If really come true and false, no seem sometimes there are also no

  • 1、I may not be as warm as the sun you, but I can do a moon in the darkest night for you.
  • 2、我的累你看不见 ,我心碎你听不见。
  • 3、Life seems simple, but life is so difficult.
  • 4、别听慢歌别故地重游别喝酒半醉别再想他。
  • 5、徘徊在过去,你让我好累。
  • 为什么你距离我很近,我却拿着放大镜也看不见你的身影。
  • 6、为什么你距离我很近,我却拿着放大镜也看不见你的身影。
  • 7、Enjoyment from sad since hi self-directed emerge of itself and perish of itself.
  • 8、Crowded I always not see you。
  • 9、Would you mind not turning cold and hot on me? I can't stand it.
  • 10、酸涩皱眉与你共苦不算太差

  • 11、命运为彼此安排不同的旅程但我一直渴望在温暖的地方与你相遇
  • 12、I dare not say who is a very good relationship, I am afraid I love a person.
  • 13、I may not be as warm as the sun you, but I can do a moon in the darkest night for you.
  • 14、世界上最可笑的是,我知道了真相,你还在那说谎。
  • 15、我还拥有一双会因为想念你而变得通红的眼睛
  • 16、就算曾经几乎拥有幸福的完美,你的心回不去了对不对。
  • 17、当初说没有了对方会活不下去现在你死了吗?
  • 18、上辈子我欠你的,这辈子我来还,这辈子你欠我的,下辈子来还我。
  • 19、I won't let you a person, you would rather a person.
  • 其实你不用冷淡,我从未想过纠缠。


  • 21、大家顶着爱这个词,干尽了人间丑事。
  • 22、时间能证明我有多爱你。
  • 23、Most of the time are they dug a pit, and then bound to jump into the pit is dug for themselves, jump is his jump, finally couldn't climb out of it is their own.
  • 24、The most ridiculous thing in the world is that I know the truth, you are still lying.
  • 25、用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的复杂。
  • 26、Eyes not to tears。
  • 27、疯狂心梦没有了你,还有什么用?
  • 28、Sad Swing some breeze with lonely night, always have the stars, suddenly look back, and you are not on my side.
  • 29、People can laugh to breath naturally can cry soundless and stirless.
  • 30、我自己都如此凉薄,拿什么去温暖别人。

  • 31、There are two realms of life, one is pain, the other is laughter, and the other is not language.
  • 32、North of the city to the north is not to miss。
  • 33、Your best and my life has nothing to do, please leave my sight with your arrogance.
  • 有的人说不清哪里好,但就是谁都代替不了。
  • 34、有的人说不清哪里好,但就是谁都代替不了。
  • 35、爱情本身就是俗套的,相见心动分手痛苦,又再次相遇,,因為人们不想在无聊下去,所以才结婚的吧。
  • 36、心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。
  • 37、我不喜欢主动联系别人,但绝不是不在乎。
  • 38、With a glass of pure water, in the face of the complexity of a lifetime.
  • 39、在你之后,我没有拿得出手的痛苦
  • 40、惆怅孤帆连夜发,送行淡月微云。——苏轼《临江仙·送钱穆父》

  • 41、你的优秀和我的人生无关,请带着你的趾高气扬离开我的视线。
  • 42、我只能读着不给的空白,独自一人在原地徘徊。
  • 43、There's always that one song that brings back old memories。
  • 44、徘徊在过去,你让我好累。
  • 45、Wandering in the past, you make me tired.
  • 46、生活看似简单,生活起来却是这么的难。
  • 47、人生不是以你有多少次呼吸来计算的,而是有多少你喘不上气的时刻
  • Tired, tired, not in love with you.
  • 48、Tired, tired, not in love with you.
  • 49、You at a loss in the human tide, I was behind you, for fear of making mistakes, or fear of missing.
  • 50、Miss a persontwo people of the picture。

  • 51、即使你身边躺的女人不是我,但我仍然相信你是爱我的。
  • 52、一个人想念两个人画面。
  • 53、我没有什么让人喜欢的地方,但我不会机关算尽得到谁,
  • 54、Is a symbol of vitality, vanity is a young mark.
  • 55、Life seems simple, but life is so difficult.
  • 56、我想到了与你的未来种种意外,却忘了考虑你会不在。