If you can't smile, let yourself cry

  • 1、The most extravagant person in the world is willing to spend time with you.
  • 2、征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。
  • 3、吃不穷,穿不穷,不会打算一世穷。
  • 4、我走得不快,但决不走回头路。
  • 5、吃不穷,穿不穷,不会打算一世穷。
  • 也许对你只是依赖,而我却把它当作了所谓的爱情。


  • 7、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!
  • 8、Hatred can stir up disputes, love can cover up all faults.
  • 9、再甜的甘蔗不如糖,再亲的婶子不如娘。
  • 10、我想要化作夜晚,这样我才能用数千只的眼睛看着你入睡。
  • 11、Good people are good because he is the wise, the bad guys are bad because man is stupid.
  • 12、If I don't care about you, I'm not interested in anything you do.
  • 13、Please don't have too much hope for me, but please don't give me hope.
  • 14、Take advantage of one's strengths and make up for one's weaknesses.
  • 15、红颜多薄命,福在丑人边。
  • 16、树木就怕软藤缠,身体就怕不锻练。

  • 17、错过一个人最可怕的方式就是坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。
  • 18、如果爱你只有一次,我会用每一个夜晚来想你。
  • 19、宁给好汉拉马,不给懒汉作爷。
  • Better give a good man a horse than a lazy man a lord.
  • 20、Better give a good man a horse than a lazy man a lord.
  • 21、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。
  • 22、没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。
  • 23、德行与技艺,是子孙最美的产业。
  • 24、If not happiness, not happy, only to let go; If loathe to give up, can not let go, for the pain.
  • 25、Is it a husband who listens to a woman's words, but a parent who is rich and poor in wealth?
  • 26、One spring rain, one warm, one autumn rain, one cold.

  • 27、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
  • 28、Hatred can stir up disputes, love can cover up all faults.
  • 29、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
  • 30、帮助别人要忘掉,别人帮己要记牢。
  • 31、春冷秋热,必是雨节。
  • 32、我在等一个人,一个可以陪我很久很久的人。
  • 33、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。
  • If you want to be healthy, you can't eat enough.
  • 34、If you want to be healthy, you can't eat enough.
  • 35、让着你的人,不是笨,而是在乎你!
  • 36、Is not a problem, I am not a burden to anyone, I have been clear.

  • 37、眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。
  • 38、人是一切事的尺度,是存在者之存在,不存在者之不存在的尺度。
  • 39、后来,我终于学会了如何去爱,可是你早已远去、消失在人海!
  • 40、I want to last night, so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.
  • 41、Buying a horse is not a saddle stirrup, and marrying a woman is not a contest.
  • 42、年纪不饶人,节令不饶天。
  • 43、原来,命运并不会因为你欲哭无泪,而停止给你伤悲。
  • 44、Lighting loves oil, farming loves cattle.
  • 45、Conquer you need more courage, victory is the most glorious victory all victory.
  • 46、我一直喜欢睡觉,可是现在我失眠了,上天告诉我,只有你能治好我!

  • 47、水不激不跃,人不激不奋。
  • The road is familiar and everything goes smoothly.
  • 48、The road is familiar and everything goes smoothly.
  • 49、要想身体好,吃饭不过饱。
  • 50、If stone will tears, I want to be a star on the stone in your heart cry, at least, can also feel your temperature.
  • 51、Sometimes, that person is in your side. But you don't know that he is there, because the wrong person to block your line of sight.
  • 52、It's a three-pronged way, it's hot and overheated.
  • 53、宁可失败在你喜欢的事情上,也不要成功在你所憎恶的事情上。
  • 54、树木就怕软藤缠,身体就怕不锻练。
  • 55、骂在嘴上,爱在心上。
  • 56、I will accompany you to go on, you don't give up on me.
