2023-02-09 10:42:16
- 1、Although breathing the same sky breath, but can't hold you.
- 2、I may not be as warm as the sun you, but I can do a moon in the darkest night for you.
- 3、Whether it's snow or ice that wears away your soul, you have to run with it.
- 4、念君客游思断肠,慊慊思归恋故乡,君何淹留寄他方?曹丕《燕歌行二首其一》
- 5、Even if you don't love me, please give me a miss.
- 6、你的优秀和我的人生无关,请带着你的趾高气扬离开我的视线。
- 7、Your best and my life has nothing to do, please leave my sight with your arrogance.
- 8、Who in life left in the past, and who had cleaned off each other.
- 9、即便目前说的不着边际,毕竟也是人陌疏途。
- 11、当彼此分离的那一刻,谁又曾回头望去。
- 12、世界上最可笑的是,我知道了真相,你还在那说谎。
- 13、小时候,微笑是一种心情。长大后,微笑是一种表情。
- 14、年轻人的爱是最纯洁的,最容易破碎。
- 15、Slowly and carefully is close to you, because some pity each other.
- 16、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。黄景仁《绮怀诗二首其一》
- 17、Remove the camouflage armor, since it is so vulnerable.
- 18、The sun warm, years static good, you still don't come, how dare I old.
- 19、When I was young, a smile was a kind of mood. When you grow up, a smile is an expression.
- 21、If you don't leave that day, the world will suddenly become better.
- 22、其实:你喜欢一个人就赋予了他伤害你的权利。
- 23、本来,最不成容忍的是,我们什么都容忍下来了。
- 24、Like a person, every time I meet you, it's like a long goodbye reunion.
- 25、卸下伪装的盔甲,既然是那么的不堪一击。
- 26、爱情这东西,时间很关键,认识得太早或太晚,都不行。
- 27、十如果我爱如果深情会有回声,你是否听见过我在仓皇的岁月里曾经声嘶力竭的,爱的余息。
- 28、Our biggest mistake, is to meet the moment, no brush.
- 29、心累时,蹲下来安抚自己的影子,告诉自己一定要坚强;委屈时,仰望天空,告诉自己不会轻易输掉眼泪。
- 31、You say that not everyone is what you think, is that something?
- 32、Was a hoax, he let we all hurt very deep.
- 33、大地用沉默来致敬万物,而人必须行各种仪式感到礼遇。
- 34、像我这种人难过的时候还是一个人待着最好。
- 35、没有星星,就让月亮来点缀寂寞的夜空。
- 36、Love you, my cheeks squeeze in; miss you, my chin moves down.
- 37、其实:你喜欢一个人就赋予了他伤害你的权利。
- 38、I don't have a proud figure and face, but I have a clean and laughing personality.
- 39、Helpless is, two people are in love with each other, but is afraid to confessions.
- 41、不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远。
- 42、Happiness is to you as the center, I as radius circle.
- 43、我真的好想知道,在你的世界里,我到底有多重要。
- 44、以为你会一直陪我看日出,没想到我们的爱情是日落。
- 45、Uncle, I don't believe in love, I only believe in you.
- 46、浑浑噩噩的走过了很长时间,终于在释然的时候明白,唯有奋斗,才不会一无所有
- 47、年轻人的爱是最纯洁的,最容易破碎。
- 48、幸福与我无关,陷在爱里的人都那么疯狂。
- 49、喜欢就一拍即合不喜欢就一拍两散
- 51、Your bag yesterday and I had no time to attend, I company with you future.
- 52、我为了爱你,不惜伤害了自己。
- 53、自娱自乐自悲自喜自导自演自生自灭。
- 54、当你想丢点什么的时候请想想,千万别丢脸。
- 55、Even if you don't love me, please give me a miss.
- 56、The most ridiculous thing in the world is that I know the truth, you are still lying.