2023-03-29 19:33:24
- 1、Ideal and combined in action, but said no, what matters is doing.
- 2、I don't know what is dazed and confused, I only know that the winner is king.
- 3、Forgive others, is to leave a space in my heart, in order to maneuver.
- 4、识时务者为俊杰,味先几者非明哲。程允升
- 5、Henceforth, it is the personality of the magnificent, is the beaming of the soul.
- 6、The world only think impassability, did not go.
- 7、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。
- 9、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。梭罗
- 10、只要愿意学习,就一定能够学会。列宁
- 11、The problem is not money can solve problems, the problem is I have no money.
- 12、青春就像卫生纸,看着挺多的,用着用着就不够。
- 13、生命在闪光中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。
- 14、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.
- 15、当苦难来临,选择信仰是个不错的主意。
- 16、饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。毛泽东
- 17、Don't indulge in yesterday, don't wait for tomorrow, everything from now on.
18、Attitude determines altitude dominate life habits.
- 19、If you occasionally looked up, will see a warm window.
- 20、In life, there is no forever pain, not in vain.
- 21、倘能生存,我当然仍要学习。鲁迅
- 22、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
- 23、读书必专精不二,方见义理。薛煊
- 24、青春就像卫生纸,看着挺多的,用着用着就不够。
- 25、书籍是任何一种知识的基础,是任何一门学科的基础的基础茨威格
- 26、如果你借太多的钱给一个人,你会令此人变成坏人。
- 27、Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.
- 29、千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。陶行之
- 30、具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。马克·吐温
- 31、Only come out the beauty of life, not out of the brilliant.
- 32、How many people want to reverse time, just time don't want to.
- 33、凡欲显勋绩扬光烈者,莫良于学矣。王符
- 34、Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.
- 35、I'm lost in your city, can't find the way home.
- 36、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
- 37、How many people want to reverse time, just time don't want to.
- 39、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.
- 40、My highest principle is: to any difficulties, never give in.
- 41、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。
- 42、What is failure? Failure is the first step to something better.
- 43、I'm right, what created the results to our life?
- 44、伟大的人物都走过了荒沙大漠,才登上光荣的**。巴尔扎克
- 45、Able to stay upright, insist on is seen, through the people are few and far between.
- 46、舌头虽然柔软,但它有时比刀子的威力更大。
- 47、Smile for too long, a cry of contact will also allow yourself to collapse.
48、Sweat poured out successful flowers, fighting to win victory.
- 49、无限相信书籍的力量,是我的教育信仰的真谛之一。苏霍姆林斯基
- 50、Held in the past too tight, you will not make moves to embrace now.
- 51、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。金斯莱
- 52、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。
- 53、Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.
- 54、不读书的人,思想就会停止。狄德罗
- 55、Don't have no matter to anticipate, filled with the old saying, incisive philosophy.
- 56、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
- 57、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。迪斯雷里
- 59、原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。
- 60、只要决心成功,失败永远不会把你击倒。奥格·曼狄诺