You never know how much you care about a person until the moment youthink you will lose her 你永远无法知道一个人对你有多重要,直到你意识到将要失去她的那一刻。

  • 1、Love alone could waken love!
  • 2、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction .

  • 3、照自己的意思去理解自己,不要小看自己,被别人的意见引入歧途。
  • 4、Make the choice to be happy. The biggest part of being happy is to simply make up your mind to be a happy person.
  • 5、我的温暖并不多,全都留给那些对我好的人了
  • The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
  • 6、The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
  • 7、within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.
  • 8、[我满腔哽咽跟你诉说旧日种种多可笑我以为你会感动,]
  • 9、Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
  • 10、Breakage is not the most cruel thing, the cruelest is standing on the debris pretending to be a pain, not stubbornly looking for.
  • 11、Only the best can follow one's inclinations. This is the best state of life.
  • 12、Too often, people only believe what they want to believe.

  • 13、We have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs.
  • 14、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
  • 15、照自己的意思去理解自己,不要小看自己,被别人的意见引入歧途。
  • 16、Breakage is not the most cruel thing, the cruelest is standing on the debris pretending to be a pain, not stubbornly looking for.
  • 17、When you feel like hope is gone,look inside you and search your will find a hero lies in you.dreams are hard to follow,but don't let anyone steal your dream.
  • 18、踏上浪尖,上了岸,他们成功了。
  • Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
  • 19、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
  • 20、周末麻将局结束,明天继续!保持连续三场输钱记录。
  • 21、Learn to don't complain, don't care about, don't look at the past, because your future will be better than the past.
  • 22、最怕用心在乎的朋友而我对她来说也只不过泛泛之交。

  • 23、We never really grow up, we just learned to pretend in front of others.
  • 24、No one can take away what's trurly if they took it away, it wasn't yours. Something better is on its way!
  • 25、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
  • 26、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
  • 27、那天我看你山河都在我眼里.
  • 28、Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.
  • 29、You’re the one。Few things top the feeling that comes with knowing that youstand out in an exceptional way to someone.
  • 30、一个人可以没有好成绩,好实习经历,好背景,好简历。但只要他准确知道自己是谁,周围的人如何看待自己,这个人就是优秀的。优秀不是你有多牛逼,而是你有多了解自己。
  • 31、No pains,no gains.
  • The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but in front of my eyes, you not in my eyes.

    32、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but in front of my eyes, you not in my eyes.

  • 33、决定要放弃的东西就放弃的一干二净。
  • 34、[我满腔哽咽跟你诉说旧日种种多可笑我以为你会感动,]
  • 35、When you think your life sucks, just think to yourself about how many people have it worse.
  • 36、最怕用心在乎的朋友而我对她来说也只不过泛泛之交。
  • 37、Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
  • 38、去公园、去散步,我们就是幸福的愿我的爱对你来说不是不期望你像爱自己的家人帅气的你,不笑也令人着迷。忧伤的时候,我的整个世界都像在下雨。不必走近,我就感受到你与众不同的气息。望着你,就像望着我把你嵌在我的思绪是你的开心是我无上的享受,你的悲伤是我无尽的折磨。我愿作你抑郁时的开心果,忧伤时的忘忧树!
  • 39、To be or not to be,that's a question
  • 40、一个人可以没有好成绩,好实习经历,好背景,好简历。但只要他准确知道自己是谁,周围的人如何看待自己,这个人就是优秀的。优秀不是你有多牛逼,而是你有多了解自己。
  • 41、When you think your life sucks, just think to yourself about how many people have it worse.
  • 42、if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.

  • 43、Best case scenario: I love myself ; I enjoy living ; I smile because I’m happy not because I have to.
  • 44、Love is a game that two can play and both win.
  • The hardest part is being away from youthe best part will be when we're together again. Missing you, with all my heart.
  • 45、The hardest part is being away from youthe best part will be when we're together again. Missing you, with all my heart.
  • 46、I don't regret not to meet you in the best time, because the best time to start after met you.
  • 47、Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
  • 48、When we stop complaining about the existing problems, and grateful to lucky some problems we don't have, is the happiness comes.
  • 49、如果你想放弃,想一想你为什么坚持了这么久
  • 50、最怕用心在乎的朋友而我对她来说也只不过泛泛之交。
  • 51、Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
  • 52、Anywhere, it is a good in the past, recall the number of times many, all would be light.
