
  • 1、The dignity of the country is more important than security, is worth more than the fate.
  • 2、Enterprise benefit is the most important, the first in the fire safety.
  • 3、每个人出生的时候都是原创,可悲的是很多人渐渐都成了盗版。
  • 4、每个人出生的时候都是原创,可悲的是很多人渐渐都成了盗版。
  • 5、Hate a person who hate life, is to give yourself to a painful life imprisonment.
  • Danger is everywhere, only remember safety, can safely every day.
  • 6、Danger is everywhere, only remember safety, can safely every day.
  • 7、征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。

  • 8、征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。
  • 9、Time, money, everything, no security, no time, no money, no everything.
  • 10、Security word is important, not forget also can't lose. One thousand you forget it, disaster will come upon you.
  • 11、The dignity of the country is more important than security, is worth more than the fate.
  • 12、Safety is the first, will end your life if you don't pay attention to safety.
  • 13、恋爱时的爱情像风花雪ye,生活中的爱情像柴米油盐。
  • 14、安全是第一,如果不注意安全就会结束生命。
  • 15、危险无处不在,只有紧记安全,才能平平安安过每一天。
  • 16、毅力是成功的先决条件,如果你用力不断的敲门,总会有人应门的。
  • 17、企业效益最重要,防火安全第一条。

  • 18、安全人人抓,幸福千万家。安全两天敌,违章和麻痹。
  • 征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。
  • 19、征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。
  • 20、安全两字很重要,不能忘记也不能丢。万一你把它忘了,灾难就降临在你身上。
  • 21、Into the mountains are not afraid to hurt, tiger is two sides sword. Without beg everywhere human good, don't let it drink high price.
  • 22、Pedestrian crossing to be careful, ready to prevent one thousand ahead of schedule.
  • 23、老天给你关上一扇门,就会给你打开一扇窗。
  • 24、永远用欣赏的眼光看学生,永远用宽容的心态面对学生。
  • 25、Since the childhood to set up the traffic safety consciousness, master the necessary traffic safety knowledge, to ensure safety.
  • 26、隐患处处有,安全时时记。
  • 27、Since the childhood to set up the traffic safety consciousness, master the necessary traffic safety knowledge, to ensure safety.

  • 28、Since the childhood to set up the traffic safety consciousness, master the necessary traffic safety knowledge, to ensure safety.
  • 29、心中时刻有平安,平安永在我身边。
  • 30、脊梁,是你人生的避雷针。要想避雷,就把你的脊梁挺直。
  • 31、Safety production not by luck, illegal act recklessly kills life.
  • 入山不怕伤人虎,只怕人情两面刀。无求到处人情好,不饮随它酒价高。
  • 32、入山不怕伤人虎,只怕人情两面刀。无求到处人情好,不饮随它酒价高。
  • 33、人生诚然有许多烦恼,但在满怀信心,意志坚定的人看来,无难不可摧,乐观努力,就是秘诀。
  • 34、Enlightenment is we are born to strive and endure right, all the pain because we refuse to accept this treasure.
  • 35、Enterprise benefit is the most important, the first in the fire safety.
  • 36、人的结构就是相互支撑,众人的事业需要每个人的参与。
  • 37、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充溢了但愿。

  • 38、恋爱时的爱情像风花雪ye,生活中的爱情像柴米油盐。
  • 39、人生诚然有许多烦恼,但在满怀信心,意志坚定的人看来,无难不可摧,乐观努力,就是秘诀。
  • 40、国家的尊严比安全更为重要,比命运更有价值。
  • 41、失恋,几乎是人人都会遇到的人生难题,到后来几乎是人人都为过去的失恋庆幸。
  • 42、Security everyone caught, thousands of happiness. Two predators, safety violations and paralysis.
  • 43、Safety production not by luck, illegal act recklessly kills life.
  • 44、Pedestrian crossing to be careful, ready to prevent one thousand ahead of schedule.
  • Security word is important, not forget also can't lose. One thousand you forget it, disaster will come upon you.
  • 45、Security word is important, not forget also can't lose. One thousand you forget it, disaster will come upon you.
  • 46、人的价值,在遭受**的一瞬间被决定。
  • 47、安全两字很重要,不能忘记也不能丢。万一你把它忘了,灾难就降临在你身上。

  • 48、脊梁,是你人生的避雷针。要想避雷,就把你的脊梁挺直。
  • 49、恋爱时的爱情像风花雪ye,生活中的爱情像柴米油盐。
  • 50、开悟是我们与生俱有的权利,一切痛苦源于我们拒绝接受这一宝物。
  • 51、乐观者在灾祸中看到机会;悲观者在机会中看到灾祸。