
  • 1、生日快乐!让我为你祝福,让我为你欢笑,因为在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝我的宝贝,生日快乐!
  • 2、正月十五闹元宵,圆圆的月亮照亮的是你光明的前程,大红的映照出的是你红红火火的生活,美味的元宵吃出的是幸福的滋味。快乐的元宵节,幸福的生活,美好的一切都将属于你。
  • 3、长长的距离,长长的线,连着长长的思念。远远的空间,久久的时间,剪不断远方的掂念!祝你生日快乐!
  • 4、亲爱的,中秋节我送你一百个祝福。我已经收到了99朵玫瑰。还有一个。是吗?那一个祝福就是月亮代表我的心。

  • 5、Sons of light shone night such as day, and fireworks bursts desire, longteng lion dances the has, the universe, gongs rang as I in line, crowded crowded streets, lantern riddle so sudden, spring breeze invited you yuanxiao。 Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 月已圆,人未到!只愿天涯同沦落,相逢永不老!乾坤权当定情物,广寒宫里有人邀!
  • 6、月已圆,人未到!只愿天涯同沦落,相逢永不老!乾坤权当定情物,广寒宫里有人邀!
  • 7、当我们绘声绘色的回想起童年时代的趣事,脸上总会洋溢出红润的光彩。今天是宝贝周岁的生日!愿他生日快乐!健康成长!
  • 8、Meteor across the sky, I missed wishing; River pentium into the sea, I missed the greeting。 To the Mid-Autumn festival, cannot miss to you greetings, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival, happy forever!
  • 9、愿你的生日特别快乐,愿新的一年中心想事成!
  • 10、家乡的月亮总比外面的圆,家乡的月饼总比外面的甜,中秋将至,不能回家团圆,给家乡的亲戚朋友送出我的祝福:中秋快乐!
  • 11、心到,想到,看到,祝福先送到;听到,说到,时间到,你的生日又来到。礼物还没到,问候先登场,祝你生日快乐,年年岁岁有今朝。
  • 12、元宵节到了,送您一碗汤圆,将圆起一场事业的美梦,圆出温暖如春的爱情,圆得家人幸福的团聚,圆来新一年精彩的运程!元宵快乐!
  • 13、Drive away the sadness of heart, bring sweet embrace; Expulsion of job is fatigue, let carefree to replace; Forget about the trouble of life, the good luck to spread。 I wishes for Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy, good dream!
  • 14、元宵节将至,送你几盏名贵的灯笼:橘灯、绢灯、五彩羊皮灯、无骨麦秸灯、走马灯、孔明灯,灯灯照亮你的前程,祝你身体健康,事事顺风!

  • 15、Infants round, the flowers, take good care of yourself to health; The fish to swim, birds call, wish you ha ha laugh every day; Hand book, cup of wine, I wish you good luck every day! More happy, less sad, happy yuanxiao, trouble run away!
  • 16、月到十五分外圆,元霄佳节盼团圆。爱人温柔把你粘,朋友心中常挂牵。家人呵护亲情暖,儿女可爱让人怜。心情愉悦乐相伴,贵人相助福无边。
  • 17、宝贝,你的生日就在今天,祝你可爱依旧,快乐多多!
  • 18、我们希望,我们恒久不变的浓浓的爱,能化作你发奋求知的动力,助你达到理想的彼岸。同时,祝愿我们的儿子生日快乐!
  • I'm begin preparations for the company production of moon cakes。 Do skin with romantic; Do with sweet fillings; Happiness do egg king; People don't need more understand taste, best only have your a!
  • 19、I'm begin preparations for the company production of moon cakes。 Do skin with romantic; Do with sweet fillings; Happiness do egg king; People don't need more understand taste, best only have your a!
  • 20、元宵节将至,送你几盏名贵的灯笼:橘灯、绢灯、五彩羊皮灯、无骨麦秸灯、走马灯、孔明灯,灯灯照亮你的前程,祝你身体健康,事事顺风!
  • 21、我认为健康和快乐是人生最重要的两件东西,如果它们可以转让,我愿意把我的那一份都给你!我的宝贝,生日快乐!
  • 22、流星划过天际,我错过了许愿;江河奔腾入海,我错过了祝福;又到中秋,不能错过给你的问候,祝中秋节快乐,永远幸福!
  • 23、Infants round, the flowers, take good care of yourself to health; The fish to swim, birds call, wish you ha ha laugh every day; Hand book, cup of wine, I wish you good luck every day! More happy, less sad, happy yuanxiao, trouble run away!
  • 24、生日快乐!让我为你祝福,让我为你欢笑,因为在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝我的宝贝,生日快乐!

