2023-02-08 01:23:13
- 1、往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。
- 2、不论你在什麽时候结束,重要的是结束之後就不要悔恨。
- 3、我自己是凡人,我只求凡人的幸福。彼特拉克
- 4、Always remember that success is more than anything.
- 5、The power that prevents us from flying is the fear that comes from our hearts.
- 6、左右一个人成功的,不是能力,而是选择。
- 7、Smile every day, do like a sunflower warm woman.
- 8、人不能像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。但丁
- 9、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。
- 11、Confidence, perseverance, courage three have, the world did not do anything.
- 12、Water in the conflict in the place, only to the liberation of its vitality.
- 13、The greatest joy in life is that everyone says you can't do it, but you've done it!
- 14、Attitude determines everything. Details determine success or failure, the habit of success in life.
- 15、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。
- 16、One of the heart, desire is narrow, desires is wide.
- 17、生命,那是自然会给人类去雕琢的宝石。诺贝尔
- 18、A pessimist dies, but an optimistic man never dies.
- 19、你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。
- 21、觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。
- 22、忠告要隐蔽,赞扬要公开。西拉士
- 23、劳动是一切商品交换价值的真实尺度。亚当·斯密
- 24、如果良机不来,就亲手创造吧。斯迈尔斯
- 25、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。
- 26、Not only by day, but also by the ground, but also by their own.
- 27、People in difficult to export, is rich to a bucket.
- 28、Our life is not the model of others, is the reference.
- 29、悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。
30、Difficulties can only be intimidated by a coward, lazy, but victory always belongs to the people climbing the peak.
- 31、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。塞万提斯
- 32、这三点对应着三种心理功能,外来的观念依赖于感觉;虚构的观念借助于想象;而天赋观念则出于纯粹理智。
- 33、In the world only can not think of people, there is no way out of the road.
- 34、In order not to damage and great success, God can not a drop of bitter taste in infiltration.
- 35、People have the faith and the pursuit will be able to endure all hardships, to adapt to all the environment.
- 36、我们应当在不同的岗位上,随时奉献自己。海塞
- 37、最聪明的人是最不愿浪费时间的人。但丁
- 38、只有服从理性,我们才能成人。
- 39、每个人都有错,但只有愚者才会执迷不悟。
- 41、知识给人以份量,行为给人以光泽。托马斯·卡莱尔
- 42、不怕苦,吃苦三五年;怕吃苦,吃苦一辈子。
- 43、既靠天,也靠地,还靠自己。
- 44、Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend, grasp the trend, grasp the future.
- 45、忠告要隐蔽,赞扬要公开。西拉士
- 46、我是世界的公民,应为人类而生。诺贝尔
- 47、我们只有献出生命,才能得到生命。泰戈尔
- 48、心有多大,舞台就有多大!只有想不到的,没有做不到的!
- 49、如果良机不来,就亲手创造吧。斯迈尔斯
50、Smile every day, do like a sunflower warm woman.