • 曾经的记忆,空白的如此透彻。


  • 33、从来没有人来过我的心上,我只是你中途过站的地方。萧亚轩《没有人》
  • 34、Buying a horse is not a saddle stirrup, and marrying a woman is not a contest.
  • 35、Frozen and sun-dried body strong, cover up face yellowing.
  • 36、If one day you call me, I don't look back, just for one reason. I cried.
  • 37、父母生身,自己立志。
  • 38、Grateful to meet you. Even if no future, no later.
  • 39、虽然你还握着我的手,但我已不在你心中。孙燕姿《我不难过》
  • 40、Better give a good man a horse than a lazy man a lord.
  • 41、反正最后每个人都孤独。王菲《我也不想这样》
  • 42、Two love long, a blessing in every morning and evening!

  • 43、好客的朋友多,好说的废话多。
  • 44、如果有一天你叫我,我没有回头,只有一个原因。我哭了。
  • If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
  • 45、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
  • 46、I just come back each step of the road go well alone.
  • 47、我走得不快,但决不走回头路。
  • 48、只是我回首来时路的每一步都走的好孤独。
  • 49、Never frown, even when you are sad dark a face, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 50、Better give a good man a horse than a lazy man a lord.
  • 51、喝再多的水也弥补不了你让我流走的泪水。
  • 52、If one day you call me, I don't look back, just for one reason. I cried.

  • 53、不理家务事,不知生活难。
  • 54、Seven things in the morning, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.