
  • 1、Departure, elongated figure, figure, opened the distance.
  • 2、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair。哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。
  • 3、There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action。我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合。
  • 4、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻很想你。
  • 5、There is always a tear to let us grow in a moment.
  • 人生就象卫生纸、没事尽量少扯!
  • 6、人生就象卫生纸、没事尽量少扯!
  • 7、陪你笑,陪你累,我们相依偎,陪你走完一生有何不可。
  • 8、Who said, let not happy people don't want to, like happiness by choice.
  • 9、i want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so that to warm your heart。想将对你的感情化作暖暖的阳光,期待那洒落的光明能温暖你的心房。

  • 10、You know I am one hundred years of solitude is only one person waiting for you the night's love song for you sing for the one.
  • 11、天已微凉,我已长大,学会微笑,学会坚强,学会不再掉眼泪,却依旧学不会忘记他。
  • 12、I will use one thousand years of time to love you and I will use ten thousand years to forget you.
  • 13、Wherever you are, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
  • 14、Departure, elongated figure, figure, opened the distance.
  • 15、What is the responsibility of parents, as a new generation, our responsibility is to give up the responsibility, live out easily.
  • 16、那天我们在路口结束了,但是在下一个转角处你会伤心吗?
  • 17、滥情的年代,如何分辨真真假假。
  • 18、Have a corner in the heart of every man, there are stocked with the memories can't touch.
  • 没有你,就算把世界给我,我还是一无所有。


  • 20、Who's lonely cover my Chinese clothes, who covered my shoulders Hua sang.
  • 21、女生伪装幸福,只是害怕被最心爱的男生发现她伤心。
  • 22、Our story is too short to remember every detail.
  • 23、Within you I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.
  • 24、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 25、Will love in the end, perhaps everyone in consideration of love is what? How exactly? I think I know, love will never end.
  • 26、我四处翻找我的幸福,竟然掉得不知不觉,像这季节一片片落叶。
  • 27、A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart。一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。
  • 28、Don't want to wake up, desk lamp projection on the wall only my lonely figure.
  • 29、I know, you just entertainment accessories, I understand.

  • 30、错误的恋情,就像坏死的肌肉一样,应该要早日切除,虽然明知道会痛不欲生,可是是唯一活命的机会。
  • 31、what you are you do not see,what you see is your shadow。你看不见你自己,你所看见的是你的影子。
  • When a person does not love the time. He will fall in love with anyone around him.
  • 32、When a person does not love the time. He will fall in love with anyone around him.
  • 33、You said that if the early experience is good, a bit more than a few seconds you have to.
  • 34、我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。
  • 35、Saliva is used to count the money, but not to speak the truth.
  • 36、当遗忘变成另一种开始,淡了回忆,痛最真实。
  • 37、依依脉脉两如何,细似柔丝渺似波。月不常圆花易落,一生惆怅为伊多。
  • 38、Used to dial the disorderly my heartbeat, now how can I forget you.
  • 39、你是医生,在我重伤的时候,你是白痴,陪着我讲梦话。

  • 40、Life is only three days, live in yesterday's people confused; live in tomorrow's people to wait; live in today's most dependable.
  • 41、The fact that I don't want to admit is that I never really let go of you.
  • 42、We become best friends, this is what you want to be free.
  • 43、If love is purely imaginary is not true, why is the beginning of the sad.
  • 44、I put down the dignity, put down the character, put down a stubborn, only because you can not let go.
  • I am very narrow-minded, jealous, jealous, and I don't know which day I suddenly go crazy, take you directly tied to the civil affairs bureau.
  • 45、I am very narrow-minded, jealous, jealous, and I don't know which day I suddenly go crazy, take you directly tied to the civil affairs bureau.
  • 46、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened
  • 47、A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart。一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。
  • 48、The woman's eyes, handsome flower called romantic, ugly flower called dirty.
  • 49、寂寞就是你说话时没人在听,有人在听时你却没话说了!

  • 50、我一直以为最糟糕的情况是你离开我其实最令我难过的是你不快乐。
  • 51、因为不懂什么是一辈子、所以很容易用一辈子来发誓。
  • 52、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻很想你。
  • 53、你喜欢一个人时,他身上都会有一种特殊的味道。