Though you forgot to give me wings, but you teach me to fly with understanding

  • 1、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。
  • 2、Every Duan Qingchun old, but I hope you always of memory.
  • 3、法律,要把它看作是实现社会目标的工具,而不是社会目标本身。
  • 4、Law is always met legislators feelings and stereotypes.
  • 5、God's law and justice work together, but human to dismantle it.

  • 6、用行动祈祷比用言语更能够使上帝了解。
  • 7、Sometimes, I care about is not what you say, but those you don't say.
  • 8、The prince is not above the law, and the law is above the prince.
  • 9、有些人是你一辈子也不会爱上的,也有些人是一辈子也不会爱上你的。
  • 10、Law is the rule of human behavior is subject to the rules and cause.
  • 11、我们应该放下对金钱与权力的执着,而不是其本身。
  • 12、Fighting skill again gao, also afraid of chopper! Wear Diao again, a brick of pour!
  • 13、我们中国祖师大德们常说,爱不重不生娑婆,念不一不生净土。
  • 14、The same thing, and would like to open is heaven, he took things too hard is hell.
  • 15、There are two kinds of peace and violence, that is the law and etiquette.

  • 16、一切顺其自然,一切随遇而安,乃心性之至境。
  • 17、Every Duan Qingchun old, but I hope you always of memory.
  • 18、意志如果是国家的意志,就应该表现为**机关所制定的法律。
  • If one day I do not love you, it's your turn to understand.
  • 19、If one day I do not love you, it's your turn to understand.
  • 20、与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。
  • 21、Every Duan Qingchun old, but I hope you always of memory.
  • 22、我的世界,真的很小,小到一转身就看到了你幸福的样子。
  • 23、Maybe you listened to, but you definitely don't remember, harbored.
  • 24、有二种和平**,那就是法律和礼节。
  • 25、有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。

  • 26、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。
  • 27、有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。
  • 28、There are two kinds of peace and violence, that is the law and etiquette.
  • 29、Woman dare go, is certain men will turn back. Man also don't back, is certain the woman dare not go.
  • 30、女人敢走,是看准男人会回头。男人头也不回,是看准女人不敢走。
  • 31、Please men than to please myself. Only to please his woman destined can dump the world.
  • Or no, either all. Either now or never.
  • 32、Or no, either all. Either now or never.
  • 33、You only see my smile for you. But don't know what that means to me.
  • 34、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。
  • 35、你让我下不了台,我让你连上台的机会都没有。

  • 36、My world, really very small, small to a turn round and then see you happy appearance.
  • 37、有些人是你一辈子也不会爱上的,也有些人是一辈子也不会爱上你的。
  • 38、With loyalty, you can with great heart, as a spiritual family.
  • 39、默默的关怀与祝福别人,那是一种无形的布施。
  • 40、有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。
  • 41、You can not let me down, I let you have no chance to even came to power.
  • 42、Pray with actions more than words can make understand god.
  • 43、Some people, once met, then one eye ten thousand; Some enchanted, once started, then what is done cannot be undone.
  • 44、Some people, once met, then one eye ten thousand; Some enchanted, once started, then what is done cannot be undone.
  • 一切顺其自然,一切随遇而安,乃心性之至境。


  • 46、纲纪废弃之日,便是**兴起之时。
  • 47、**必须不仅仅关心和尊重人民,而且必须平等地关心和尊重人民。
  • 48、我的世界,真的很小,小到一转身就看到了你幸福的样子。
  • 49、我喜欢看迪迦奥特曼。因为每一集都会死一城市的人。
  • 50、Be good, is a kind heart; Do a nice guy, is a fickle face.
  • 51、Please men than to please myself. Only to please his woman destined can dump the world.
  • 52、武功再高,也怕菜刀!穿得再铞,一砖摞倒!
  • 53、The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny.
  • 54、Care for and bless others silently, it is a kind of invisible alms.