
  • 1、Last night I had a mosquito to find you, let it tell you that I miss you, and please it for me to kiss you, if you ask how much I miss you? If you ask how much I love you? Look, bag stands for my heart。
  • 2、In life there are too many not necessarily, but there must be a certain!
  • 3、Only, can be known. Pride hurts, modesty benefits. Full will overflow, arrogant losing.
  • 4、Good q, do only a fool for five minutes; He who is ashamed of asking questions, lifetime for a fool.
  • 5、冬天太冷了,手指都僵了,我的身体冬眠了,可心儿却醒着,它要我告诉你:我想你了!我是炽热的,可以温暖你,来我的身边,让我抱抱你。
  • Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 6、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 7、如果有来世,我不希望再遇到你,别着急,听我说完!我希望变成你的眼睛,变成你身上任何一部分,这样我就可以时刻和你在一起了!
  • 8、勤奋是开启知识大门的一把金钥匙。
  • 9、Is not a mountain, but need to climb is life; Is not deep, but is we need to overcome yourself.

  • 10、Each person's heart is full of the devil, learn to control him.
  • 11、Calm down and do what you should do well, the good work!
  • 12、Adversity is a road to truth.
  • 13、有什么样的想法就有什么样的未来;有什么样的观念就有什么样的结果。
  • 14、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。
  • 15、Beauty is not appear in the mirror, but in others' eyes.
  • 16、青年最主要的任务是学习。
  • 17、I never meet you, you never know me。 This is the fate coincidence。 I meet with you together。 Isn't love in the steep cliff, but happiness is in your my fingertips。 Behind the screen, you know I miss you in?
  • 18、Only, can be known. Pride hurts, modesty benefits. Full will overflow, arrogant losing.
  • 不是山,却需要攀登的是人生;不是渊,却需要跨越的是自己。


  • 20、No need to rush, who is coming will come, at the right time, and for the people, because of the reason.
  • 21、Diligence is the a golden key to knowledge.
  • 22、人生有太多的不一定,但一定会有一个一定的!
  • 23、你我的相知是缘分,你我的相恋是情分。对你的爱无需太多的语言,因为缘分早已经将你我相牵。亲爱的这一生,惟愿今生能够与你相依相偎到永远!
  • 24、Soft sand are most likely to leave footprints. Tantalum is also the most easy to erase the tide.
  • 25、我们这支球队就是为了要夺取总冠军而存在的。
  • 26、Life is so short, we have what reason not happy!
  • 27、松软的沙滩上最容易留下脚印。钽也最容易被潮水抹去。
  • 28、信心是命运的主宰。
  • 29、Remember the original dream? Efforts to it for you.

  • 30、勤奋是开启知识大门的一把金钥匙。
  • 31、人生那么短,我们有什么理由不快乐!
  • 信心是命运的主宰。
  • 32、信心是命运的主宰。
  • 33、Good q, do only a fool for five minutes; He who is ashamed of asking questions, lifetime for a fool.
  • 34、We this team is to win a championship.
  • 35、Remember the original dream? Efforts to it for you.
  • 36、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 37、Youth's main task is to learn.
  • 38、不要只因一次失败,就放弃像原来决心想达到的目的。
  • 39、Only to find a successful way not excuses for failure.

  • 40、人生有太多的不一定,但一定会有一个一定的!
  • 41、Adhere to the correct method will be successful in the end, insist error method will fail it.
  • 42、松软的沙滩上最容易留下脚印。钽也最容易被潮水抹去。
  • 43、I never meet you, you never know me。 This is the fate coincidence。 I meet with you together。 Isn't love in the steep cliff, but happiness is in your my fingertips。 Behind the screen, you know I miss you in?
  • 44、初恋是初开的花朵,浓郁芬芳。使人终身回味初恋的甜蜜和**。
  • Threesome, thus also. Their good qualities and from, its shortcomings are to be no.
  • 45、Threesome, thus also. Their good qualities and from, its shortcomings are to be no.
  • 46、In the past all the efforts and sweat, is tomorrow's success opportunity and capital.
  • 47、Threesome, thus also. Their good qualities and from, its shortcomings are to be no.
  • 48、Adhere to the correct method will be successful in the end, insist error method will fail it.
  • 49、读书勿求多,岁月既积,卷帙自富。

  • 50、First love is open flowers, rich fragrance. Make the person aftertaste the sweetness of love and passion for life.
  • 51、We this team is to win a championship.