
  • 1、I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 2、什么叫浪漫,明知道她不爱你,还送她99朵玫瑰。什么叫浪费,明知道她爱你还送她99朵玫瑰。愚人节快乐!
  • 3、给你讲个故事,从前有个笨蛋,他非常笨,别人问他什么问题他都只会摇头或回答没有,这个故事你听过吗?
  • 4、One and a half jins spirit erguotou, love is two years old veteran, food and drink piao wager smoking three years old, four're incapable to steal, the man in a rare promise, low IQ, when I grew up knowing that the person is you, still see the bottom。 Admi
  • 5、我有意给你爱情之自由空间,而你却把这自由空间当作了和别人私奔之天地。我这一放手,却成了我一辈子的伤。
  • 打败我的不是天真,而是天真热!
  • 6、打败我的不是天真,而是天真热!
  • 7、原来在心隐隐作痛的时候,你也可以置之不理。

  • 8、Urgent notice: tonight to tomorrow morning have a small earthquake, for your safety, please wrapped in a quilt tonight, head a toilet, plant straw under the bed to sleep in his nostrils。
  • 9、人在孤独的时候,是最容易爱上别人的。
  • 10、你就要去他方远行,真诚的朋友为你送行;凛冽的寒风,挡不住我俩的友情;我握住你的手说:好好改造,争取减刑!愚人节快乐!
  • 11、One and a half jins spirit erguotou, love is two years old veteran, food and drink piao wager smoking three years old, four're incapable to steal, the man in a rare promise, low IQ, when I grew up knowing that the person is you, still see the bottom。 Admi
  • 12、我从来没有想象过爱情是怎样的。你就是我的爱情,我又何须想象。你呢!
  • 13、我要越来越礼貌,要温柔的没有棱角。
  • 14、我赢了所有人,但却输掉了你。
  • 15、如果你是小狗狗,我愿变成骨头给你啃;如果你孤单,我会用心来陪你;可这次我没带啥,只有香蕉一串,挂得高高的,我相信,你一定会叠上盒子把它摘取!
  • 16、愚人节到真热闹,处处都是欢声笑。朋友之间会恶搞,捉弄之人到处跑。别人欺骗也不恼,开开心心快乐绕。祝你愚人节开心一笑!
  • 17、What is romantic, know she doesn't love you, also send her 99 roses。 What is waste, know she loves you also send her 99 roses。 Happy April fool's day!

  • 18、I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 人活着真累!上车得排队,单恋真受罪,吃饭没香味,喝酒容易醉,上班特疲惫,抢劫还不会,挣钱得交税,就连给小猪发个短信还得收费。
  • 19、人活着真累!上车得排队,单恋真受罪,吃饭没香味,喝酒容易醉,上班特疲惫,抢劫还不会,挣钱得交税,就连给小猪发个短信还得收费。
  • 20、我发现我比想象中爱你,只是一不小心错过了你。
  • 21、一万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在。
  • 22、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 23、连自己都想问我为什么,只抱抱你就放手像好好的,其实心瓦解班驳。
  • 24、我要越来越礼貌,要温柔的没有棱角。
  • 25、人生的路很长,我们还要拼命前进,即使若干年后彼此忘记,也要微笑着说:我不会忘记你的!我舍不得你们。
  • 26、In order to you, I don't care about the secular vision, in spite of all the gossip, as long as you can with you, even I'm at the end of the world, I want to loudly announced to the world: I love you, yuan!
  • 27、收到信息抖精神,教你如何来做人,读读信息变傻人,不转你会成呆人,删除证明你是痴人,回复表明你没成人,这条信息为整人,愚人节里送愚人。愚人快乐哟!

  • 28、所谓天长地久不过人之一厢情愿,与其自导自演不如洒脱放手来的帅气!
  • 29、双生花,双生花,任何一方死亡的时候,另一方也悄然腐烂。
  • 30、打败我的不是天真,而是天真热!
  • 31、人生的路很长,我们还要拼命前进,即使若干年后彼此忘记,也要微笑着说:我不会忘记你的!我舍不得你们。
  • Didn't intend to meet you, meet you is providence, thinking you were feeling, half-hearted when not see you, see you wholeheartedly, if one day we had the announcement, at least remember!
  • 32、Didn't intend to meet you, meet you is providence, thinking you were feeling, half-hearted when not see you, see you wholeheartedly, if one day we had the announcement, at least remember!
  • 33、人生的路很长,我们还要拼命前进,即使若干年后彼此忘记,也要微笑着说:我不会忘记你的!我舍不得你们。
  • 34、To receive the SMS to listen: you have been surrounded! Happy happy to bear hug with you, to trip you up, sweet for your ransom, good luck to you sneak attack, beauty want to talk to you learn kissing skills, you have nowhere to run!
  • 35、Live very humble abode, live very timid, very annoyed, looks like squash, eat steamed corn-bread, April fool's day is coming, wish you and your colleagues happy "snap"。
  • 36、收短信的人听着:你已经被包围了!幸福要与你熊抱,快乐要把你绊倒,甜蜜将对你绑票,好运要对你实施偷袭,美女想跟你学习接吻技巧,你已经无处可逃!
  • 37、或许我只是在你世界之外徘徊的路人而已。

  • 38、收到信息抖精神,教你如何来做人,读读信息变傻人,不转你会成呆人,删除证明你是痴人,回复表明你没成人,这条信息为整人,愚人节里送愚人。愚人快乐哟!
  • 39、我发现我比想象中爱你,只是一不小心错过了你。
  • 40、Today's April fool's day, we went to fools。 Learn the cat three call, let me laugh, shout three shout into air, frighten big German shepherd。 Under this order is, at speed。 Designation for April fool's day, fool don't do it。
  • 41、既然你已经离开,我怎么还能继续哭。
  • 42、遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意,如果某天我们有了退意,至少还有回忆!
  • 43、思念弥漫夜幕身外渐渐模糊,心又如何掩护爱的企图。
  • 44、Didn't intend to meet you, meet you is providence, thinking you were feeling, half-hearted when not see you, see you wholeheartedly, if one day we had the announcement, at least remember!
  • Didn't intend to meet you, meet you is providence, thinking you were feeling, half-hearted when not see you, see you wholeheartedly, if one day we had the announcement, at least remember!
  • 45、Didn't intend to meet you, meet you is providence, thinking you were feeling, half-hearted when not see you, see you wholeheartedly, if one day we had the announcement, at least remember!
  • 46、一起旳沿途,没冇想象中旳快乐。
  • 47、One live really tired! Get on the bus line, unrequited love really suffer, eat no fragrance, drink drunk, go to work very tired, not robbery, earn money to pay tax, even send a text message to the pigs have to charge。

  • 48、你不爱我,而我爱你,这是病,久治不愈的病。
  • 49、给你讲个故事,从前有个笨蛋,他非常笨,别人问他什么问题他都只会摇头或回答没有,这个故事你听过吗?
  • 50、我相信我爱你。依然。始终。永远。
  • 51、原来在心隐隐作痛的时候,你也可以置之不理。
  • 52、连自己都想问我为什么,只抱抱你就放手像好好的,其实心瓦解班驳。
  • 53、Received information shaking, spirit, teach you how to behave, read information become stupid, don't turn you into a foolish people, delete to prove you are delusion, reply to show that you don't have the adult, this message to those trick, send a fool in