
  • 1、Drizzle, quietly and silently falling, like countless silkworm mother out of silver. Tens of thousands of filaments, rippling in the air, fan fan long veil, covered with a black field.
  • 2、Rain down the grass stems roll down, a drop of drill into the earth, and a drop into the grass mouth, can not find.
  • 3、Because so much of the time we are all one people, so we have to love yourself。

  • 4、下雨天不戴帽临(淋)到头上
  • 5、下雨天放风筝湿骨头;实骨头;实骨子;湿骨子
  • The rain is getting bigger and bigger, more and more fierce. Looking out, I saw a world many misty.
  • 6、The rain is getting bigger and bigger, more and more fierce. Looking out, I saw a world many misty.
  • 7、串亲遇上下雨天人不留客天留客;人不留天留
  • 8、雨如万条银丝从天上飘下来,屋檐落下一排排水滴,像美丽的珠帘。窗外下着蒙蒙细雨,滴滴的小雨点,好像伴奏着一支小舞曲,我不禁被窗外的世界所**。
  • 9、I have no more words, just one to tell you: with you, you are everything; There is no right beside you, everything is you。
  • 10、如果没有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回忆。
  • 11、南风暖,北风寒,东风潮湿,西风干。
  • 12、东方打雷西方雨声东击西
  • 13、一连下了三月雨少晴;少情

  • 14、牵手是这个世界上最悲哀的动作,因为在下一刻,注定的是放手。
  • 15、下雨天不打伞吝啬;淋湿
  • 16、天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。
  • 17、清明前后一场雨,豌豆麦子中了举。
  • Spring is like silk, light and thin, like a wet smoke, no shape, is not to make a sound, gently moisten the earth.
  • 18、Spring is like silk, light and thin, like a wet smoke, no shape, is not to make a sound, gently moisten the earth.
  • 19、A man's brain like a woman's heart, but eyes like a woman's appearance。
  • 20、毛毛细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。
  • 21、不可思议的是,即使他令你心碎,你却依然用破碎的心爱着他。
  • 22、雨点像断了线的珠子,一滴一串地掉在雨水汇成的水洼上面。春雨纷纷,染绿了山,染绿了水,染绿了石板小路。
  • 23、I will never forget you, corner of the heart will always have your position。

  • 24、下雨天不带帽临(淋)到头上
  • 25、如果没有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回忆。
  • 26、下雨不戴帽儿淋到头上;轮到头上;临到我头上了;淋到我头上了
  • 27、雨后天更热,天晴信不得。
  • 28、高空中云集,嬉戏而下,咿咿呀呀,欢蹦乱跳地扑进大地母亲的怀抱。
  • 29、Incredibly, even if he break your heart, you still use broken love with him。
  • 一股雨水从天窗悄悄地爬进来,缓缓地蠕动着,在天花板上留下弯弯曲曲的足迹。
  • 30、一股雨水从天窗悄悄地爬进来,缓缓地蠕动着,在天花板上留下弯弯曲曲的足迹。
  • 31、像雾似的雨,像雨似的雾,丝丝缕缕缠绵不断。一霎时,雨点连成了线,哗的一声,大雨就像天塌了似的铺天盖地从天空中倾泻下来。
  • 32、Connecting rod is one of the world's most sad action, because the next moment, is doomed to let it go。
  • 33、Kind of loneliness is puzzling, there is no reason, no outlet。

  • 34、Incredibly, even if he break your heart, you still use broken love with him。
  • 35、天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。
  • 36、雨天晴,晚雨难晴。
  • 37、Rain down the grass stems roll down, a drop of drill into the earth, and a drop into the grass mouth, can not find.
  • 38、清明前后一场雨,豌豆麦子中了举。
  • 39、下雨天不带帽临(淋)到头上
  • 40、我永远都不会忘记你,心里的角落永远都有你的位置。
  • 41、雨点像断了线的珠子,一滴一串地掉在雨水汇成的水洼上面。春雨纷纷,染绿了山,染绿了水,染绿了石板小路。
  • 雷雨天下冰雹一落千丈
  • 42、雷雨天下冰雹一落千丈
  • 43、下雨天不打伞吝啬;淋湿

  • 44、雨打鸡啼卯,雨伞不离手。
  • 45、久雨絮云天,雨去晴在来。
  • 46、落雨头里推车子得涂;粘柁
  • 47、顶凌麦划耪,增温又保墒。
  • 48、When I want to say something, often also is my most silent。
  • 49、一阵太阳一阵雨,栽下黄秧吃白米。
  • 50、雨如万条银丝从天上飘下来,屋檐落下一排排水滴,像美丽的珠帘。窗外下着蒙蒙细雨,滴滴的小雨点,好像伴奏着一支小舞曲,我不禁被窗外的世界所**。