
  • 1、Once together moments, if the past fleeting years.
  • 2、我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。
  • 3、我爱的人我要亲手给她幸福别人我不放心。
  • 4、I love you from the beginning, check in.
  • 5、珍珠是贝一生的心疼,而你是我一世的牵挂。
  • 我的生活,在每个微笑里幸福。
  • 6、我的生活,在每个微笑里幸福。
  • 7、You are so pleasant that I don't love you.
  • 8、Don't lie to me. I'll be sad if you lie to me.
  • 9、一直冷待虚幻的爱情,一直以为自己不在意,只是因为你,我才身不由己;只是因为你,我才掉进爱的陷井!

  • 10、想你的心情实在没办法用一句话代替。
  • 11、Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe.
  • 12、自然醒,看云轻,心宁静,竟是悟得朝暮禅。阳光里,听小曲,风和煦,过往行人多善意。日复一日总是寻常,有三五知己,几盏淡酒,一方自在天地,便是人间难得的温暖。
  • 13、我最大的幸福就是,曾经遇见过我爱的人。
  • 14、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but being in love with you makes me happy.
  • 15、不要过于对我承诺,不要执意给我思念,尽避思念是一种美丽,承诺也不是无心,千万不能让我感觉你的淡薄。
  • 16、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。
  • 17、Flowers in first Century, love the heart of the sky.
  • 18、Ask you to be the treasure in my palm.
  • 19、陪你到你想去的地方,用心走完我们人生的余下的旅程。

  • 20、万物生长时,生便是道。人之初,性本善,善便是道。生不为其他,是本能。善不为其他,只为求自己心安,合眼之时能最终与自己和解。
  • 21、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。
  • 22、跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。
  • 23、不要过于对我承诺,不要执意给我思念,尽避思念是一种美丽,承诺也不是无心,千万不能让我感觉你的淡薄。
  • 24、不许骗我,如果你骗我我会很伤心的。
  • 25、你本无意穿堂风,偏偏孤倨引山洪。
  • 26、一面青丝,一面白首当夕阳西落,伊人独等君归来。短短人生几许?朝朝暮暮此生无憾!
  • 27、My love opens for you, like white lightning across the sky; my love for you, like red blood, full of body.
  • 28、1吃你的喝你的穿你的但绝不会抢你男人,愿意放假的时候找你逛街找你逛街聊聊天。
  • 29、自然醒,看云轻,心宁静,竟是悟得朝暮禅。阳光里,听小曲,风和煦,过往行人多善意。日复一日总是寻常,有三五知己,几盏淡酒,一方自在天地,便是人间难得的温暖。

  • 30、爱情不是索取,而是给予。
  • 31、It hurts just how outstanding.
  • 32、I can miss the sunrise, the afterglow of the sunset, I can miss, only you, I can not miss, you are my life without regret choice!
  • 33、Ice and snow can not cool my love for you, the typhoon blows away my yearning for you, the noise can not drown my voice to you, the dark can not cover my deep feelings for you.
  • It's not being in love that makes me happy, but being in love with you makes me happy.
  • 34、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but being in love with you makes me happy.
  • 35、The so-called love is just a funny game.
  • 36、人生的路很长很长,让我陪你一起走吧。我愿与你搭建一个属于我们自己的天空。
  • 37、珍珠是贝一生的心疼,而你是我一世的牵挂。
  • 38、什么时候你的岁数是我的两倍了,我就不爱了。
  • 39、You are the person I want to talk with most before I go to bed at night. I love this feeling.

  • 40、玫瑰,你的;巧克力,你的;钻戒,你的;你,我的。
  • 41、世界有爱才会温暖,世界有爱才会有依靠,世界有你才会温馨,愿你能和我一路同行,做一对幸福的路人。
  • 42、初遇公子便好生喜欢,虽然仅仅只是一眼,再遇公子,已是四月,梨花一夜开尽长安城,公子可知我情深,小女子不才,不曾为青梅竹马,错过情窦初开。到如今,只想与你两鬓斑白。
  • 43、Ice and snow can not cool my love for you, the typhoon blows away my yearning for you, the noise can not drown my voice to you, the dark can not cover my deep feelings for you.
  • 44、地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。
  • 45、纵然相思入骨,纵然万劫不复,我也只愿你,眉眼如初,风华如故。
  • 46、永远在不到饭点的时候说:我饿了!
  • 47、风卷万里,山河波澜,四海为家。向天再借一场亘古风色,借一场日月壮丽,一场天地让步,一场黑白分明。与万物比诗篇,你为绝色。
  • Once together moments, if the past fleeting years.
  • 48、Once together moments, if the past fleeting years.
  • 49、故人心未变,花丛懒回顾,如若初见,心不为你停留,只为你跳动。

  • 50、You are so pleasant that I don't love you.
  • 51、The road of life is very long, let me accompany you to go together. I would like to build a sky of our own with you.
  • 52、You are the person I want to talk with most before I go to bed at night. I love this feeling.
  • 53、你是我猝不及防的心动,你是我始料未及的惊鸿
  • 54、我想要和你一起慢慢变老。
  • 55、Don't lie to me. I'll be sad if you lie to me.