Give up is also a kind of happiness, because I know that I really loved one, cried a few times, and finally get the scars, and then give up

  • 1、Was reluctant to give up too much care, now let go.
  • 2、Girls disguised happiness, but afraid of being the most beloved boys found her sad。
  • 3、Without you, the color is a single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!
  • 4、所谓的幸福,就是和你每天在一起。
  • 5、You can't do it, why do you want to cheat a heart already belongs to you.
  • If you can, the next way together, your happiness, I pay the bill.

    6、If you can, the next way together, your happiness, I pay the bill.

  • 7、牵手是这个世界上最悲哀的动作,因为在下一刻,注定的是放手。
  • 8、If I don't meet to disguise, I have been here did not go.
  • 9、I want to be a lady, is the old woman forced into a life.
  • 10、Bite my lip, trying to tell myself not to cry until her lips bitten, or cry out.
  • 11、Wind light from the cheek side of the walk, do not need to pay close attention to the small happiness.
  • 12、只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。
  • 13、当初,我们能在一起是缘分。如今,注定要分手是命运。
  • 14、When you care about a person in particular, he will not care about you, you can never understand.
  • 15、You ever said to be with me forever, but now it is me a person.
  • 16、Who said that he would laugh, just don't know what to say.

  • 17、男人不坏,女人也不坏,坏的只是你们曾经相爱的态度与心情。
  • 18、Women spend the money men should be, if the woman will not want to break up, with apologies ". Men put forward a breakup, and they can't take money to threaten people.
  • 无论她有多大错,她开始哭的一刹那就是我错了。
  • 19、无论她有多大错,她开始哭的一刹那就是我错了。
  • 20、If we blame love to hurt us, then, the beginning of the time is not you nod promised to love.
  • 21、真正的爱情是当我们老了,我还是会记得你当初让我心动的样子。
  • 22、你说过,如果没有当时的遇见,中途的相爱,最后的结束,你会不承认我们已经长大。
  • 23、Even if it is held in the palm, but still not sure if you.
  • 24、Accustomed to such a life, accustomed to such a day and night to think of you.
  • 25、You said, if you didn't meet at that time, fall in love, and finally ended, you would not admit that we had grown up.
  • 26、As long as you want to, when you lose your mind, when you need a shoulder, tell me that I will appear immediately.

  • 27、It is just a false impression that love does not fit in, and at the end of the day, it depends on who can let it be.
  • 28、Love is a sweet dream, and marriage is an alarm clock.
  • 29、伴着柔情的旋律,寻找玫瑰的踪迹,你在我身边的时候,你是一切;你不在我身边的时候,一切是你。
  • 30、当你在我身边快乐时,幸福在我身边,当我听到你笑声时幸福已经在我身边。
  • 31、Lingering hope not to wear, the fate of the reincarnation, the other side of my call, you may have heard.
  • 心疼也不过如此。失落也不过如此,伤心也只是徒劳。
  • 32、心疼也不过如此。失落也不过如此,伤心也只是徒劳。
  • 33、Why, now you still don't understand, I love you so.
  • 34、The story of the people, the ink will be fond of sorrow.
  • 35、若遇见别拆穿我的伪装,我一直在这里不曾远走。
  • 36、Two personal memories of so many spectators, but only left me a.

  • 37、Bite my lip, trying to tell myself not to cry until her lips bitten, or cry out.
  • 38、If you can, the next way together, your happiness, I pay the bill.
  • 39、男女朋友无法迁就,越拖越久越想分手。
  • 40、女人花男人的钱是应该的,如果女方想要分手,不必心怀欠意。男方提出分手,也不能拿钱去要挟人。
  • 41、有时候,音乐是陪我熬过那些夜晚的唯一朋友。
  • 42、就这样倔强的走下去,在回忆里慢慢的死去。
  • 43、以前是太过于在乎舍不得放弃,现在都释怀了。
  • 44、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all my heart and soul。
  • 我不是找不到更好的,只是有了你,再好的我都不要。
  • 45、我不是找不到更好的,只是有了你,再好的我都不要。
  • 46、曾经和朋友一起仰望星空,随之我们泪流满面,他是因为失恋,我则是因为扭伤了脖子。

  • 47、花花肠子不要太多,婚姻就不会有危机。
  • 48、I do not want to be in the heart, I am not so strong, not so brave, but to hide the bottom of this cowardly.
  • 49、缠绵望不穿,命运轮回转,那彼岸我的呼唤,你可曾听说。
  • 50、现在才懂,原来一个人可以难过到没有情绪,没有言语,没有表情。
  • 51、In this life, I need not much, a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope that the rice is you made, the tea is you.
  • 52、不要对我太好,让我分不清你是爱情还是友情。
  • 53、即使是被捧在手心,却还是不确定心里有没有你。
  • 54、在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。