To keep a relationship with love: Admit it whenever you’re wrong, and when you’re right, shut up。

  • 1、Modification raises a gender and altruist world, both to think about more to accumulate over a long period.
  • 2、Even a broken mirror, so the sun will shine.
  • 3、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。
  • 4、Modification raises a gender and altruist world, both to think about more to accumulate over a long period.
  • 5、坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。
  • 相信命运的人跟着命运走,不相信命运的人被命运拖着走。
  • 6、相信命运的人跟着命运走,不相信命运的人被命运拖着走。
  • 7、To criticism and correct others in the world, and we didn't have a busy life obstacles, to be exhausted.
  • 8、If you don't want to do something, you don't think of any place in this world.

  • 9、保持友谊的最好的办法是不出卖朋友。
  • 10、保持友谊的最好的办法是不出卖朋友。
  • 11、The down and down, you forgiving someone, is to give yourself to stay a brighter.
  • 12、精神病院一天下雨了,好多病人在雨中洗澡,只有你独自在窗台旁看,院长好奇地问:你在干什么?你答:我等水热了再去!
  • 13、The respect customer, hello: due to the rainy day, lead to system failures, for not affect your normal communication, please send cellular phone in the water! Thank you for your cooperation!
  • 14、Today are you going to beat people, or to be whole, wish you happy April fool's day! Comes but once a year, both the whole and the whole as dull day happy moment!
  • 15、I am not the bones, can't let every dog ran after the run.
  • 16、Hand in a broken rolls of evil men, than make a person not the end of a word.
  • 17、愚人节要到了,为了愚你同乐,我愚重心长地送你这条愚味无穷的短信,愿你做个快乐的愉人:能力绰绰有愚,做人无愧愚心;生活如愚得水。
  • 18、Wise than a foolish friend worse enemy.

    Even a broken mirror, so the sun will shine.
  • 19、Even a broken mirror, so the sun will shine.
  • 20、The respect customer, hello: due to the rainy day, lead to system failures, for not affect your normal communication, please send cellular phone in the water! Thank you for your cooperation!
  • 21、A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is often as brothers.
  • 22、如果一片树叶代表快乐我就送你森林,如果一滴水代表一个祝福我就送你大海,如果一根针代表我对你的思念我就送你仙人球:小样,我就不信扎不死你!
  • 23、愚人节要到了,为了愚你同乐,我愚重心长地送你这条愚味无穷的短信,愿你做个快乐的愉人:能力绰绰有愚,做人无愧愚心;生活如愚得水。
  • 24、Make friends rather than to make reliable friend, is reliable.
  • 25、With is the tianya reduced people, why should meet had met.
  • 26、在哪里找到了朋友,我就在哪里重生。
  • 27、这是一条你必备的警告:由于黑客侵入你的手机系统,电池即被引爆!请立即将手机电池取下扔出五米距离。切记!
  • 28、Are you go to work, right? Whether very tired? There is one thing I suppress in my heart for a long time, after careful consideration I decided to tell you the truth, I want to tell you is Now we had some time off from work。

  • 29、Friendship comes down to the interests of the people, and I think that is the most precious thing in the friendship write-off.
  • 30、如果一片树叶代表快乐我就送你森林,如果一滴水代表一个祝福我就送你大海,如果一根针代表我对你的思念我就送你仙人球:小样,我就不信扎不死你!
  • 31、把友谊归结为利益的人,我以为是把友谊中最宝贵的东西勾销了。
  • Believe that people follow the fate of fate, people who do not believe in fate be fate dragged away.
  • 32、Believe that people follow the fate of fate, people who do not believe in fate be fate dragged away.
  • 33、Friendship is like the morning mist as chaste, flatter and can't find friendship, friendship can only use a loyal to consolidate it.
  • 34、为了批评世界及指正他人,我们生活才过得繁忙障碍,才会筋疲力尽。
  • 35、不管今天你是要去整人,还是要遭被整,都祝你愚人节快乐!一年才一次,无论整与被整都当平淡日子的开心一刻吧!
  • 36、April fool's day to, see acquaintances around, see the beauty to crane, see the boss polite, see the friends, see his family strong smile, see the message The fox's tail was finally come to light, catch you don't want to go!
  • 37、同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。
  • 38、在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

  • 39、The respect customer, hello: due to the rainy day, lead to system failures, for not affect your normal communication, please send cellular phone in the water! Thank you for your cooperation!
  • 40、There are many people who are in youth happiness as the price of success.
  • 41、Real very sensible is the most beautiful and good life priceless friendship.
  • 42、I heard that you made a fortune, but also has all of the foreign debt, so when in elementary school borrow my eraser and what should I also, plus the interest of so many years you should also I a tire。
  • 43、Mental hospital day rain, a lot of patients to take a bath in the rain, only you look at the window sill side alone, dean curiously ask: what are you doing? Your answer: waiting for hot water to go!
  • 44、这是一条你必备的警告:由于黑客侵入你的手机系统,电池即被引爆!请立即将手机电池取下扔出五米距离。切记!
  • This is a necessary warning you: because hackers your phone system, the battery is detonated。 Please'll take out the battery immediately threw five meters distance。 Remember that!
  • 45、This is a necessary warning you: because hackers your phone system, the battery is detonated。 Please'll take out the battery immediately threw five meters distance。 Remember that!
  • 46、不管今天你是要去整人,还是要遭被整,都祝你愚人节快乐!一年才一次,无论整与被整都当平淡日子的开心一刻吧!
  • 47、With is the tianya reduced people, why should meet had met.
  • 48、相信命运的人跟着命运走,不相信命运的人被命运拖着走。

  • 49、天下快意之事莫若友,快友之事莫若谈。
  • 50、该放下时且放下,你宽容别人,其实是给自己留下来一片海阔天空。
  • 51、To criticism and correct others in the world, and we didn't have a busy life obstacles, to be exhausted.
  • 52、Friends are the same soul in two bodies.
  • 53、你正在上班是吧?是不是很累啊?有一件事我憋在心里很久了,经过慎重考虑我决定还是告诉你吧,我想告诉你的就是就是现在离下班还有一段时间。
  • 54、Today are you going to beat people, or to be whole, wish you happy April fool's day! Comes but once a year, both the whole and the whole as dull day happy moment!