2023-01-21 12:56:27
1、The greatest happiness in my life is to be able to fall asleep gently every night and wake you every morning. 2、爱是什么,爱就是不管那个人的外表,在乎的是那颗关爱自己的温暖的心,不管世事如何艰难,都能携手一起走下去。 3、世间上最美好的爱恋,是为一个人付出时的勇敢,即使被伤的体无完肤,也无怨无悔。 4、别害怕,我一直站在你的身后,总在你呼唤时守在你左右。 5、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 6、记得有人说,通往心脏的血脉是在无名指上,你知道我多想在今生,倾尽所有,牢牢地栓住你的无名指啊! 7、In the world, there will be a person who really cares about you and loves you, but will never be close to you. 8、Love is a sweet dream, and marriage is an alarm clock. 9、休言半纸无多重,万斛离愁尽耐担。 10、爱是什么,爱就是不管那个人的外表,在乎的是那颗关爱自己的温暖的心,不管世事如何艰难,都能携手一起走下去。 11、世界上最遥远的距离,不是生于死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。 12、这一辈子,我需要的不多,一碗饭一杯茶而已,但是我希望饭是你做的,茶是你泡的。 13、Harm makes one grow up, time makes a person strong, and the end of love makes two people learn to see through overnight. 14、你说过,如果没有当时的遇见,中途的相爱,最后的结束,你会不承认我们已经长大。 15、初离学校,心情澎湃;初入社会,斗志激昂;初谈恋爱,爱如蜜甜;初次升迁,欢天喜地;初次思念,心神荡漾;初收祝福,幸福满满。祝你万事顺利! 16、男人不坏,女人也不坏,坏的只是你们曾经相爱的态度与心情。 17、明明灭灭的人生,我愿作一盏灯,温暖你的寒冷,关照你的一生。 18、我想送给你那一朵握紧在手里的花,还不够完成一个童话,所以看着你浅笑安然,匆匆走过有我的年华。 19、被撞击,被伤害,我才感觉到我是真的在活着,其他时候,我跟死了没两样。 20、Your world is very big, and my world, only you. 21、You said, if you didn't meet at that time, fall in love, and finally ended, you would not admit that we had grown up. 22、两人相处时间越长,越能检验彼此是否真心,越能看出两人性格是否合得来。这样婚后的感情就会牢固得多。 23、The greatest happiness in my life is to be able to fall asleep gently every night and wake you every morning. 24、I once looked up at the sky with my friends, and then we were in tears. He was in love because I was sprained my neck. 25、女人越爱越深,不是女人无法自拔,而是男人不知道女人天生需要依赖。 26、你念了一句咒语,我的时间有点来不及,呼吸心跳一起加速度,追赶你的幸福脚步,尽管我笨手又笨脚,可是你没有把我丢弃,所以我爱你还要继续继续。 27、女人花男人的钱是应该的,如果女方想要分手,不必心怀欠意。男方提出分手,也不能拿钱去要挟人。 28、As long as you want to, when you lose your mind, when you need a shoulder, tell me that I will appear immediately. 29、魅力是什么?魅力不是漂亮,漂亮的女人不一定能吸引我,端庄幽雅的女人我才喜欢。所以你不用担心自己不够漂亮。 30、爱情是一个甜蜜的梦,而婚姻却是一只闹钟。 31、人如风后入江云,情似雨馀黏地絮。 32、只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。 33、最浪漫的事:牵着你柔嫩的手,依偎着走过风霜;靠在我宽厚的肩膀,细数爱里的沧桑;躲进我坚实的胸膛,不再为爱的无措彷徨;爱我,不让你受伤! 34、The furthest distance in the world is not the space between life and death, not Tiangeyifang, but I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you. 35、金钱,地位都不如有个心爱的人在你旁边,不要等到失去了才后悔。 36、出门喜鹊叫,碰到好宝宝,回眸一声笑,把我魂儿绕,千里好姻缘,一线牵两边。嫁给我吧,我保证在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 37、金钱,地位都不如有个心爱的人在你旁边,不要等到失去了才后悔。 38、In the world, there will be a person who really cares about you and loves you, but will never be close to you. 39、Your world is very big, and my world, only you. 40、Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love. 41、一天天时间的流失更让我想念我们之间发生的美好回忆!有痛有伤!留在心里的永远是开心与快乐!所以你要记得我!不能忘了!一切才刚刚开始! 42、曾与美人桥上别,恨无消息到今朝。 43、有你开心省心,对你真心痴心,为你担心忧心,也曾伤心痛心,不敢变心花心,不要多心疑心,想你我很费心,最怕你无良心。 44、Life is not a game, so we do not have the right to give it up only by our own will. 45、Harm makes one grow up, time makes a person strong, and the end of love makes two people learn to see through overnight. 46、怕相思,已相思,轮到相思没处辞,眉间露一丝。 47、爱应该有包容,有宽容,但不该纵容,不该娇惯,但也不能苛刻,ta可以指出你的缺点并告诉你该怎么做,但并不是嫌弃或挑剔。爱一个对你有要求的人,只有想跟你长久的人才会希望你变得更好。 48、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 49、It is a kind of beauty to be in love with you. It is a kind of beauty to be in love with you. It is a blessing to accompany you. I would like to be with you forever. 50、当我说出的话现在才知道那是最痛苦的、亲爱的、我想我一辈子都离不开你。 51、天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。 52、女人越爱越深,不是女人无法自拔,而是男人不知道女人天生需要依赖。 53、Harm makes one grow up, time makes a person strong, and the end of love makes two people learn to see through overnight. 54、没有你的时侯,色彩是单一的,没有你的时侯,饭菜是无味的,没有你的时侯,我是空心的! 55、因为有星,夜才不会黑暗;因为有天,海才一片蔚蓝;因为有梦,生命充满期盼;因为有你,我的世界一片灿烂!