
  • 1、我曾瞒着所有人,继续爱了你很久很久。
  • 2、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards、我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。
  • 3、Wandering in the past, you make me tired.
  • 4、I open your Chat Window but dont know what to say、点开你的聊天窗口,却不知道要说些什么。
  • 5、If one day I become extremely cruel and merciless without compassion has no one, please remember me poor.
  • 你朝我伸出手的时候,我以为这一生都可以跟你走。
  • 6、你朝我伸出手的时候,我以为这一生都可以跟你走。
  • 7、I’ll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds、我愿成为一双翅膀,让你的心飞翔于云端。

  • 8、After crying, I want to loud laugh, to continue to disguise the brave.
  • 9、我不敢说和谁关系很好,我怕是我一个人自作多情。
  • 10、如果回到过去,我们是不是会稍显狼狈?
  • 11、I do not know why, always inexplicable sad.
  • 12、角落里聆听,那属于哭泣的伤声。
  • 13、Originally, there are some things to remember for a long time, or the same sad.
  • 14、Do you think you have a lot of friends? You may not find a person who can send an umbrella in the address book.
  • 15、得不到安全感,所以我把自由还给你。
  • 16、If living on the earth is a mission from the lord living with you is the award of the lord如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命的恩赐
  • 17、It is never too late to fall in love、爱永远不会嫌晚

  • 18、In the end well all realize that what we need isnt someone whos PERFECT, but someone whos RIGHT、到最后你会发现,我们要找的不是完美的人,而是最合适的人。
  • I dont think I know how to give up、 But now I know that there is something which is out of your control、 It is not you who don’t give up, it is that you can never seize it、我想我总是不知道要如何去学会放弃,现在我知道其实,有些是你根本就无法掌控的,不是你不去放弃,而是你根本就抓不住。
  • 19、I dont think I know how to give up、 But now I know that there is something which is out of your control、 It is not you who don’t give up, it is that you can never seize it、我想我总是不知道要如何去学会放弃,现在我知道其实,有些是你根本就无法掌控的,不是你不去放弃,而是你根本就抓不住。
  • 20、If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy、 If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing、 If she’s worth it, you won’t give up、 If you give up, you’re not worth it、如果她很棒,不会很好追。如果她很好追,则不会很棒。如果她值得,你不该放弃。如果你放弃,则是你不配。
  • 21、I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name、我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么。
  • 22、得不到安全感,所以我把自由还给你。
  • 23、自是人生长恨水长东。
  • 24、I’ll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds、我愿成为一双翅膀,让你的心飞翔于云端。
  • 25、It doesn’t matter to be a mass of bruises, and this time I care nothing about、 But once is enough, because life can never afford such a heavy love、这一次,遍体鳞伤也没关系;这一次,可以什么都不在乎。但只是这一次就够了。因为生命再也承受不起这么重的爱情。
  • 26、大家顶着爱这个词,干尽了人间丑事。
  • 27、能不能别对我忽冷忽热,我会受不了。

  • 28、每次上街手机不离手,其实不是多想玩,而是为了掩饰自己没人陪伴的尴尬。
  • 29、It is funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would、有意思的是,伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。
  • 30、I say what I believe、我只说我所相信的。
  • 31、如果回到过去,我们是不是会稍显狼狈?
  • The most afraid of is that it has been a long time no longer miss you, but you quietly went to my dream.
  • 32、The most afraid of is that it has been a long time no longer miss you, but you quietly went to my dream.
  • 33、I dont think I know how to give up、 But now I know that there is something which is out of your control、 It is not you who don’t give up, it is that you can never seize it、我想我总是不知道要如何去学会放弃,现在我知道其实,有些是你根本就无法掌控的,不是你不去放弃,而是你根本就抓不住。
  • 34、世界上最大的乐趣就是分享,无论爱情还是友情。
  • 35、男人可以贵,但不可以免费。
  • 36、If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy、 If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing、 If she’s worth it, you won’t give up、 If you give up, you’re not worth it、如果她很棒,不会很好追。如果她很好追,则不会很棒。如果她值得,你不该放弃。如果你放弃,则是你不配。
  • 37、你从不揣摩我的心思,却还责怪我善变难懂。

  • 38、Time will not let me forget you, will only be accustomed to the absence of you.
  • 39、陪我们走到最后的人,也许算不上是最爱,但会是最合适的。
  • 40、Is a symbol of vitality, vanity is a young mark.
  • 41、It is funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would、有意思的是,伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。
  • 42、Last life I owe you, this life I also, this life you owe me, the next life to me.
  • 43、落叶可以那么伤、烟花可以那么冷。
  • 44、如果回到过去,我们是不是会稍显狼狈?
  • I want to sleep but my brain won’t stop talking to itself、我想睡觉,但我的脑子在那儿自言自语,无休无止。
  • 45、I want to sleep but my brain won’t stop talking to itself、我想睡觉,但我的脑子在那儿自言自语,无休无止。
  • 46、你有足够努力让未来看见你吗?你知道别人在拼命你怎么好意思浪费时间。
  • 47、I don't like to contact other people, but I don't care about it.

  • 48、I love waking up in the morning and not knowing whats going to happen, or who Im going to meet, where Im going to wind up、我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。
  • 49、慢慢的,学会了一个人默默承受一切,不让人看透。学会了隐藏每次心伤,在人群中装坚强。
  • 50、Some way, only one person to go; some people, can only walk and forget.
  • 51、I want to have a person to understand me, even though I can't deny that our road has been hard, but in the end, love makes everything simple.
  • 52、我们并不是因为幸福才笑,而是因为笑了才幸福。
  • 53、I LOVE U is just one simple sentence,but how many times you said it and how many people you said to?一句我爱你,说了多少遍,换了多少人?