24、人要有远见,只有长时间的吃苦,才有长时间的收获。People should have the foresight to only suffering for a long period of time, have a long time of harvest。
25、精神的力量来自远大的目标和坚强的信念是超越自我的内在动力。The power of the spirit from the big goal and strong belief is the inner motive power of superego。
26、尊严不是天赐的,也不是别人给予的,是你自己缔造的。Dignity is not a godsend, is not others give, is your own to create。
28、我鄙视那些善找借口的人,因为那是懦弱者的行为,我也同情那些善找借口的人,因为借口是制造失败的病源。I despise people who are good excuse, because it is a weak person, I also sympathize with those good excuse, because excuse is that make the cause of failure。
29、每个人都有失去自信,怀疑自己能力的时候,尤其是在逆境中的时候。Everyone has lost confidence, doubt their ability, especially in adversity。
52、一旦避免失败变成你做事的动机,你就走上了怠惰无力的路。Once avoid failure into your work motivation, you are on the way laziness powerless。
56、我做事总有一个习惯,在做决定之前,我总会冷静地思考、判断,但我一旦做出决定,就将义无反顾地执行到底。I work there is always a habit, before making a decision, I always think calmly, judgment, but once I make a decision, will resolutely implement the end。