
  • 1、什么叫作失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
  • 2、Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.
  • 3、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。
  • 4、投资知识是明智的,投资网络中的知识就更加明智。
  • 5、对真理和知识的追求并为之奋斗,是人的最高品质之一。爱因斯坦
  • 微笑了太久,一个哭泣的触点也会让自己垮掉。
  • 6、微笑了太久,一个哭泣的触点也会让自己垮掉。
  • 7、In front of true love, don't give up, even if you like of the person you are asked to give up.
  • 8、Before others, best before DianDian his own weight.

  • 9、困难地逼着人想办法,困难环境能锻炼出人才来。
  • 10、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。
  • 11、If will give, no matter how much it has helped the violence.
  • 12、有志的人战天斗地,无志的人怨天恨地。
  • 13、A woman's beauty is important, but more important is the beauty of mind.
  • 14、Whatever things sell, sell yourself first.
  • 15、In order to efforts to play their part in life, love life.
  • 16、Opportunities like a cloud, quietly to go quietly.
  • 17、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。佚名
  • Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.

    18、Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.

  • 19、汗水能浇出成功的鲜花,拼搏能赢来胜利的喜悦。
  • 20、志不真则心不热,心不热则功不贤。
  • 21、做个开心的人,开心到别人看到你也会变得开心。
  • 22、女人的外表美很重要,但更重要的是心灵美。
  • 23、在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。
  • 24、Attitude determines altitude dominate life habits.
  • 25、志气和贫困是患难兄弟,世人常见他们伴在一起。
  • 26、Fear hardship, bitter for a lifetime, does not fear endures hardship people bitter for a while.
  • 27、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。
  • 28、勇敢坚毅真正之才智乃刚毅之志向。拿破仑

  • 29、Don't judge others, in case you don't understand others.
  • 富贵本无根,尽从勤里得。冯梦龙
  • 30、富贵本无根,尽从勤里得。冯梦龙
  • 31、当时间的主人,命运的主宰,灵魂的舵手。罗斯福
  • 32、如果迩偶尔的抬头,会看见一扇温暖的窗。
  • 33、There are many people who are in youth happiness as the price of success.
  • 34、跟着人群走下去吧,就这样微笑的走到尽头。
  • 35、Alive happy spot, because we will die a long time.
  • 36、Do a happy person, happy to others see you will become happy.
  • 37、青春就像卫生纸,看着挺多的,用着用着就不够。
  • 38、为了走上成材的道路,钢铁决不惋惜璀璨的钢花被遗弃。

  • 39、The climber wisdom and sweat, a faith and the will of the long poem conceived.
  • 40、在一切与生俱来的天然赠品中,时间最为宝贵。
  • 41、军的责任是要把不平等的世界打成平等的。孙中山
  • If you borrow too much money to a person, you can make the person become bad guys.
  • 42、If you borrow too much money to a person, you can make the person become bad guys.
  • 43、Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.
  • 44、Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.
  • 45、奋斗这一件事是自有人类以来天天不息的。孙中山
  • 46、Between the person and the person sincere caring power called smile.
  • 47、什么叫作失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
  • 48、The regards shouldn't be so careful but it must be sincerely to be moved.

  • 49、If you occasionally looked up, will see a warm window.
  • 50、笑靥如花,是人格的瑰丽,是心灵的粲然。