

  • 2、Stop to visit is to stop breathing, stop is added to life.
  • 3、女人的外表美很重要,但更重要的是心灵美。
  • 4、If you borrow too much money to a person, you can make the person become bad guys.
  • 5、Difficult to force people to find a way to, difficult environment can exercise the talent.
  • 不要沉湎于昨天,不要等待明天,一切从现在开始。
  • 6、不要沉湎于昨天,不要等待明天,一切从现在开始。
  • 7、我的最高原则是:不论对任何困难,都决不屈服。
  • 8、笑靥如花,是人格的瑰丽,是心灵的粲然。
  • 9、少年乐新知,哀暮思故友。韩愈
  • 10、当你寻找出路的时候,千万不要忽略了黑夜。米克沙特·卡尔曼
  • 11、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。

  • 12、活着的时候开心点,因为我们要死很久。
  • 13、不要总是去评价别人,在你不了解别人的情况下。
  • 14、不要沉湎于昨天,不要等待明天,一切从现在开始。
  • 15、Stop to visit is to stop breathing, stop is added to life.
  • 16、Able to stay upright, insist on is seen, through the people are few and far between.
  • 17、The weak tears, strong due to tear up.
  • 18、学习本无底,前进莫徬徨。报摘
  • 19、Able to stay upright, insist on is seen, through the people are few and far between.
  • 信仰是心中的绿洲。哈·纪伯伦
  • 20、信仰是心中的绿洲。哈·纪伯伦
  • 21、有许多人是用青春的幸福作为成功的代价的。

  • 22、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.
  • 23、有许多人是用青春的幸福作为成功的代价的。
  • 24、Don't judge others, in case you don't understand others.
  • 25、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。
  • 26、Opportunities like a cloud, quietly to go quietly.
  • 27、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。
  • 28、失败得教训,成功获经验。谚语
  • 29、A woman's beauty is important, but more important is the beauty of mind.
  • 30、Before others, best before DianDian his own weight.
  • 31、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。

  • 32、跟着人群走下去吧,就这样微笑的走到尽头。
  • 33、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。
  • Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.
  • 34、Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.
  • 35、跟着人群走下去吧,就这样微笑的走到尽头。
  • 36、能够使我飘浮于人生的泥沼中而不致陷污的,是我的信心。但丁
  • 37、Who dares to declares war on the dark, the in the mind must be full of light.
  • 38、拥有武装的先知都胜利了,没有武装的先知都灭亡了。马基雅弗利
  • 39、Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.
  • 40、Go to follow the crowd, so smile come to an end.
  • 41、我不但手气好,脚气也不错!

  • 42、如果迩偶尔的抬头,会看见一扇温暖的窗。
  • 43、Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.
  • 44、无论推销什么东西,先推销自己。
  • 45、人和动物的真正区别,在于他内在的、无形的力量和价值。泰戈尔
  • 46、Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.
  • 47、Fear hardship, bitter for a lifetime, does not fear endures hardship people bitter for a while.
  • 理想和行动要结合起来,只说不行,要紧的是做。
  • 48、理想和行动要结合起来,只说不行,要紧的是做。
  • 49、知识是引导人生到光明与真实境界的灯烛。
  • 50、青春就像卫生纸,看着挺多的,用着用着就不够。
  • 51、How many people want to reverse time, just time don't want to.

  • 52、在说别人之前,最好先掂掂自己的份量。
  • 53、Henceforth, it is the personality of the magnificent, is the beaming of the soul.
  • 54、If you occasionally looked up, will see a warm window.
  • 55、非常之功,必待非常之人。刘彻
  • 56、日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。