
  • 1、Don't fancy.
  • 2、爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。
  • 3、行行出状元,处处有能人。
  • 4、知识决定竞争力。
  • 5、只要热情犹在,哪怕青春消逝。
  • 梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。一叶叶,一声声,空阶滴到明。温庭筠《更漏子三首其三》
  • 6、梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。一叶叶,一声声,空阶滴到明。温庭筠《更漏子三首其三》
  • 7、强行者有志。
  • 8、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!

  • 9、I don't know the warmth of spring without winter.
  • 10、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。《关雎》
  • 11、Know how to bow to the fore.
  • 12、The sorrow of life is that when you meet someone who is important to you, he is everything to you. However, you have no way to keep him.
  • 13、The heart is as solid as a rock, and the ambition is stronger than the pine and cypress.
  • 14、好汉护三村,好狗护三邻。
  • 15、打架不能劝一边,看人不能看一面。
  • 16、时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。
  • 17、客里莺花繁似锦,春来情思腻于油。薛时雨《浣溪沙·舟泊东流》
  • If a man wants to rush, the horse needs to let go.

    18、If a man wants to rush, the horse needs to let go.

  • 19、A good dog does not jump, a good cat does not bark.
  • 20、The stumbling block is stepping-stone.
  • 21、好狗不跳,好猫不叫。
  • 22、知识决定竞争力。
  • 23、Different people have different aspirations., own way.
  • 24、怕相思,已相思,轮到相思没处辞,眉间露一丝。明·俞彦《长相思·折花枝》
  • 25、Those who win are strong, and those who have won.
  • 26、When you can love, don't give up love.
  • 27、It is better to act immediately than to grieve inwardly.
  • 28、The stumbling block is stepping-stone.

  • 29、好汉护三村,好狗护三邻。
  • Knowledge determines competitiveness.
  • 30、Knowledge determines competitiveness.
  • 31、精诚所至,金石为开。
  • 32、卖花担上,买得一枝春欲放。泪染轻匀,犹带彤霞晓露痕。怕郎猜道,奴面不如花面好。云鬓斜簪,徒要教郎比并看。李清照《减字木兰花》
  • 33、有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求。
  • 34、Love does not close, and your long.
  • 35、Lei Gong sang first without rain, and there was not much rain.
  • 36、精诚所至,金石为开。
  • 37、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。《关雎》
  • 38、欲望如海水,越喝越渴。

  • 39、Don't fancy.
  • 40、都缘自有离恨,故画作远山长。欧阳修《诉衷情·眉意》
  • 41、No smoking, no drinking, the disease saw a detour.
  • 妆罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无。朱庆馀《近试上张籍水部/近试上张水部/闺意献张水部》
  • 42、妆罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无。朱庆馀《近试上张籍水部/近试上张水部/闺意献张水部》
  • 43、把命运掌握在自己手中。
  • 44、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。
  • 45、When you can love, don't give up love.
  • 46、Success belongs to those who act immediately.
  • 47、成功永远属于马上行动的人。
  • 48、明月楼高休独倚,酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。范仲淹《苏幕遮》

  • 49、说到不如做到,要做就做最好。
  • 50、春花秋月何时了,往事知多少?小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。