9、I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.宁愿失败地做你爱做的事情,也不要成功地做你恨做的事情。(George Burns)
11、I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.宁愿失败地做你爱做的事情,也不要成功地做你恨做的事情。(George Burns)
14、The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.
15、太滥了便惊恐(www.liyancom 有关伤感的语句大全)
16、If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.如果你很幸运能够与别人不同,请不要改变。
17、Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! 一切皆有可能!"不可能"的意思是:"不,可能。"(奥黛丽•赫本)
19、Keep trying!Don't give up the ship.继续努力! 别放弃!
20、The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.