
  • 1、We do not say goodbye, just a tacit agreement no longer disturb each other.
  • 2、Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced.
  • 3、用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的复杂。
  • 4、讨厌一个人是有理由的,喜欢一个人无法解释的。
  • 5、No one can be sad for you, but you are crying for others.

    If one day I become extremely cruel and merciless without compassion has no one, please remember me poor.
  • 6、If one day I become extremely cruel and merciless without compassion has no one, please remember me poor.
  • 7、The most painful now is the best time ever.
  • 8、累了就睡觉,醒来就微笑。
  • 9、If you quit, you will have happiness. Can you forget it or not?
  • 10、我本身就是个不喜欢热闹的孤独患者,偏偏他就像大众情人身边挤满了人。
  • 11、分手后,我们明明不是陌生人,却比陌生人还陌生。
  • 12、No one understands the inner world of lonely people, just like no one has ever seen the depths of the ocean.
  • 13、不要总是等以后,到那时,早已化为乌有。
  • 14、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。
  • 15、Slowly, learn a person silently bear all, don't let people see through. Learn to hide every heartache, in the crowd is strong.

  • 16、名字是死的,因为固定死的文字是没有生命的。配上人的声音,却能温暖人心。
  • 17、累了,疲倦了,不会在爱你了。
  • 18、I do not know why, always inexplicable sad.
  • 没人能够替你悲伤,你却为他人哭红了眼眶。
  • 19、没人能够替你悲伤,你却为他人哭红了眼眶。
  • 20、Sometimes, just want to have someone to hug me, until I feel really good.
  • 21、Later, the heart, I do not know how to quiet down, and then do not insist on what you can not!
  • 22、我想到了与你的未来种种意外,却忘了考虑你会不在。
  • 23、We do not laugh because happiness, but because it is a happy smile.
  • 24、Every time the Shangjie mobile phone is not from the hand, in fact, not to want to play, but to hide their own no one to accompany the embarrassment.
  • 25、爱情就像手里的沙子,攥得越紧,流得越快。

  • 26、爱来过,也走过,痴过也恨过,伤过才会懂,一切皆是错。
  • 27、You never try to figure out my mind, but I also blame fickle and difficult.
  • 28、为何泪流成河,因为放弃你是我从未作的选择。
  • 29、能不能别对我忽冷忽热,我会受不了。
  • 30、你,由我来保护,你的笑容,由我来找寻。
  • 31、Say good-bye is my obsession is me.
  • 世界上最大的乐趣就是分享,无论爱情还是友情。
  • 32、世界上最大的乐趣就是分享,无论爱情还是友情。
  • 33、人生有两种境界,一种是痛而不言,另一种是笑而不语。
  • 34、你永远不知道,你伤害她无数次,她却还是爱你如初。
  • 35、当一个人谁都不爱的时候,就可以爱上身边的任何一个人。

  • 36、I do not know why, always inexplicable sad.
  • 37、Whoever disturbs my silence will destroy its glory.
  • 38、如若没有最初的相识、在离开时也许有更多的潇洒挥霍。
  • 39、我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么不可否认我们的路一直很艰辛,但最终,爱让一切变得简单。
  • 40、To accompany us to the end of the people, may not be the most love, but will be the most appropriate.
  • 41、I dare not say who is a very good relationship, I am afraid I love a person.
  • 42、When love go, please love a way, put his life.
  • 43、Do not take the initiative, afraid of losing, active, and afraid of love.
  • 44、男男女女,行行**,假假真真,情情爱爱,分分合合。
  • I thought of all the unexpected with your future, but forgot to consider that you will not be in.

    45、I thought of all the unexpected with your future, but forgot to consider that you will not be in.

  • 46、I don't like to contact other people, but I don't care about it.
  • 47、不主动,怕失去,主动,又怕自作多情。
  • 48、我有一种情绪,叫做莫名的忧伤。
  • 49、People who say they forget often remember.
  • 50、爱进自己空间,不是自恋,是想看看你有什么最新动态。
  • 51、说分手的是我念念不忘的也是我。
  • 52、It doesn't matter if you're late with you.