I love the way you smile at me, I love your laugh, love, the way you walk, the way you talk, your gentle kiss and touch
2023-01-20 13:42:05
- 1、Who is the evening beauty dancing for?
- 2、I thought those stars were beautiful too, until I caught your eye carelessly.
- 3、Reading makes sense.
- 4、一跟你讲话,我就会笑得跟个白痴似的。
5、Wisdom is the art of knowing what to overlook.
- 6、毛主席说过,谈恋爱不以结婚为目的就是耍流氓。
- 7、亲爱的我爱你、嘴巴想吻你、眼睛想看你、两手想抱你、心里总是想你、梦中拥着你、今生全依你、绝不委屈你。
- 8、你的爱好就是你的方向,你的兴趣就是你的资本。
- 9、问君几多愁。
- 10、黑暗中,最能看清的就是自己的心。
- 11、I want to meet you again, starting with your name.
- 12、最温柔的月光,也敌不过,你转瞬的回眸。
- 13、Is me, forced to leave you, but you can not stay in your heart.
- 14、Time sees truth.
15、Feeling for a long time is not love, but dependence, when the loss is not pain but not to give up.
- 16、不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。
- 17、我想用余生为你暖一盏茶,晚风微扬时勿忘回家。
- 18、世界上只有一个名字,使我这样牵肠挂肚,像有一根看不见的线,一头牢牢系在我心尖上,一头攥在你手中。
- 19、Water fountain is beautiful, because have the pressure.
- 20、永远记住:上天只会安排的快乐的结局。如果不快乐,说明还不是最后结局。
- 21、比别人多一点志气,你就会多一份出息。
- 22、Love has no deadline.
- 23、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此沉重,是因为想你想得太深。窗外月明星稀,窗内伊人孤枕。愿天边佳人,知我深深爱意。
- 24、距离,产生的不是美,而是诠释了不堪一击的爱情。
- 26、最惬意的时候,往往是失败的开始。
- 27、谁让你红了眼眶,你还念念不忘。
- 28、丫头!其实每天睁开眼看见你!感觉这一天没白过!如果真的和你在一起!那我这辈子没白活。
- 29、也许爱情真的要过尽千帆,也许爱情真的要千回百转,可是,我不悔,因为,真爱,从来值得等待。
- 30、Time is getting late.
- 31、The sunset is the last love.
- 32、不要太在乎自己的长相,因为能力不会写在脸上。
- 33、毛主席说过,谈恋爱不以结婚为目的就是耍流氓。
- 34、Since and you in together, happiness is the enlarged version of happiness, sadness is also a large version of the sad.
- 36、Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
- 37、Really interesting, now he was drunk, and do not know who to call out the name.
- 38、The beauty of flowers, cardamom, who can make me a The end of life, far-off regions.
- 39、不论天涯海角,不管春夏秋冬,我一定会把你带在自己的身边,不论走到哪,你都将是我一辈子最重的行囊。左思右想,只有你对我最好,你不要我,谁要呢。
- 40、Cherish the present people.
- 41、或许,与世隔绝是我维护自己的最好方式。
- 42、你,注定是我今生倾心驻足的风景,一世不舍的眷恋。为了你,我愿划破手指,滴血成圈,圈住你的款款深情,纵然玫瑰零落成泥碾作尘,我也甘愿守候着这一世的心疼。
- 43、A bit more ambition than others, you will be more productive.
- 44、最温柔的月光,也敌不过,你转瞬的回眸。
45、Every day is good to you.
- 46、只是埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。
- 47、Love cures people and devotees receive it.
- 48、Dream from this moment, is not just a fantasy, on their own part of it can become a reality.
- 49、Everyone knows that even if every day monotonous and boring. But we always going to have.
- 50、当我凝视到你的眼,当我听到你的声音,当我闻到你秀发上的淡淡清香,当我感受到我剧烈的心跳,我明白了:你是我今生的惟一!
- 51、I don't want to be absent from your future, because you have been absent from your.
- 52、人生,总有些黑暗的隧道需要自己穿越。
- 53、风柔柔的吹动着我的发丝,叶轻轻的飘荡在你的身旁。望着蓝蓝的天空,坐在青青的草地,那么温馨那么和谐。好想让这时刻停止,让我们幸福在一起一辈子!
- 54、你的爱好就是你的方向,你的兴趣就是你的资本。