2023-02-12 23:40:33
- 1、人之有礼,忧鱼之有水矣。葛洪
- 2、不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果的。钱学森
- 3、择才不求备,任物不过涯。元镇
- 4、Morality is the only undefeated investment good deeds.
- 5、Intelligence is moving the lever of the society.
- 6、恋爱并不是人生唯一的事业。国分康孝
- 7、I urge the god alive, promising talents.
- 8、以希望为生的人,将绝食而死。富兰克林
- 10、A man's wisdom without will wither.
- 11、正义的事业能够产生坚定信念和巨大的力量。托·富勒
- 12、Who give me a drop of water, and I will reward him across the sea.
- 13、知识本身并没有告诉人怎样运用它,运用的方法乃在书本之外,这是一门技艺,不经实验就不能学到。培根
- 14、Not cause for thought, but thought to cause.
- 15、交朋友是因为爱他。爱他,就不要给他制造麻烦,就不要让他为自己多操心。
- 16、社会就是书,事实就是教材。卢梭
- 17、每个人都会有缺陷,就像被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷比较大,正是因为上帝特别喜欢他的芬芳。托尔斯泰
- 18、Not cause for thought, but thought to cause.
19、Thirsty stolen drinking spring water, not hot not evil shadow of wood.
- 20、Without great difficulty, there would be no great cause.
- 21、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之首,因为这种德性保证了所有其余的德性。温斯顿·丘吉尔
- 22、不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果的。钱学森
- 23、Between friends, the opportunities of foes.
- 24、Ideal and bravery are brothers.
- 25、Many young people in learning music has learned to love.
- 26、Determine the final result of success or failure of work.
- 27、People like to habit, because it is his.
- 28、Hope for a living, will die by hunger.
- 30、Misfortune may become the bridge to happiness.
- 31、The value of life lies in creating a valuable life.
- 32、理想和勇敢是亲兄弟。英国谚语
- 33、我是世界的公民,应为人类而生。诺贝尔
- 34、The young to old learning difficulty, an inch of time is not light.
- 35、Used to be a sin is now a disease.
- 36、自问:为什么关怀他人?以何种方式?只为自我爱的奉献。
- 37、不放弃!决不放弃!永不放弃!邱吉尔
- 38、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。
39、Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success.
- 40、云厚者,雨必猛,弓劲者,箭必远。葛洪
- 41、Success is not important, the important is hard work.
- 42、知识本身并没有告诉人怎样运用它,运用的方法乃在书本之外,这是一门技艺,不经实验就不能学到。培根
- 43、许多年轻人在学习音乐时学会了爱。莱杰
- 44、丈夫志四方,有事先悬弧,焉能钧三江,终年守菰蒲。顾炎武
- 45、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。爱因斯坦
- 46、人只有在人们中间才能认识自己。歌德
- 47、德行善举是惟一不败的投资。梭洛
- 48、年少从他爱梨粟,长成须读五车书。王安石
- 50、理想和勇敢是亲兄弟。英国谚语
- 51、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。
- 52、社会就是书,事实就是教材。卢梭
- 53、Between friends, the opportunities of foes.
- 54、懒人无法享受休息之乐。拉布克