2023-02-16 15:48:32
- 1、Your sweet love is precious. I disdain to reconcile the situation with the emperor.
- 2、你的未来,你知道的,所有的浩劫,都是成长的祭奠。
- 3、三十IfIknowwhatloveis,itisbecauseofyou.因为你,我懂得了爱。
- 4、你的情话我听着,你的余生我陪着。
- 5、It is you who pale my waiting and satirize my persistence.
- 7、As long as the heart is still unwilling, it is not time to give up.
- 8、你的前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。
- 9、Yes, I just like you and I'm afraid to like myself.
- 10、With you by my side, every day, my heart is like being dew, watered, sweet can not be sweeter.
- 11、没有你的日子,每天都是平淡,然而就算只要能和你聊天,我的每天都是甜蜜的。
- 12、Belief needs no loud words, sincerity is the soul, believers are saved!
- 13、Yes, I just like you and I'm afraid to like myself.
- 14、不如意事常八九可与言者无二三
- 15、是你给了我一把伞撑住倾盆撒落的孤单
- 17、你这么可爱,被大风吹到我怀里,我是不会还的。
- 18、乖一点,好好待在我身边。不准跑,不准放手。
- 19、热情这东西其实也很脆弱,耗完了耐心,攒够了失望,剩余的就只有疲惫和冷漠了。
- 20、To love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness than to abandon her for her happiness.
- 21、情人总是分分合合,可是我们却越爱越深,我们的爱情经受住了考验。
- 22、Your sweet love is precious. I disdain to reconcile the situation with the emperor.
- 23、梦如风的行进,残雪孤独,野草疯长。
- 24、做不了恋人只能做陌生人原来是真的。
- 25、信仰无需大声说,心诚则灵,信者得救!
26、Your sweet love is precious. I disdain to reconcile the situation with the emperor.
- 27、You're just a passer-by. I'm just passing by. We just pass by.
- 28、情人总是分分合合,可是我们却越爱越深,我们的爱情经受住了考验。
- 29、信仰无需大声说,心诚则灵,信者得救!
- 30、可不能够牵着我的手,从老婆到老婆婆。
- 31、打了多少电话,也打不出我的心声。
- 32、我怀着期待和好奇,很认真地学着小难过充斥着心扉。
- 33、With you, I live like a year, without you, I live like a year.
- 34、学生时代的恋爱到结婚是一辈子较值得骄傲的事情。
- 35、Being understood is a kind of happiness, waiting to be understood is a kind of loneliness!
- 37、To love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness than to abandon her for her happiness.
- 38、I listen to your love words, and I will accompany you for the rest of your life.
- 39、如今的社会,在权势地位的诱惑和经济利益的冲击下,人与人之间的交往变得越来越复杂了,也变得越来越世故和功利化了。
- 40、告别了你闹我笑的恋爱,把你放进婚车迎回来,像以前一样幸福快乐的生活着,同甘共苦,祸福相依,成败不欺,生死一起。
- 41、应是上天垂怜遣你来做我的心上明月
- 42、Be good and stay with me. No running, no letting go.
- 43、电话那头的你别哭,我抱不到你。
- 44、你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。
- 45、最美莫过于未来有一天,睡前吻你,半夜抱你,醒来有你。
46、Everyone is singular, when they come and when they go.
- 47、我担心多年后要跟我结婚的人今晚会在别人的体内播种施肥。
- 48、我怀着期待和好奇,很认真地学着小难过充斥着心扉。
- 49、我想和你走在夕阳里,看大街小巷,不着急回家,就漫无目的地溜达。
- 50、恢复理性之后,感性就成了尴尬。
- 51、我想和你走在夕阳里,看大街小巷,不着急回家,就漫无目的地溜达。