  • 25、当我们绘声绘色的回想起童年时代的趣事,脸上总会洋溢出红润的光彩。今天是宝贝周岁的生日!愿他生日快乐!健康成长!
  • 26、在生日来临之际,我特意用歌声表达对你的祝福之情。我们的祖国是花园,花园里数你最鲜艳,娃哈哈呀娃哈哈,你的美赛过沉鱼落雁。生日快乐!
  • 27、Warlords bright moon when han guan, the melon seeds to eat dumplings。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet。 Listen to crosstalk watching movie, family were laughing。 Food and clothing live line is festival, beer and skittles yuanxiao。 Yuanx
  • 28、正月十五月初圆,神州大地人人欢。鞭炮声声在耳畔,家人团聚品汤圆。珠圆玉润汤圆美,颗颗汤圆味道鲜。汤圆代表我心愿,全家幸福又平安。祝元宵节快乐无限!
  • 29、The fifteenth day of the yuanxiao, round the moon light is your bright future and red show is popular in your life, the taste of delicious eat yuanxiao is happiness。 Happy Lantern Festival, a happy life, all good will belong to you。
  • 30、家乡的月亮总比外面的圆,家乡的月饼总比外面的甜,中秋将至,不能回家团圆,给家乡的亲戚朋友送出我的祝福:中秋快乐!
  • 31、Fifteen month mid0autumn more round; Annual celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival, and nine years in the most joyous; With double festival blessing, koan kuomintang!
  • 正月十五闹元宵,圆圆的月亮照亮的是你光明的前程,大红的映照出的是你红红火火的生活,美味的元宵吃出的是幸福的滋味。快乐的元宵节,幸福的生活,美好的一切都将属于你。
  • 32、正月十五闹元宵,圆圆的月亮照亮的是你光明的前程,大红的映照出的是你红红火火的生活,美味的元宵吃出的是幸福的滋味。快乐的元宵节,幸福的生活,美好的一切都将属于你。
  • 33、儿子,谢谢你陪着妈妈一起成长成熟,因为有你,妈妈觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人,我希望你能快乐地成长,过上幸福的生活。
  • 34、I'm begin preparations for the company production of moon cakes。 Do skin with romantic; Do with sweet fillings; Happiness do egg king; People don't need more understand taste, best only have your a!

  • 35、Fifteen month mid0autumn more round; Annual celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival, and nine years in the most joyous; With double festival blessing, koan kuomintang!
  • 36、The fifteenth day of the moon is round, sincere blessing to send around; The fifteenth day of the glutinous sweet, I wish you the year of the rabbit is more rich; The fifteenth day of the show smiling face, happy long continous happiness; The fifteenth da
  • 37、Drive away the sadness of heart, bring sweet embrace; Expulsion of job is fatigue, let carefree to replace; Forget about the trouble of life, the good luck to spread。 I wishes for Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy, good dream!
  • 38、长长的距离,长长的线,连着长长的思念。远远的空间,久久的时间,剪不断远方的掂念!祝你生日快乐!
  • 39、A section of a red bean, I will let the moon with me during a full moon cakes! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 40、你的生命刚刚翻开了第一页,愿初升的太阳照耀你诗一般美丽的岁月。明天属于你们。
  • 41、宝贝。生日快乐。记住,你生命的每一次扬帆出海。我的祝福都会伴你同行!
  • 42、宝贝,你的生日就在今天,祝你可爱依旧,快乐多多!
  • 43、今天一整天,满脑子都是你的影子,不知你今天过的好不好!妈妈爸爸想你,今天更想!妈妈爸爸希望你努力,祝你今年如愿!
  • 44、长长的距离,长长的线,连着长长的思念。远远的空间,久久的时间,剪不断远方的掂念!祝你生日快乐!

    All be NenNen most sweet, smooth and soft and warm heart。 Glittering and translucent get rid of small balls, cooking Fried fragrance。 People see people love all mouth chan, reluctant to go back to see。 Only night festival taste, everybody the thumbs-up pr
  • 45、All be NenNen most sweet, smooth and soft and warm heart。 Glittering and translucent get rid of small balls, cooking Fried fragrance。 People see people love all mouth chan, reluctant to go back to see。 Only night festival taste, everybody the thumbs-up pr
  • 46、月儿圆,花儿香,保重身体要健康;鱼儿游,鸟儿叫,愿你天天哈哈笑;手中书,杯中酒,祝你好运天天有!欢乐多,忧愁少,祝元宵快乐,烦恼跑掉!
  • 47、儿子,谢谢你陪着妈妈一起成长成熟,因为有你,妈妈觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人,我希望你能快乐地成长,过上幸福的生活。
  • 48、长长的距离,长长的线,连着长长的思念。远远的空间,久久的时间,剪不断远方的掂念!祝你生日快乐!
  • 49、生日快乐!让我为你祝福,让我为你欢笑,因为在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝我的宝贝,生日快乐!
  • 50、让中秋月饼代表我的心,让你细细品味。让国庆明月代表我的心,让你永不忘情。
  • 51、Warlords bright moon when han guan, the melon seeds to eat dumplings。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet。 Listen to crosstalk watching movie, family were laughing。 Food and clothing live line is festival, beer and skittles yuanxiao。 Yuanx
  • 52、送你一个爱心汤圆,底层送一生平安,中间放无穷祝福,周围注满富贵吉利,上层铺满开心快乐加永远幸福!