
  • 1、幸福大得前所未有,微笑与泪俱来。
  • 2、Heart tired, squat down to appease his shadow, told myself must be strong; grievance, look up at the sky, told he will not easily lost tears.
  • 3、我是一粒棋子,过了河,没路可回了。
  • 4、Time went by, though he did not change anything, but when you look back one day, only to find that all how different.
  • 5、Most of the time are they dug a pit, and then bound to jump into the pit is dug for themselves, jump is his jump, finally couldn't climb out of it is their own.
  • 真正的爱情是明明知道没有结果,却还想着继续。
  • 6、真正的爱情是明明知道没有结果,却还想着继续。
  • 7、The heart is tired to a certain degree, even angry and calculation of the strength is not.
  • 8、越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 9、其实你不用冷淡,我从未想过纠缠。

  • 10、我只能读着不给的空白,独自一人在原地徘徊。
  • 11、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。
  • 12、Because your response is too slow, in order to be equal, even if you want to second, I will deliberately over a period of time to reply.
  • 13、Don't listen to the slow song don't revisit don't drink drunk and don't think of him.
  • 14、If you really love a person, you will be love.
  • 15、Because your response is too slow, in order to be equal, even if you want to second, I will deliberately over a period of time to reply.
  • 16、幸福大得前所未有,微笑与泪俱来。
  • 17、我认识的人越多,就越喜欢动物。
  • 18、I may not be as warm as the sun you, but I can do a moon in the darkest night for you.
  • The most ridiculous thing in the world is that I know the truth, you are still lying.

    19、The most ridiculous thing in the world is that I know the truth, you are still lying.

  • 20、Go, he really has gone, with my copy of the sincerity, and went away with all the emotional attachment.
  • 21、I am a pawn, crossed the river, no way back.
  • 22、I won't let you a person, you would rather a person.
  • 23、爱有时很矛盾,会在风浪之中显得摇摇欲坠,却又不甘于无味的平淡。
  • 24、如果你真正的爱一个人,你是会自爱的。
  • 25、I may not be as warm as the sun you, but I can do a moon in the darkest night for you.
  • 26、幸福大得前所未有,微笑与泪俱来。
  • 27、Sad Swing some breeze with lonely night, always have the stars, suddenly look back, and you are not on my side.
  • 28、Miss you every night, my eyes are like a silk drizzle float by falling in the rhyme of the tip, break into a grain of grain.
  • 29、其实你不用冷淡,我从未想过纠缠。

  • 30、因为你的回复太慢了,为了平等,即使想秒回,我也会故意过一段时间再回复。
  • 31、虽是有缘无份,但愿在以后的日子里,我能在你的记忆中增加一份美好的回忆,能通过此生的努力,修满来世的情份。
  • You at a loss in the human tide, I was behind you, for fear of making mistakes, or fear of missing.
  • 32、You at a loss in the human tide, I was behind you, for fear of making mistakes, or fear of missing.
  • 33、即使你身边躺的女人不是我,但我仍然相信你是爱我的。
  • 34、A drop of tears fall, need how long? Tears fall silent, fall a piece of ground.
  • 35、The most painful now, was once the most beautiful time.
  • 36、我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。
  • 37、Enjoyment from sad since hi self-directed emerge of itself and perish of itself.
  • 38、上天不给我的,无论我十指怎样紧扣,仍然走漏;给我的,无论过去我怎么失手,都会拥有。
  • 39、Sad Swing some breeze with lonely night, always have the stars, suddenly look back, and you are not on my side.

  • 40、真正的爱情是明明知道没有结果,却还想着继续。
  • 41、Time or the feelings of a precipitation, engraved, or the feelings of a kill, and to dust.
  • 42、人生最宝贵的不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。
  • 43、Most of the time are they dug a pit, and then bound to jump into the pit is dug for themselves, jump is his jump, finally couldn't climb out of it is their own.
  • 44、我可以耐心等,幸福可以来的慢一些,只要它是真的!
  • 就算曾经几乎拥有幸福的完美,你的心回不去了对不对。
  • 45、就算曾经几乎拥有幸福的完美,你的心回不去了对不对。
  • 46、Far unprecedented happiness, to smile with tears.
  • 47、你在人潮里不知所措,我却跟在你身后,伸手怕犯错,缩手怕错过。
  • 48、单是说不行,要紧的是做。——鲁迅
  • 49、最心痛的现在,曾是曾经最美好的时候。

  • 50、True love is clearly know no results, but also thinking about to continue.
  • 51、Miss you every night, my eyes are like a silk drizzle float by falling in the rhyme of the tip, break into a grain of grain.
  • 52、回忆之所以是回忆,只因我们再也回不去。
  • 53、Even if you have a perfect happiness, your heart can not go back to the right.