2023-03-24 21:04:42
- 1、微笑拥抱每一天,做像向日葵般温暖的女子。
- 2、在寻求真理的长河中,唯有学习,不断地学习,勤奋地学习,有创造性地学习,才能越重山跨峻岭。华罗庚
- 3、Always remember that success is more than anything.
- 4、读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。富兰克林
- 6、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。
- 7、读书越多,留存在脑中的东西越少,两者适成反比。读书多,他的脑海就像一块密密麻麻重重叠叠涂抹的黑板一样。叔本华
- 8、就算全世界都否定我,还有我自己相信我。
- 9、The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.
- 10、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。
- 11、单学知识仍然是蠢人。歌德
- 12、You can have a personality, but at some point, please.
- 13、Only boarded the peak, in order to see the scenery in the distance.
- 14、夫学须志也,才须学也。非学无以广才,非志无以成学。诸葛亮
15、Don't think about the great ocean starts from a small river.
- 16、Give people money is the worst, giving the ability Zhongce, giving the concept is the best policy.
- 17、相信是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点。
- 18、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。
- 19、多一分心力去注意别人,就少一分心力反省自己。
- 20、人在难时给一口,胜似富时给一斗。
- 21、读书贵精不贵多。书摘
- 22、给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。
- 23、所有真正的问题,从来不是解决掉的,而是,遗忘。
- 24、我们的事业就是学习再学习,努力积累更多的知识,因为有了知识,社会就会有长足的进步,人类的未来幸福就在于此。契诃夫
- 26、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。
- 27、背得烂熟还不等于掌握知识。蒙田
- 28、Attitude determines everything. Details determine success or failure, the habit of success in life.
- 29、读书贵精不贵多。书摘
- 30、我们在我们的劳动过程中学习思考,劳动的结果,我们认识了世界的奥妙,于是我们就真正来改变生活了。高尔基
- 31、书籍是造就灵魂的工具。雨果
- 32、要是童年的日子能重新回来,那我一定不再浪费光阴,我要把每分每秒都用来读书。泰戈尔
- 33、昨天已逝,明日是谜,面对今朝,尽力而为!
- 34、信心、毅力、勇气三者具备,则天下没有做不成的事。
- 36、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。爱因斯坦
- 37、为学之道,莫先于穷理;穷理之要,必先于读书。朱熹
- 38、惜时、专心、苦读是做学问的一个好方法。蔡尚思
- 39、Not afraid of suffering, 35 years of hard work; fear of suffering, endure hardship for a lifetime.
- 40、You have to do is to make the speed of success is greater than the speed of old parents to go.
- 41、People in difficult to export, is rich to a bucket.
- 42、All the real problems are never solved, but forgotten.
- 43、No matter when you end, it is important that you do not regret after the end.
- 44、重复是学习之母。狄慈根
- 46、Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world.
- 47、The most afraid of things, the most should be to break.
- 48、天下绝无不热烈勇敢地追求成功,而能取得成功的人。
- 49、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。
- 50、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed.
- 51、Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend, grasp the trend, grasp the future.