18、往上爬的的时候要对别人好一点,因为你走下坡的时候会碰到他们。When they have to climb the nice to others, because when you are going downhill run into them。
21、我做事总有一个习惯,在做决定之前,我总会冷静地思考、判断,但我一旦做出决定,就将义无反顾地执行到底。I work there is always a habit, before making a decision, I always think calmly, judgment, but once I make a decision, will resolutely implement the end。
23、要知道,每个人对自己受到轻视都非常敏感,被看矮一截都会丧失干劲。You know, everyone is very sensitive and of contempt for being seen short a piece will lose energy。
24、有太多的人高估他们所欠缺的,却又低估了他们所拥有的。There are too many people overestimate what they lack, and underestimate what they have。
25、世界上什么事都可以发生,就是不会发生不劳而获的事,那些随波逐流、墨守成规的人,我不屑一顾。Anything can happen in the world, is not something for nothing happened, those who go with the flow, hidebound, I disdain。
26、一头猪好好被夸奖一番,它就能爬上树去。A pig to be praised, and it can climb the tree。
32、有太多的人高估他们所欠缺的,却又低估了他们所拥有的。There are too many people overestimate what they lack, and underestimate what they have。
33、我不喜欢取得一时的胜利,我要的是持续不断的胜利,只有这样我才能变成强者。I don't like a moment of victory, what I want is continuous victory, only in this way can I become strong。
44、人要有远见,只有长时间的吃苦,才有长时间的收获。People should have the foresight to only suffering for a long period of time, have a long time of harvest。
46、在苦难中向上攀爬的人,知道如何千方百计地去寻找方法、手段,让自己得救。Climbing upward in the suffering people, know how to one thousand to find methods, means, allow yourself to be saved。
47、享有特权而没有力量的人是废物,受过教育而无影响力的人是一堆一文不值的垃圾。Men of privilege without power are waste, with education and no influence is a pile of worthless junk。
48、我从来没想过会输,但是即使输了,唯一该做的就是光明磊落地去输。I never want to lose, but lost, even if only to do is aboveboard to lose。