
  • 1、不尊重学生,就是不尊重自己。
  • 2、Suffering from love, love a little more. Die for love, for love is born.
  • 3、Praise and encouragement is the best way to stimulate students' potential.

  • 4、Good people are good because he is the wise, the bad guys are bad because man is stupid.
  • 5、If not happiness, not happy, only to let go; If loathe to give up, can not let go, for the pain.
  • Man is the measure of all things is the existence of existence, there is no scale of does not exist.
  • 6、Man is the measure of all things is the existence of existence, there is no scale of does not exist.
  • 7、Professional ethics is the human, is the foundation of the division.
  • 8、Praise the trumpet, criticism on the phone.
  • 9、Lesson 10 minutes rest adequately, is the first guarantee of listen attentively in class.
  • 10、真正爱的人没有什么爱得多爱得少的,他是把自己整个儿都给他所爱的人。
  • 11、耕耘在绿草地,此生无怨无悔。
  • 12、Let the students interested in autonomic activities of autonomous learning.
  • 13、Like my name, to do the glorious example and moral standard of Chinese philanthropy.

  • 14、Proverbs are the manners of charity, JiXiang event for pleasure, self-disciplined, no evil thoughts, tenderhearted goodwill to be with you and me.
  • 15、I love this career, regardless of the ordinary, regardless of the poor.
  • 16、The attention of educators and love in the hearts of students will leave an indelible impression.
  • 17、The attention of educators and love in the hearts of students will leave an indelible impression.
  • 18、慈善会使孤独的人不再孤独,慈善会使作恶的人找回善良。
  • 19、德者业治本,业者德之着。
  • Use material to sacrifice of love, when you stop giving it quickly eliminated.
  • 20、Use material to sacrifice of love, when you stop giving it quickly eliminated.
  • 21、Send person rose, is the children of judah have lingering fragrance; Sprinkle your charity love to others, you are the warm sunshine.
  • 22、善乃是人格的一种实现。
  • 23、Praise and encouragement is the best way to stimulate students' potential.

  • 24、诚挚的心灵,是学生情感的钥匙。
  • 25、Charity, is the source of human happiness, the heart of the oasis, oasis of hope.
  • 26、It's time to break up, I go to dead, you go to work, who is good way, only god knows.
  • 27、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。
  • 28、Charity is no longer lonely, lonely people do evil people find good charity.
  • 29、慈善为怀,祈福于民,普天同济,流芳百世。
  • 30、Charity is like a brilliant sun, without which life will lose luster, earnest, beauty in the dedication.
  • 31、Sincere heart, is the key to the student emotion.
  • 32、慈善如同启明星,为人指方向;慈善好像度量衡,处处报标准。
  • 33、谁爱孩子,孩子就爱她;只有爱孩子的人,她才能教育孩子。

    I announced that might is right, justice is the interests of the strong.
  • 34、I announced that might is right, justice is the interests of the strong.
  • 35、人是一切事的尺度,是存在者之存在,不存在者之不存在的尺度。
  • 36、好人之所以好是因为他是有智慧的,坏人之所以坏是因为人是愚蠢的。
  • 37、Governs incorruptibly, teachers' responsibility.
  • 38、Charity to conceive, blessing to the people, putian tongji university, a fair death honors the whole life.
  • 39、If people can be sympathetic to the charity, ways to eliminate the curse of humanity, is the life of the disaster can destroy half.
  • 40、For teacher when upright character, and to love.
  • 41、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。
  • 42、让学生在感兴趣的自主活动中进行自主学习。
  • 43、Charity like the rain at fu, although tiny, but the night falling, wet land can also nourish spread plant-based.

  • 44、Charity, is the source of human happiness, the heart of the oasis, oasis of hope.
  • 45、The attention of educators and love in the hearts of students will leave an indelible impression.
  • 46、Use material to sacrifice of love, when you stop giving it quickly eliminated.
  • 47、It's time to break up, I go to dead, you go to work, who is good way, only god knows.
  • 慈善,是人类幸福的源泉,心灵的绿洲,希望的甘泉。
  • 48、慈善,是人类幸福的源泉,心灵的绿洲,希望的甘泉。
  • 49、I announced that might is right, justice is the interests of the strong.
  • 50、慈善格言正世风,齐襄盛举乐融融,慈心律己无邪念,善意待人你我同。
  • 51、The bird thinks to give the fish a lift in the air of an act of kindness.
  • 52、诚挚的心灵,是学生情感的钥匙。
  • 53、Charity to conceive, blessing to the people, putian tongji university, a fair death honors the whole life.

  • 54、Charity is like an umbrella, can shelter from the rain, love is like a rainbow, after the wind and rain in beauty.
  • 55、Charity as phosphorus, is refers to the direction; Charity as weights and measures, the standard everywhere.
  • 56、像我的名字一样,立志做中国慈善事业的光荣榜样和道德标杆。
  • 57、Governs incorruptibly, teachers' responsibility.