If we are to do their ability to do it, we would call surprise ourselves

  • 1、朋友是路,家是树。别迷路,靠靠树。
  • 2、其实根本就没有什么假如,每个人的人生都不可重新设计。
  • 3、新年祝福﹐祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!
  • 4、Love and compassion, on the things that is not the same as on who have decided to, fans of a heart, a heart.
  • 5、Full of childlike innocence, standard words and deeds, good for the students.
  • 教师好似肥沃的土壤,滋养着娇贵的花朵,呵护着娇嫩的小草。


  • 7、倾注心血的爱能使孩子们早日鲜花绽放!
  • 8、新年祝福﹐祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!
  • 9、送一份美丽让周末好心情,送一份关怀让你骄傲,送一份青春让你不老,送一份梦想让你实现,送一份友情不需回报,再送一份你平安才算可靠!
  • 10、教师的荣幸是跟世界上最充满希望的人在打交道,所以要引导他们把希望变成现实。
  • 11、Teachers should be good at digging the child potential, foster their ability in many aspects, including the ability to learn.
  • 12、And so, in the process of education and teaching, we can learn a lot.
  • 13、Beat yourself is the most lamentable failure, his victory over his is the most precious of victory.
  • 14、A encourage of look in the eyes, a cordial greeting, can let a potential born out of the beautiful life from now on.
  • 15、Children can admire, want to go to the sky, want to dive nest, often they thought jump is much faster than us.
  • 16、如果你为自己定的所有目标都已达到,那么说明你定的目标还不够远大。

  • 17、Long time no see, very missed。 In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years。 I wish a happy New Year, happy!
  • 18、如果你为自己定的所有目标都已达到,那么说明你定的目标还不够远大。
  • Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own.
  • 19、Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own.
  • 20、Respect for children, don't jump, or good or bad for children.
  • 21、Love and compassion, on the things that is not the same as on who have decided to, fans of a heart, a heart.
  • 22、Two tragedies in life: one is desperation, one is hopeful.
  • 23、教师应该善于挖掘孩子的潜能,培养他们包括学习能力在内的多方面能力。
  • 24、祝您在新的一年中,吉祥如意、笑口常开;也预祝我们在新的一年中,合作愉快,万事如意。
  • 25、站在三尺讲坛上,我们四季耕耘,凭着一腔热血,换取万世幸福。
  • 26、教书育人是教师的天职,既有苦,也有乐。

  • 27、不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更不同!
  • 28、固然我有某些优点,而我自己最重视的优点,却是我的谦虚。
  • 29、Do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow, no one can casually succeed! Come on! New Year is different!
  • 30、Do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow, no one can casually succeed! Come on! New Year is different!
  • 31、新年到,吃大餐;少喝酒,多吃菜;够不着,站起来;有人敬,耍耍赖;吃不了,兜回来!
  • Appreciate others' advantages, to the faults of others, respect other people's secret, cheerful self life.
  • 32、Appreciate others' advantages, to the faults of others, respect other people's secret, cheerful self life.
  • 33、Teacher's pleasure is dealing with the most hopeful person in the world in, so to guide their hope into reality.
  • 34、欣赏别人的优点,善待别人的缺点,尊重别人的保密,愉悦自我的人生。
  • 35、祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。
  • 36、初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!

  • 37、Wear other's shoes walk others road, let others find shoes and can't find the way.
  • 38、New Year, to eat dinner; Drink less, eat more vegetables; Can't reach, stand up; Some worship, play play to depend on; Can't eat, take back!
  • 39、Always use appreciation view of students, always with tolerant attitude in the face of the students.
  • 40、Send a beautiful good mood for the weekend, send a care make you proud, send you a youth not old, send a dream to make you realize, send a friendship does not need to return, and then send a you to be safe and reliable!
  • 41、谷穗越饱满就越低垂,学识越渊博就越谦逊。
  • 42、Full of childlike innocence, standard words and deeds, good for the students.
  • 43、固然我有某些优点,而我自己最重视的优点,却是我的谦虚。
  • 44、欣赏别人的优点,善待别人的缺点,尊重别人的保密,愉悦自我的人生。
  • The so-called the enemy, but it is those who forced ourselves to become a powerful man.
  • 45、The so-called the enemy, but it is those who forced ourselves to become a powerful man.
  • 46、I wish you good fortune in the New Year, ruyi, smile; Also wish we can cooperate happily in the New Year, and all the best。

  • 47、人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌,吃好喝好休息好,身体才会更健康!
  • 48、Wish a healthy body every day, the mood all the time, troubles were I cast light, often put you trust, hand in hand with a well-off, happy good times together。
  • 49、我的梦中夜夜有你。我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里。愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦!
  • 50、尊重儿童,不要急于对儿童作出或好或坏的评价。
  • 51、充满童心、规范言行、善待学生。
  • 52、Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own.