2023-03-19 11:48:10
- 1、丰收靠劳动,健康靠运动。
- 2、A brother will not deceive his neighbours, but he will not deceive his neighbours.
- 3、生命在于运动,康寿在于平衡。
- 4、饭后一百步,强如上药铺。
- 5、德靠自修,神靠自养。
- 6、舌头是肉长的,事实是铁打的。
- 7、失落寸金容易找,失落光阴无处寻。
- 8、早酒晚茶五更色,阎王小鬼紧随身。
- 10、感冒不是病,不治要了命。
- 11、若学多情寻往事,人间何处不伤人。
- 12、水停百日生毒,人闲百日生病。
- 13、Better wear a friend's coat than a friend's wife.
- 14、四季不离蒜,不用去医院。
- 15、宁可人负我,切莫我负人。
- 16、体弱病欺人,体强人欺病。
- 17、Reason is not high in words, but in words.
- 18、Fear no disrespect, but fear is not right.
- 20、A brother will not deceive his neighbours, but he will not deceive his neighbours.
- 21、剃头常洗澡,身体自然好。
- 22、养身在动,养心在静。
- 23、People leave names and goose keeps their voices.
- 24、People fear no reason, dogs fear tail.
- 25、Seeking medical advice after illness is not as good as preventing before disease.
- 26、失落寸金容易找,失落光阴无处寻。
- 27、Know why today.
- 28、白菜萝卜汤,益寿保健康。
- 30、治已病,不若治未病。
- 31、A good flower is hard to grow, but a young one will never return.
- 32、食能以时,身必无灾。
- 33、知足胜过常吃药。
- 34、不怕山高,就怕脚软;不怕人穷,就怕志短。
- 35、老怕伤寒少怕痨。
- 36、常常晒太阳,身体健如钢。
- 37、饮食要卫生,一热二鲜三干净。
- 38、娱乐有制,失制则精疲力竭。
- 40、路不平,众人踩;事不平,大家管。
- 41、为人者心坦,算人者心悸。
- 42、It is better to say no more than to exaggerate.
- 43、Don't talk about it.
- 44、酒是烧身的硝熘,气是损心的火药。
- 45、天无整日雨,人无一世苦。
- 46、戒晚食为养生善术。
- 47、人生血脉似长江,一处不到一处伤。
- 48、A brother will not deceive his neighbours, but he will not deceive his neighbours.
- 50、吃人参不如睡五更。
- 51、路不平,众人踩;事不平,大家管。