2023-05-14 04:33:19
- 1、深浅不一的印记,付之一笑的回忆。
- 2、分了就是分了,不存在什么对不对得起,就当风没吹过,你没来过。
- 3、One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality.
- 4、姐从来不说人话,姐一直说的是神话。
- 5、I will be the lonely feed, warm you again.
- 6、多想对你说声你不要走,但是我知道你已决意要走。
- 7、Most afraid of the world to find times but found no one.
- 8、慢慢地拆下伤心的眼泪,却怎么也抹不去爱的记忆。
- 9、时到,花自开。你只要努力了,花迟早会盛开的。
10、Don't shoot my heart, it's still in your heart!
- 11、I don't say, you don't understand, we pretend, this is our distance.
- 12、办不到的承诺就成了枷锁,现实中幸福永远缺货。
- 13、心情不好就去学校门口踢自行车,踢一辆倒一排。
- 14、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
- 15、我的幸福很简单,就是每天睡觉前你对我说的晚安,因为那是从你口中说出来的。
- 16、You accompany me to stage a comeback, I let you mother instrument.
- 17、我把你当成生命的全部,但我在你的世界里却找不到自己存在的踪迹。
- 18、Time is so precious, just us.
- 19、You're not good at sweet words, but the way you hug me is deeper than anyone.
- 21、如果雨能淋湿记忆,我愿在雨中蹉跎。
- 22、他说:以后我们是陌生人。我答:我们一直都不熟。
- 23、I do not hate you, because I do not want to remember you.
- 24、无论我怎样爱你,都阻挡不了你那颗变异的心。
- 25、把思念藏在心间,任季风渐瘦了容颜。
- 26、我庆幸在那年遇到了你,也难过在那年遇到了你。
- 27、Your words are so sweet or sweet, occasionally.
- 28、You accompany me to stage a comeback, I let you mother instrument.
- 29、晚风的声音,带走你曾经的曾经。
30、Time is not to let people forget the pain, but people get used to the pain.
- 31、关系就像一张纸,破碎了,再怎么拼凑都有裂痕。
- 32、I want to give you a hug, give you a pair of warm hands.
- 33、To learn how to dress yourself, happy, only to cherish their own people to get other people's value.
- 34、每一次电话铃声响起,我都想象着能够听到你的声音,但可惜每次都不是。
- 35、Obviously very simple, why think of the complex.
- 36、你陪我东山再起,我让你母仪天下。
- 37、I always remember that I loved you, even though I was just a passing traveller.
- 38、风愈静,夜更深,小月寒窗,谁人愁伴眠。帘上絮,残烛光,谁念昔年,伤心别离事,却把惆怅掩门落碧轩。
- 39、我喜欢你,我会想你的。早点回来,我等你!
- 41、Most afraid of the world to find times but found no one.
- 42、I'm not hysterical. I just catch up.
- 43、愿得一人心,白首不相离!
- 44、关系就像一张纸,破碎了,再怎么拼凑都有裂痕。
- 45、多看娱乐可以让自己思维更活跃,注意要跟上潮流。
- 46、姐从来不说人话,姐一直说的是神话。
- 47、Sometimes, fall in love with a person's reason, is also leave a person's reason.
- 48、Don't see a love one, love too much, your love will depreciate.
- 49、今世我为你沉沦,几度轮回后,我们再相爱好吗?
50、Memories can not be involved in our past, time light scattered us now.
- 51、别人一夸我,我就担心,担心别人夸得不够。
- 52、除了初恋,我们每个人都是第三者。
- 53、The reason why people can, is to believe that.