
  • 1、In the exam papers is a ruler of uneven scale: for yourself, the problem of the score is not necessarily high。
  • 2、In the exam papers is a ruler of uneven scale: for yourself, the problem of the score is not necessarily high。
  • 3、To work easily, the problem will become easier。
  • 4、去年的中考我们是观众,今年我们是演员。
  • 5、觉得自己很累是吗累就对了这说明你离梦想又更近一步你很棒。
  • There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。

    6、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。

  • 7、拼一个秋冬春夏!赢一生无怨无悔!
  • 8、Ningchengyigusheng, stroke as a force, ruthless one, is a dream。
  • 9、In the exam is a practice for a million people to attend。
  • 10、爱的开始是一个眼色,爱的最后是无尽的苍穹。林清玄
  • 11、In the exam papers is a ruler of uneven scale: for yourself, the problem of the score is not necessarily high。
  • 12、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work。
  • 13、圣人与常人之间往往只相差一小步,而这一小步却往往需要非凡的毅力才能赶上。
  • 14、The third grade is the period of collective fighting and personal achievement。
  • 15、Show your ideal, seize the entrance opportunity; spell out your strength, taste the joy of success。
  • 16、The best is silver, with each passing day。

  • 17、A point of hard work, a harvest, not necessarily; nine points to work, there will be a harvest, a certain!
  • 18、Remember that the sun is the only source of health is better than what medicine.
  • 当你觉得越走越累的时候,那么恭喜你,你在走上坡路。
  • 19、当你觉得越走越累的时候,那么恭喜你,你在走上坡路。
  • 20、记住太阳光是健康唯一的来源,比什么药都好。徐志摩
  • 21、Perhaps you will forget, but will one day be no more remembered.
  • 22、你喜欢我,可是我爱你。这就是咱俩的区别。笛安
  • 23、Fight a year, to fight the life without regret。
  • 24、两情若是久长时,以岂在朝朝暮暮。秦观
  • 25、To work easily, the problem will become easier。
  • 26、Confidence is half the success。

  • 27、A person, only experience all hone, perseverance can do.
  • 28、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。张小娴
  • 29、当你不得不抬起头来仰望一样东西的时候,便会错觉那就是真理。笛安
  • 30、My heart is soft again in an instant, like a long time of cotton candy, shrinking in air, and then disappear.
  • 31、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。
  • 两情若是久长时,以岂在朝朝暮暮。秦观
  • 32、两情若是久长时,以岂在朝朝暮暮。秦观
  • 33、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。
  • 34、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。李商隐
  • 35、当你被压力压得透不过气来的时候,记住,碳正是因为压力而变成闪耀的钻石。
  • 36、Without think not ask for advice, do not move the text book。

  • 37、我中考我自信我成功!不做地下虫班级云中龙。
  • 38、你我相逢在黑夜的海上,你有你的,我有我的,方向。徐志摩
  • 39、Don't feel inferior, you are not stupid。 Don't be complacent, others are not stupid。
  • 40、Ningchengyigusheng, stroke as a force, ruthless one, is a dream。
  • 41、Plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 Plans and goals, action。
  • 42、Without think not ask for advice, do not move the text book。
  • 43、没有什么比失去更痛彻,没有什么比回忆更绝望。尽管记忆再悲伤,我却笑着,不愿遗忘。夏七夕
  • 44、This moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you will interpret a dream!
  • Each title three times。 The first time: evaluation; second times: after a week; third times: before the exam。
  • 45、Each title three times。 The first time: evaluation; second times: after a week; third times: before the exam。
  • 46、Without the world of justice, the poor by cruel to maintain the freedom of the individual, the tiny little freedom.

  • 47、Weak utilitarian, move forward; without pay, not to complete, firm and indomitable。
  • 48、圣人与常人之间往往只相差一小步,而这一小步却往往需要非凡的毅力才能赶上。
  • 49、奋战百日,三载拼搏终有回报!决胜中考,父母期待定成现实!
  • 50、Never forgive yourself for carelessness。
  • 51、人生能有几回搏,此时不搏何时搏。